Status: One-shot. Complete.

I'll Take You Out


Caden sat motionless on his sofa, head propped up by his hands as he stared at the wall. Today was his 18th birthday, and the only person he cared about spending it with was nowhere to be seen. Nowhere at all. This person was his boyfriend James, and they’d been together for nearly a year now – surely James wouldn’t have forgotten?!

Caden looked up at the clock on the wall. 12.00 exactly. Letting out a soft sigh, Caden returned his gaze to the wall. His parents were out, James wasn’t answering his cellphone, and all his friends had plans already. Happy fucking birthday to him. Caden was so wrapped up in his thoughts that he didn’t hear his front door opening. His front door was always unlocked when there was at least one person home.

“Babe, what are you doing?” a voice laughed.

Caden slowly turned his head, smiling weakly when he saw James.

“Nothing,” Caden shrugged.

“Then come on, we’re going for a drive. It’s a nice night out,” James grinned.

“It’s also my birthday,” Caden mumbled.

“What?” James asked, not hearing his boyfriend.

“Nothing. Let’s just go,” Caden sighed, smoothing down his black t-shirt over his grey ripped skinny jeans.

James bit his bottom lip to conceal his smile and picked up Caden’s house keys for him. In silence the two of them walked to James’ beat-up Chevy truck and got in, remaining silent as James started the engine and backed out of the driveway.

“So where are we driving to?” Caden asked quietly.

“Eh, you’ll see,” James said simply.

Caden sighed and ran his fingers through his dark fringe, sadness starting to eat at him. Was he really that worthless? Did no-one care about him that much that they would forget his birthday? After 15 minutes of silent moping, Caden realized that James had pulled to a stop, and had cut the engine.

“Let’s go for a walk,” James suggested.

Caden just nodded and got out the car, pushing his sunglasses over his eyes to block the sun. He squeaked as James picked him up, but moved so he was looking at James, and so his legs were wrapped around James’ waist.

“What are you doing?” Caden asked, confused.

“I want to hold you and look at you at the same time,” James smiled sweetly.

Caden blushed but laughed, burying his face in the crook of James’ neck and holding onto James' blue and white plaid shirt. James put his hands under Caden’s ass to keep him in place and started walking, goosebumps spreading over his skin at the feeling of Caden’s hot breath on his neck.

“Where are you taking me?” Caden mumbled against his boyfriend’s flesh.

“Not very far,” James said vaguely.

Caden just sighed and closed his eyes. He might as well take advantage of being as close to James as possible while he could. After about 10 minutes of walking, James came to a stop.

“Here we are,” James grinned.

He put Caden on the floor, and Caden turned around, only to drop his jaw.


The two boys were standing in a massive clearing in the park, filled with all their friends as well as other people from school. There was a make-shift stage set-up with a massive banner at the top saying ‘Happy birthday Caden!’. Caden felt his eyes spring with tears and he turned back round to face James.

“You did all this for me?” Caden gasped.

“Of course I did, babe, it’s your 18th birthday. And besides, I love you, you know that,” James laughed.

Caden just squealed and pressed a quick kiss to his boyfriend’s lips, before turning back around. James just smiled, pressing a kiss to Caden’s neck as he slid his arms round his waist from behind. As one of the four most popular local bands walked on stage, Caden held on tighter to James’ hands.

“Alright, let’s get this birthday concert started!”

It was long past 6pm when James and Caden were finally walking home. The daylight was just starting to fade, but Caden still had his sunglasses on. Caden bit his lip as he pulled James to a stop at the edge of the park, holding both his hands.

“What’s wrong?” James frowned.

“I want to say something,” Caden said quietly.

James frowned a little more, but just nodded.

“I-I thought you’d forgotten my birthday,” Caden whispered.

James took a few seconds to realize that Caden wasn’t joking, and burst into laughter. Caden’s eyebrows shot up, and he pouted.

“This isn’t funny!” Caden insisted.

“I-I’m sorry, but it is f-funny. How could y-you think I could f-forget your birthday?” James choked between laughs.

Caden blushed lightly and buried his face in James’ chest. But James cupped Caden’s face with his hands and lifted it back up, resting their foreheads together.

“I could never forget your birthday. Ever. You’re the most important person in my life, Caden,” James said firmly, smiling.

“You mean that?” Caden asked softly, looking up in James’ eyes.

“With all my heart,” James nodded.

A wide smile spread across Caden’s lips, and he could think of only one thing to do. He leant his head up and slowly kissed James, a slow sweet kiss that send shivers down both their bodies, despite the heat of July. The innocent embrace carried on for a minute or two, before James broke away, needing to breathe.

“Happy birthday, Caden,” James murmured.

“And what a birthday it’s been,” Caden giggled.
♠ ♠ ♠
Here's my entry.
A whole lotta fluff and a happy ending.
Who doesn't love that?
Enjoy and comment!