Status: Updates will be slow as I intend on enjoying my holiday.

Mortal Pet, Immortal Master.


Unknown P.O.V

It was working, a few more weeks and it would be mine. She would be mine. I just had to wait, after all a few weeks were nothing compared to the grand scheme of things.

“Sir,” someone called out. “Sir, sir.”

I turned around, scowl covering my face. “What?”

“It’s not much sir, but I believe I have something you may want,” the young boy called out.

“And you would know what I want, would you?” I question, my dark humour coming into play.

“Well if it’s concerning A–”

“Don’t you dare speak that name.” I hissed. Who did this person think he was?

“Right, yes. Sorry sir,” he continued. “But about that offer, I can make things a hell of a lot easier for you.”

I contemplated the idea for a moment. He knew what I wanted, he had enough backbone to say it and was cheap. All ideas looked favourable to him.

“Sure, you’re in, kid.”

“I’m eighteen,” he responded, grinning.

Ayesha’s P.O.V:

Perfect. Perfect! Me, he said I was perfect. Me? I couldn’t comprehend the idea; it was too out there, too barbaric, preposterous even. I didn’t even look that much better. Kayla had refused to put this liquid called foundation on my face; she also refused to paint my lips.

Even so, I couldn’t be perfect, could I? I just didn’t understand, but I knew that I liked it.

“So Aaron, how are you holding up?” A voice asked. I turned to see a women standing at the door, she was strangely familiar. Her face was all sharp angles and plains, her nose straight her glasses sliding down it. All in all she wasn’t ugly nor beautiful – but achingly familiar.

“I have made arrangements for your father’s funeral, Ryan has helped me greatly,” she continued.

“Ryan. Come here a moment, I’m sure you shall want to meet someone,” she said when her eyes fell upon me. They weren’t malicious or threatening – they were filled with warmth and a slight affection. When ‘Ryan’ came into the room I gasped. His long brown hair was tied back into a lose ponytail, his beautiful grey eyes widening as they saw me.

“How?” He asked simply, running towards me, picking me up and spinning me around like he used to do back when I was a small toddler. “How is this possible? I thought I’d never see you again.”

“I thought I’d never see you again either. I was so worried, I-I feared the worst.” I said, trying desperately not to stutter – the way he taught me so long ago. His grip on me tightened, though it wasn’t painful – he knew how weak I was and how strong he was even when we were in the cells.

It was the happiest day of my whole entire life.

Aarons P.O.V:

Who was this man, and why was he touching Ayesha? More importantly why did she let him? She wasn’t even scared of him. I really wanted to just rip his hands off her, but I didn’t.

“So, Ayesha, who is this?” Jake asked calmly.

The man holding her let go, though a second later one hand snaked it’s way around her waist. She looked up at him adoringly. I was so angry I was about to go ballistic, if not for the fact that I wanted to hear the answer I might have done.

“Well, I am her best friend. We met when she was just a little baby, the slave dealers had just captured her then. I practically raised her, and taught her all; I knew.” He looked up, finally, from Ayesha’s eyes to mine.

“We have never been split up before but I made her a promise, one I intend to keep.”

“Yeah, and what would that promise be?” I taunted.

“That I would protect her from anyone who harms her in any way shape or form. I tried to do that with the slave dealers, but, well… that didn’t turn out so well,” he paused. “For either of us.”

I was about ready to blow. All this time I have tried to get her to trust me and then here comes along some old friend who I can’t even begin to compete with. It was infuriating.

“Aaron, I think you should let the two catch up, don’t cha think?” Madame Iriel asked. I looked over to Ayesha, she was looking back at me, her eyes deep pools of pleading and fear that I wouldn’t let her. I was sure my eyes were just as expressive as she shrunk back, into Ryan’s arms, afraid of my anger.

I sighed, following Madame out the door. I hated it when she would do that, shrink away from me; it made me feel like a monster. Even worse that she had to shrink into another man’s arms.

“Look Aaron,” Madame said, rounding on me. “I don’t know what your problem is with Ryan, but I have to tell you – it’s not important. What is important is the fact that we need to perfect your coronation ceremony, you need to have a funeral for your father and you need to pick out a wife.”

I balked.

Ayesha’s P.O.V:

“Ryan,” I said again. I finally knew his name, I couldn’t believe it – me and him, finally together and with names.

“Ayesha,” he scolded jokingly. “How many times are you going to say it?”

“A-At least a few more times,” I said, he frowned at the stuttering and I cringed. I knew he wasn’t going to hurt me but my instincts kicked in. I looked up to his eyes and wondered what he has done since I saw him last.

Before Ryan was sold he had dirt and grime covering every part of his body, and as the slave traders wanted to save materials the men were only allowed to wear shorts – the women skirts and a bra. So seeing him in clothes was shocking – let alone nice ones.

“What has happened here?” He asked. “What has he done to you?” I looked down, how could I tell him without making my master seem like a monster, but I had to tell him – maybe then he would take me with him.

“W-Well, u-uh,” I stuttered, not noticing the tears brewing in my eyes until they fell onto my cheeks. “I wa-was so scared. I-I thou-thought I would d-d-die,” I felt so stupid, if my master heard this he would surely tell me that.

I heard Ryan growl and I flinched; it had always scared me when he got mad. When I was little they used to starve Ryan so that he would bite me and drink my blood – he had always tried not to but…

“I will make him pay,” Ryan said with conviction. “How dare he hurt you.”

I shook my head. “Y-You ca-an’t,” I whispered. “He’s the price.”

“That doesn’t matter to me, petal,” Ryan said soothingly, using my old pet name. “So tell me, from the moment I left – tell me what happened.”

So I did.

Aaron’s P.O.V:

“A wife, Madame, are you kidding me?” I questioned.

“No, I am not, and do not be fooled boy, if I have to I shall arrange it myself,” she smiled evilly. “I already have a sweet young girl in mind.”


“That is for me to know, and for you to find out,” she paused. “Though sadly I must give you time to find yourself a bride.” Madame opened the door to her office. “Now, enough about brides, we have to plan your father’s funeral.” She said flippantly – as if it was an everyday thing. Though for her it probably was, being as old as she was.

“Can’t you just plan it?” I mumbled, not wanting to be here. I wanted Ayesha but she was in the arms of another. “I, I just can’t do this now.” She nodded solemnly.

“I take it you’ll want to say a few words, a very few words and will his ashes go anywhere in particular?” She asked.

I nodded, “Into the sea, with mum’s.”

Walking out of her room and into the gardens I just sat. I didn’t know what was happening – one moment I was fine and happy the next I was sitting here, wanting to hold someone morning the loss of my father. It just was too much and I couldn’t even grant him the, the gift of seeing his last wish working.

I was a horrible son, I didn’t even deserve to say something at his funeral, and he probably wouldn’t even want me to anyway. I looked up to my room – the fact that I could see Ayesha talking animatedly with her friend, not having a care at all made me crack – I couldn’t do this on my own not now, not ever. I needed someone and no one was here.

I let a few tears slide down my cheek and I rubbed them away angrily. But more came taking their place and I just couldn’t be bothered any more – there was no point in even trying.

I don’t know how long I sat there crying, it must have been a few hours at least until I heard anyone near me. My tears by now were flowing at an expediential rate but I neither cared nor noticed until that person came closer.

It was Ayesha, the smell of her blood alerted me to the fact but I did not call out to her. She was trying to find me – that much I could tell. When she finally did finally find me she paused.

Looking up into her green eyes I could tell she was awaiting instruction, my instructions. I didn’t even bother trying to smile, I just patted the earth besides me.

She hesitantly walked up to me and sat, I could hear the beating of her heart as she did – she was still afraid of me. Groaning I threw my arms around her and sobbed, at first she didn’t know what to do but she eventually placed a soft warm hand on my back.

Ayesha’s P.O.V:

It scared me, my master was sobbing uncontrollably and on me to, latching on in a painful way – but I didn’t mind. He was threatening to squeeze my torso and I tried to hold in the whimper and succeeded, though my breathing picked up its pace. Mentally I scolded my self – I had seen his break down from the window and had rushed out to help and now, here I was not helping.

Swallowing my fear and replaying the tips Ryan had taught me in my mind, I placed my hand on his back, hoping it would suffice. I didn’t really know what to say, but I remembered my master saying sweet things to me when I was upset. I tried to remember some of them and came up with a sentence in my mind.

“I-It’s g-g-going to be alr-right, sweetheart.” I crooned hoping that was an adequate response. My master sniffled and looked up, I flinched – the anger in his eyes told me it was wrong.

As I began to apologise, master tightened his grip and picked me up. I gasped, he was surely going to hurt me now. I whimpered in his tight grasp and he smiled down at me.

“You finally came,” he snarled, his voice rough from sobbing but still petrifying. “Why did you even bother? WHY?” He shouted, kicking his bedroom door open. I began to cry, I was so confused – isn’t that what I was meant to do?

My master threw me on the bed and jumped down on top of me. I was in for it now, sobs rocked my body, my tears clouded up my vision and my left burning trails on my cheeks. My master just held himself over me, not even hurting me – just staring down at me intensely. I couldn’t look into his eyes – I was afraid of what I would see there, afraid of seeing the anger, the disgust, the blank hatred.

“Look at me.” He growled through his teeth. I couldn’t I just couldn’t. I began to shake, he was surely going to hit me if I didn’t but it would be better then seeing the hatred. I just tried to help.

“I said look at me.” One hand reached out and grabbed my chin forcefully, I let out a whimper. I was pathetic not perfect – he had lied to me. Lifting my face to his I shut my eyes and my master let go. I tensed, thinking he was about to hit me but I never felt the blow.

Instead my master collapsed beside me on the bed, letting out a half groan half sigh. With one hand he grabbed my waist, turning me so that I was facing him, the other hand was placed on my back forcing me into his chest, efficiently hugging my tightly to him. I was slowly being crushed, maybe this was my punishment, or maybe he was going to do something to me afterwards.

“Why, why did you come for me? I’m not worth it,” my master said, kissing my forehead. I felt his tears run onto my face, burning me where they touched.