Status: Updates will be slow as I intend on enjoying my holiday.

Mortal Pet, Immortal Master.


Aaron’s P.O.V:

I was trying to calm Jake down; otherwise I would have a lot on my hands. He thought I would actually go all the way and take her dignity away – not that slaves have much dignity in the first place.

“Listen, Jake, it was only kissing and perhaps a little… touching.” I mumbled the last word, now realizing how distraught she would actually be. I had gone up and down her body; that would have terrified her especially if she was scared of me even without me close to her.

Jake sighed looking in my eyes and at my now horrified face. “Okay, alright. I get it, you were trying to calm down, I understand. Just, just don’t do it like that again.” He said as if he had given in. I nodded. “I’ll help her.”

“No, Jake, go to rest, I’ll handle her. I need to do it. I need to say sorry.” I said, regretting my sudden outburst; what if it didn’t work and this time she didn’t forgive me? I would just keep trying, that was my nature – to never give up.

I stood there watching Jake go to his room, making sure he did. I then, after I was 100% sure, opened the door to our room. She was out, I let out the breathe I had been inadvertently holding. I would deal with it tomorrow.

Walking over to her I slipped off the shirt I was wearing and put it on her, trying not to look. She had no clue how beautiful or how fragile she really was to me and to this world. I was pretty sure one word could break her, ‘actions speak louder then words’ that phrase ran through my head, reminding me of what I had done. I had acted and spoken, I felt sick; would she think that this was me – the real me. I hoped not.

I wanted to wake her up and explain it all, but then again I wanted to put it off until the morrow. The urge to wake her – to touch her – was strong though, strong enough to overtake my other, patient side. I grabbed her shoulders and shook her, gently. But by the way she woke up immediately I knew that I had been rougher then intended.

Her eyes found mine and she froze. Green eyes, like fresh grass, where wide and fearful, I felt as though a stake had been plunged through me. Stupid human – now I was feeling emotions for something. I could hear her breathing pick up, and her eyes became watery still transfixed on mine. Stupid, stupid, stupid human girl. What have you done? I let go of her shoulders and slid away from her.

“I’m sorry. I, I didn’t mean to get so carried away.” I confessed to her, still staring intently in her eyes. I don’t think she really heard me or understood or cared to. “Just go to sleep. I’ll leave if you want me to.” I said, looking down, I had scared her too much I would never get the throne at this rate.

She just turned away and curled up in a ball. Breaking eye contact and any link we could’ve had. I could hear her crying and I couldn’t do anything about it. Urghh I felt so useless, something I had never felt before.

Ayesha’s P.O.V:

I woke up the next morning to sunlight. And yelling. It sounded like Jake and my master, they where scaring me. Yelling would mean anger and anger would mean taking it out on me. I Shut my eyes and prepared for them to walk through the door and start letting there anger out on me.

“That’s it I’m taking her. No you can’t do anything about it.” Said Jake, bursting through the door.

“I can’t let you do that,” My master said. “She is my responsibility, not yours.” He sounded pissed.

“Hey, Ayesha. Would you like to come and live with me?” Jake asked. How did they know I was awake?

“No, Ayesha you are not to go with him.” My master said. I opened my eyes to look at what they were doing. My master was glaring at Jake and Jake was looking at me.

I was scared. I wanted to live with Jake but if my master said no then I couldn’t do anything. But my master scares me. I looked up at my master again. He was staring at me now, his eyes piercing my own and I couldn’t move.

“Ayesha, my father is dead,” My master said slowly. “And Jake thinks that I will take my… my pain out on you. But I want you to be always near me as was my fathers wish. The only thing can do for him.” He paused to come closer to me, blocking out everything else. “You will stay with me, won’t you?” He said, making it not a question at all – the fire in his eyes proving the point. I nodded, to scared to do anything else.

My master smiled at me, a smile that was full of bitter-sweet emotions. “Good girl, I’ll leave you here with Jake and he will take care of you until I come back.” I nodded again and he was out the room in a heartbeat.

After a few minutes of silence I decided to ask Jake something. “S-sir?”

“Ayesha, sweetie, just call me Jake” He cut in.

“What ha-happened to h-h-him? A-and the f-f-father?”

Aarons P.O.V:

“Well, as you know, Aaron and his father are royalty. Now when his father went away it was to strike a deal with the other royals of another country but on the way back an assassin was sent to kill the King and the prince – Aaron and his father – but they did not know that Aaron was here in the palace.” Jake explained to Ayesha.

“B-but didn’t the-they know? I m-mean, couldn’t th-th-they h-hear him?” She said, her voice sweet and innocent. But she was the killer – if only I had gone with my father none of this would have happened. I could have saved him, I would have heard them – but she had to be scared and such a stupid human.

“Well, sweetie,” Every time Jake called the monster that, I wanted to puke. “The King was old and rusty in his ways. His hearing wasn’t as good as Aarons or mine when he was killed.” I couldn’t hear enough, I had to go sort out the court.

When Jake said ‘They’ve come’ he meant the court or otherwise known as my relatives who will do anything to get the throne. I hated them and they hated me. It was how it went in royalty.

When I arrived in the library I thought of Ayesha’s face, how sweet it was but then I remembered what she did and shut that image out.

“Ahh, Aaron darling. I haven’t seen you in such a long time. You know the throne is yours now?” My auntie said in her sickly sweet voice. I was in for a long night.

"Hello Auntie, it's been to long." I said faking my sincere tone.

"Why yes it has Aaron. And it seem's that you have forgotten your manners. Your father always was an idiot, could never care for a son. Let alone a kingdom!" She said, all pretend animosity gone. This was how the rest of my evening went. Everybody berrating me on my father, and me, well I planned ways to punish Ayesha for what she did.

Ayesha’s P.O.V:

It had been hours since my master left me with Jake and I liked it. Jake was nice – he even gave me some food with out beating me before I could eat it. It was the nicest food I have ever tasted in my life. But although all that was true he must have a reason for doing this, he can’t just be a nice vampire.

When Jake left for a minute I found an object. It was shiny and cold, it looked so pretty though. I was sitting on the floor playing with it when I heard breathing behind me. I tensed up.

“Hello sweetie.” My master said. I could tell something was wrong. He sounded angry, worse then angry and sad very sad.

Aaron’s P.O.V:

I hated her, she ruined everything. She killed my father and I will do everything I can to make her life hell. Starting now.

I Yanked her up and pushed her into the wall next to me, where there was shackles and tools. I grabbed her hands, not caring if I crushed the bones or not, and tied them to the wall. Now she will get it.

I Began throwing punches, left right and centre, enjoying her small noises of pain whenever I hit her. Grabbing her chin, I forced her to look into my eyes. “You killed him. It was you, all your fault.” I screamed at her, enjoying the way her eyes swam with tears. The salty liquid mixing with blood as it fell down her cheek and dripped onto my ruined shirt that I gave her.

“Pl-pl-please do-don’t. I-I-I don-don’t kno-ow what y-you me-me-mean.” She sobbed. The little liar.

“Have I ever told you that I hate liars? Because I think I told you to never do it again.” I roared.

This was it, sweet little Ayesha was going down. I un-shackled her wrists and turned her around, rather roughly. She let out a gasp of pain, lovely. I did not want to see her face, and whipping is better when one whips their back. Like my father used to when he hated humans. He said it was the worst times of his life, but I couldn’t agree with him more.

I looked over to her. She was shaking with fear, it was driving me on. Whip her, whip her. Draw blood, you know you want to. My head said. I lashed out, the whip making a cracking noise, heightening my excitement.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, I have to admit not the best in the world and the spacing on my computer is out of whack.