Status: Updates will be slow as I intend on enjoying my holiday.

Mortal Pet, Immortal Master.


Ayesha’s P.O.V:

What was he doing? I didn’t want to know, I just want to get out of here, I want to go home, not even the guards beat me this hard. I could feel all the cuts and bruises on my body, but what was worse was that there was more to come. More pain, more suffering. I didn’t want to die, but it seems like the only option left.

But then I felt it, the whip. The pain was unbearable, it felt like someone had come along and clawed out a chunk of me skin. He whipped me again. This time I cried out in pain. He whipped me again, harder screaming something at me, but I couldn’t hear, I didn’t want to. Maybe death was finally taking me.

Aaron’s P.O.V:

My father would never do this, my mother hated violence and Jake would kill me. My father, my dad, the one who was always telling me off for some reason. I was a disappointment, even when he was in his grave I still disappointed him. I stoped swinging the whip at her.

“Aye-sha?” I asked, surprised when my voice broke. “Ayesha, wa-ake up.” I called, moving closer to the wall. Her eyes where closed, she wasn’t moving. Was she….. dead?

I released her from the restraints on the wall and pulled her close to me. She was so small, that it felt like I had done this all to a child, an anorexic child. I was a monster. I could hear a heartbeat coming from her chest. She was alive! And that made me feel so much better, yet worse. I would have to face her in the morning. Taking her little form to my bead, I turned her over so her head was facing downwards.

I took off her clothes – not looking at her – and began licking her whip wounds on her back so that no more blood would pour out. Vampire saliva could seal up wounds, better the bandages or stitches, but it couldn’t heal them. Right now I wished it could heal wounds, on the heart and on the body.

Getting up, I got her one of my smallest shirts and undressed her. The damaged I had done to her…… it made me feel sick. She was bluish purple everywhere, and cuts ran up and down her fragile body as if the were rain drops.

I quickened my pace as I put my shirt on her. I didn’t want to see what I had done. Gently laying beside her, I hugged her to me, being extra careful of how tight I was holding her.

Ayesha’s P.O.V:

I was waking up, slowly. I could feel all the pains, flooding back to me, all the fear and then something else. An arm was wrapped around me, two were. My breathing quickened. It was my master, it had to be. I was going to get my punishment, maybe he wanted me awake for it all, so he could see the look in my eyes as he killed me.

His grip tightened, and I whimpered. He was crushing me, slowly and painfully. I opened my eyes and there he was, right next to me, but he looked like he was crying. It was probably just a game, so I froze, pretending to be asleep.

Goodbye world. I am sorry I never really got to see you. Take good care of my friend. I said in my head, a tear leaking out of my closed eye. He would never see me again, and I didn’t even know his name.

The sound of my master sniffling made my eyes shoot open. Maybe he wasn’t pretending, maybe he wanted someone to comfort him. He did loose his father. So I decided to do the only thing I could do.

Aaron’s P.O.V:

I felt a small, shaking hand on my shoulder. Ayesha’s hand. She was comforting me! Me, of all things. I tormented her, I beat her I made her do things she would never want to do, and she was comforting the monster. That made me cry even harder, although this time it was with joy.

“It’ll b-be al-al-alright, ma-master. I pro-prom-mise.” She stuttered, her sweet little voice sounding terrified. I opened my eyes to look at her and she began to pull her hand back. “S-s-sorry, mas-t-ter.” She said, fear over ruling any other emotion in her eyes.

“I’m the one who should be sorry.” I whispered, holding her tighter to me. She whimpered, what was I doing wrong? Her eyes, the beautiful green orbs, filled up with unshed tears.

“Ayesha, darling, what am I doing wrong?” I asked her. She looked up at me, the tears spilling out now, in disbelief. Her eyes left mine for a seconded and diverted her focus to my arms around her waist. I was holding to tight. I smiled at her and let her go, she scooted as far away from me as she could on this bed. Like she should, I was a monster, and I still am cause I wanted her in my arms, where I knew she would be the most scared.

I was truly sick, but I just wanted to see her smiling and laughing. “I suppose you are hungry?” I asked, still using a very gentle tone. Obviously that was something I shouldn’t have said for she froze up. Her eyes showing how scared she was. But then she looked down.

“Ayesha, sweetie, look at me. I just want to know if you are hungry, or thirsty. I will not hurt you. I promise.” I said forcing her chin up with my fingers. She nodded.
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Aaron is a tad bit bi-polar i know.