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Let It Rain

Guilty feelings

I was really confused when I woke up. I remembered pain and blacking out at the tunnels but now I was in a white room. When my eyes focused I saw Colby hovering over me grinning like crazy. This just made me more confused, why was he here after he was so mad at me for leaving? Where is here anyways?

You in the Institute's infirmary. Of course Demitry would have the answers.

"You're alive." Why did he seem so surprised? I only passed out.

I saw Quin run into the room and stand beside me. He gaped at me and I frowned at the tears on his face.

"How come you're crying and why aren't you in the hospital?" In the state he was in he shouldn't have been out for a few days but besides the walking cast and the fading bruises he looked fine.

"Mel I've been out of the hospital since yesterday and I was crying because I thought you were going to die." Since yesterday? But that means I've been out for at least a day. What the hell happened to me and why did he think I was going to die.

Quin came over to me and hugged me. It stung and I winced a bit and Colby saw. He gently pulled Quin off of me just as the other guys walked in. Miles looked depressed but he gave me a sad smile. Oliver walked over and held my hand. "How ya feeling kiddo?" What's this? Oliver's voice is raspy and his eyes are red, has he been crying too? My rock was crying?I looked around the room, stunned to see that they all looked to be at various stages of being upset.

"I thought you guys didn't want me anymore." I could feel the hot tears building behind my eyes but I refused to shed them.

"Mel I'm so sorry I said all that stuff. I was just so worried about Quin and I didn't fully understand why you were doing what did but Professor explained and now I feel so bad about everything that happened. Please, Please, Please, forgive me." Miles was tripping over his words and freaking out.

I gave him a watery smile and held out my arms so he could hug me. Sure it hurt but it was worth having my friend back. Once Miles finished blubbering about how sorry he was and how he'll make it up to me it was Oliver's turn to apologize.

"Mel, I know I didn't stand up for you like a big brother should but I hope you still look up to me like one. It's just when people I care about are in the hospital it reminds me of... how fragile a life is and how at any moment it could be taken away. I was worried that Quin wouldn't make it and I wasn't really paying attention to what was going on between you and Miles to intervene. Forgive me?" He gave me a hopeful smile and I hugged him.

"Well talk about that slip up later." I whispered into his ear. I had caught the pause when he was saying hospitals reminded him of something and he knew I wasn't going to let it go so he sighed and agreed.

The guys all looked at Colby and I could see him silently telling them to leave. They understood and left us alone to talk. I wasn't sure which way this would go but I hoped for the best. He sat down in the seat beside me and took in a deep breath. I bit my lip out of nervous habit and waited for him to tell me what I was dreading.

"Mel I don't know what to say." I dropped my head knowing he was ready to break it off and sighed.

"I know, you don't feel about me the way you used to and you want to break up."

"What? No! I was trying to find the words to say how sorry I was for not being able to stand up to Miles to defend you. When I saw what had happened to you I think I died a little bit inside. Mel I can't live with out you, I could never break up with you. You don't want to break up do you? I mean I understand if you're mad at me and you can't forgive me. I guess I could dea-" I had heard enough of his rambling. i had already forgiven him and I was just happy that he still wanted me. I leaned over towards him and crashed my lips to his.

He emitted a surprised noise from the back of his throat but quickly reciprocated in the kiss. Soon he was standing above me and had my head tilted back with both hands cupping my face. I had my hands entwined in his hair and my tongue was fighting his for dominance.

Colby pulled away so we could breathe and he looked at me deeply. "I love you Mel and I'm sorry it took all this for me to say it."

"I love you too B." He grinned and pressed his lips forcefully back onto mine.

"Hey, you guys can have make up sex once Skittles is healed but for now, COlby you've got to keep your dick in your pants." We pulled away from each other and Colby turned to glare at Quin who had come back into the room with Miles attached to his hip and Oliver trailing behind them.

Colby sat down in the chair again and Quin sat down on Miles who was in the chair on my other side. Oliver looked around for another chair but seeing that there was none he shrugged and sat on Colby. I giggled at how unfazed Colby was by this and then turned to Quin.

"So how are you feeling?

"Good, i've got my pain pills and I've had six days to heal."

"Six days?" My voice rose an octave. "I've been out for six days?"

"Yeah. That's why we were so worried, you never even moved and then the nurses pulled the plug on your life support. I don't know how you did it but once they pulled the plug your heart kept going and then you woke up. i sat there dumbfounded. That would explain the security guards at the door and the nurses who quickly checked my levels and left once I woke up.

"Oh." It was silent while we all thought. "What happened to everyone else?" I remembered Mr. Hutch got burned and that I tried to hit Ryan with the lightning.

"Mr. Hutch had some pretty bad burns on his arms and face but everything will heal nicely and Darren is fine. Ryna only tried to hurt you and he kept Frankie under control." Quin sounded funny when he said Ryan's name.

"And Ryan." Quin bit his lip and looked down.

"He didn't make it." His voice was really quiet. I can't believe that I killed someone. I promised myself that I'd never intentionally hurt someone no matter how much I didn't like them. My face fell and I looked down at my hands, the hands of a killer.

"Mel there's something else." Guess it was Colby's turn to break the bad news to me. "The Professor doesn't think you can control the weather anymore. You had some severe head trauma where you powers are stored. He doesn't know for sure yet but I thought that it would be better to hear it now, just in case." I just nodded letting the guilt and disappointment wash over me.

Colby sensed how I felt and squeezed my shoulder trying to reassure me. "Mel you didn't have a choice, he would have killed you if you didn't do it."

"I just want to be alone for a little bit."

"We'll give you a couple minutes while we go get some coffee but then we'll be back. We're going to be here for you whether you want it or not." Any other occasion I would have smiled at that but all I could do was nod as they exchanged worried glances and left the room.
♠ ♠ ♠
oh no I've only got an epilogue left :'(
oh well all good things must come to an end at some point.
at least I'll have time to work on You showed me a sign but it pointed the wrong way

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