

I looked up at the ceiling, and its waving pattern. I had got used to the surroundings of my newly located hspital ward now, but I didn't stay in this world for long.

* * *

'Twinkle, twinkle, little star, how I wonder what you are! Like a -' Mum switched off the CD player in the car, and looked round at me, passing me my blankie, and my 'sippy cup' and smiled at me. She came round to the back seat of the car, unclipped my seatbelt, lifted me out of my car seat, and plonked me on the floor. She took my soft little hand, and walked me up the stairs to the preschool. With me being only 3 at the time, I was really worried, as I stared up at the huge building, snuggling in to my blankie. I refused to go any further. I could imagine going in, and someone eating me! Mum had to carry me in, in the end.We were greeted by a smiley woman, who was short, and plump, the opposite of mum basically.
'Welcome, little,' She scanned her cli[pboard 'Maisy! Welcome little Maisy! You're very lucky today! You're not the only new girl today! Come with me, and I'll show you around! Oh, and Celia,' She aprouched another member of staff 'Will you please have a chat with Maisy's mummy, Linda? Thanks' Celia scuttled off the talk to mum. I felt like crying, as this perky woman was dragging me off, to show me the toilets, or something.I turned round, and mum was leaving, waving at me. I waved back, and tried to not get too upset. The bright woman, lead me over to A girl, with frizzy brown hair, and deep green eyes. She had too many freckles, to count, and a big round smile. She was called Riley. I think it was love at first sight, but in a friend way. And now, I didn't mind that mummy was going, because I had Riley. My best friend.
We're runnign around now, fading away...fading...fading.....f a d i n g....

I had a lot more to come, as this was only the start of my life.
♠ ♠ ♠
*eh hem* Leetle embarrassed ;)