Said It All

Song Of My Returning

"Hey is this Adrienne?"

"Yeah. Who's this?"

"It's me, Billie Joe."

"No shit! Hey Billie! Fuck, it's been ages! How's it going?"

"Things are great thanks. The band is going from strength to strength!"

"Good---I'm glad to hear it! What you doing calling me?"

"I just wanted to let you know that we're doing a tour of Minnesota again pretty soon, so I was just wondering if you were free to get a drink or something?"

"Sure! Sure! I'm totally free! Just let me know when you're going to be in town."

"OK great! So---what's up with you?"

"Oh you know---the usual. Just working like crazy."

"I know that feeling, believe me! You still doing that sex class?"

"Oh trust you to remember that class!"

"What can I say? I'm a pervert! But seriously---are you?"

"Well--- no actually because I've graduated now---"

"Holy shit! Has it been that long?"

"Nearly a year."

"So what you doing now?"

"I'm a manager at Pier 1 imports down at Mankato Bay."

"Really? That's awesome."

"Yeah. It's a lot of hard work but I have fun. But enough about me---what about you Mr Rockstar?"

"Well this last year has been crazy as fuck! We toured Europe. I got body lice. I'd love to say they were crabs but I wasn't getting laid! And Tre milked a dog and put it in his coffee---"

"Fuck! That's sick!"

"Nothing can stop Tre from getting his coffee!"

"He's crazy. I went and got Kerplunk! by the way---it's a beautiful cassette---"

"I'm glad you liked it. You inspired most of it."

"I don't know what to say---"

"Say that you're single?"


"Holy shit!"


"I only said it for a joke but if you're actually, seriously single then we definitely need to meet up!"

"Oh yeah? Why's that?"

"I really shouldn't need to tell you why. I think Kerplunk! says it all---"

"Maybe. But it'd still like to hear you say it---"

"I miss you like crazy, Adie. I haven't stopped thinking about you this whole time."

"You'll never know how glad I am to hear you say that Billie Joe. I've missed you too. I keep replaying our last conversation over and over in my head and I just feel so fucking stupid because I can't believe how right you were---"

"You got bored?"

"Extremely. I didn't want safety! What the fuck was I thinking?"

"Long distance relationships are hard. I don't blame you for how you felt back then. It was the first time either of us had tried the long distance thing."

"But I'm still really sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you."

"It's all the past now, Adie. Don't worry about it. All that matters now is the future."

"---I can't believe you're really coming back here."

"Well I can't believe I haven't seen my Minnesota Girl in over a year!"

"You promise you'll call as soon as you get into town?"

"Course I will."

"I'm looking forward to it all ready."

"Me too. I'll speak to you again soon Adie baby."
♠ ♠ ♠
Thank you for reading. I appreciate it more than you know :)

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