Status: Done...!

Juliet's Grace


Juliet moved across the playground to small sandbox where the new boy in her class played alone. He was tall for an eight year old and had curly, brown hair. His name was Gabriel. Though most children had overwhelming curiosity, no one seemed to be interested in getting to know this boy. His short, clipped answers and calculating blue eyes kept most people at bay, thinking him just a weird kid, but Juliet saw something behind those eyes, something she didn’t yet understand.

“Hi Jace. I’m Julliet,” she said, adding a slight wave of her hand.

Gabriel looked up; just moments before he had been drawing with a stick in the sandbox, perfectly content with being alone. He sighed before dropping his stick and sitting down on the edge of the box.

“My name is Gabriel.”

“I know that,” Juliet said, sitting next to him, “But I like the name Jace. From now on, your name is Jace. At least for me anyway.”

“You’re crazy.” Gabriel shook his head, but remained sitting, intrigued by the little girl with red hair and hazel eyes.

“I know that too,” she said with a laugh.

Juliet looked around noticing for the first time that they were all alone.

“Why are you over here by yourself? Don’t you want to be playing over there?” Juliet raised her hand and pointed over to the jungle gym where the other boys played, raising their sticks like swords and running around like little warriors.

“I guess people just don’t like me.” Gabriel shrugged his shoulders and grabbed his stick again, ready to continue playing in the sand alone.

Juliet turned and looked him straight in the eyes.

“I like you,” she said, truth tainting her words.

For the first time, Gabriel blushed, his cheeks turning a rosey pink as he stared back at Juliet, bewildered as to why this girl was talking to him.

“Whatever,” he mumbled, drawing a picture in the sand.

Juliet watched as his hands, sure and steady, moved the stick, drawing a flower with delicate petals and a thick stem.

“Oh I know what that is. A lily right?” Juliet asked turning towards Gabriel with a smile on her face.

“Yeah it’s my mom’s favorite.” Gabriel’s eyes were soft when he talked about his mom, but they were full of sadness.

“Is there something wrong?”

Gabriel’s eyes rose from the ground and bore into hers. He didn’t know why, but for some reason he felt he could trust her. He felt he could tell her anything and she would listen, no oppositions, no catches.

“My mom’s sick.” Gabriel sighed as he spoke. “She’s been sick for a while now. They say she’s in some sort of coma. Dad says she’s just sleeping, letting her body rest until she’s ready to wake up. Me and my dad visit her every day, but she just lies there. I don’t know if she’s ever going to wake up.”

Gabriel’s head dropped, his hands balled up into fist. Juliet reached over and grabbed one, taking it in both of hers. His head rose and he stared at their hands.

“Doctors are smart. She’ll get better, but until then, there’s no use worrying about it. And if anything happens, I’ll always be here. Okay?”

Gabriel’s eyes met Juliet’s. She was smiling at him and he was smiling back.

He nodded his head.
