Status: Doing a Re-Write! Be ready for some improved and new chapters.

Drop Dead and Kiss Her

Pete and Luna were the perfect couple, that is until Pete got turned into a vampire. Now Luna's only hope is to become one too, and Brendon is more than willing to fulfil her wish.

Disclaimer: Obviously I do not own Pete Wentz, Brendon Urie, and any other celebrities mentioned, but I do own the plot, and al original characters.
  1. A Little Less Sixteen Candles, A Little More Don't Touch Me
    Yes, it's another one of those 'A little less sixteen candles' based stories. But come on, vampire Decaydance boys. What more can I say?
  2. I Think I'm (Un)dead
  3. The Golden Arches
  4. There's Something Familiar
  5. The Prophecy
  6. I Love You, You Funny Named Weirdo