Status: Slowly getting everything back on track! (:

Read Between the Lines

Knights in Shining Armor

Perry's tears soaked her face, mixing with the blood from her nose and lips. She knew her eyes was swollen shut from the person's fist colliding with her skull. The warehouse, though illuminated, still held many shadows; the thought both frightened and encouraged her. If only she could use her legs. . . If only the pain wasn't so unbearable. . .

"You now what you did, Perry. You know exactly what you did!" shrieked the voice; for a moment, Perry's mind fluttered to The Wizard of Oz.

"No, I don't. Just show me who you are!"

"Now, why would I do that? Hmm? Why would I allow you to see me?"

"Please don't hurt me! Paul!" Perry screamed, her words cracking. "Paul! Martin! Brian! John! Somebody! Please!"

"Your pathetic begging isn't going to help!"

"Paul will find me. I know he will."

The person cackled. "Don't count on that."

The guys all hurried to the car. Martin could not stop thinking about Perry - and Paul's gun. John and Brian had expressions of pure confusion and concern on their faces; Paul's anger clouded any other emotion. Martin felt as if he was having an anxiety attack. The GPS on Perry's phone showed she was in some abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of town.

"What the Hell is she doing there?" question Brian, his words edged with worry.

"No idea. But whatever it is, it can't be good. Can we go any freaking faster, please?" Paul shouted at Martin.

"I'm going as fast as possible, Paul. I swear."

Only another fifteen minutes passed before their location matched up almost perfectly with the GPS symbol. The car had barely stopped before Paul jumped out and ran inside the warehouse. The others quickly followed; Martin's heart was racing in his chest the whole time.

Oh, God, please. If You're listening, don't let anything have happened to Perry. Please.
♠ ♠ ♠
My first chapter for this story.

Sorry it's so short. I just couldn't figure out a way to work it out properly.
That'll change soon.
