Status: Slowly getting everything back on track! (:

Read Between the Lines


Paul wasn't sure how he'd wound up comforting Martin.Martin had wound up trying to get back there to see Perry and causing a big scene.
"She's gonna die,she's gonna die.'' Martin kept mumbling like a scared little kid.
Paul didn't know what to do.So he slapped Martin across the face.
Martin froze.
"Calm down." Paul said,weary.
"I can't Paul! There so much stuff I never got to tell her.I was gonna take her to dinner tomorrow and tell her that I love her! i think I love her,Paul! Isn't that crazy!" Martin froze when he realized what he had said,and who he had said it to.
Paul's mouth fell open.
Martin wasn't sure what to say. "I didn't say that."
"Oh yes you did." Paul menaced.
"Paul-" Martin started.
Paul started to go off,but the doctor rushed into the lobby.
"Mr.Johnson,your wife.."
"Is she ok?" Martin demanded,grabbing the doctor's shoulders.
Paul jumped up.
"She's gone." Dr.Morgan stated solemnly.
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See that coming?