Status: Slowly getting everything back on track! (:

Read Between the Lines


"She's missing." The doctor said quickly,realizing that he'd made it sound like she was dead.
"Where the hell is she?" Martin demanded.
"We don't know.There is no way that she could have gone herself.She was on to many meds. And she won't be able to walk for a few days." Doctor Morgan stated.
"So,someone took her?" Paul asked,quietly.
"We think so.Security's going to view the tapes right now." Doctor Morgan said,walking towards the back.
"Is there something she didn't tell us.Like why people are constantly after her?" Martin mumbled,pacing.
"Standing here will get us no where.Come on." Paul said,running out the door.
"Perry!" He yelled.
"Paul?" Perry asked timidly.
She had no idea where she was.All she remembered was being so close to taking Paul's hand,then she blacked out.And she faintly remembered being in the hospital.
"Hello,Perry." A voice said.
She wanted to stand up,but her legs hurt to bad.
"You can't run." The voice laughed evilly.
"What do you want from me?" She screamed in tears.
"Revenge.Blood.I want you to suffer,you little emo freak!" She voice shrieked.
"Who are you?" Perry demanded firmly.
"That doesn't matter,until your last breath." The voice laughed.
Perry got confused. "My last breath?"
"I'm going to kill you,Stupid!" The voice threatened.
Perry froze.Any other time she would have been ok with that,but not now.She had to much to live for.Especially Paul.And Martin.And all the band! They were her family.
"Wanna bet?" Perry heard herself say. "You ain't got enough balls to even show your face,what makes you think you can kill me?!"
Lights clicked on and Perry realized she was in an old warehouse.
Suddenly,she heard a revolver click into place.
"Paul!" She screamed through her tears.
♠ ♠ ♠
Will Perry die?!
I haven't decided yet.
A comment would help me desiscion (spelled that so wrong)
Yes,I'm a comment junkie.
Not really.