Status: Active!


Welcome to Heaven!

Janie’s POV

I opened my eyes and found myself on a white bed. I felt my face, making sure I was okay. I breathed a sigh of relief, it was just a really bad dream.

I walked towards a small porthole of a window on the far side of the room, I saw a vast meadow, full of wild flowers, running as far as the eye could see.

“It’s beautiful isn’t it?” I heard from behind, I turned and saw a woman dressed in all white.

“Um, yeah, sure…” I looked at her skeptically, I mean I should have SOME privacy in my own freaking bedroom.

“Oh, you think you’re still on Earth.” The lady looked at me sadly, she gave one of those, ‘Oops’ smiles. I gave her this look like ‘Um, duh I’m on Earth or else I’d be…’

That’s when it hit me. I had died. Bam, my young life ended, like that. Poof! Everything gone. That’s when I started to cry.

“How did I die?” I asked the mystery lady. She put her hand on my head (kinda ETish if you ask me), and I saw the events unfold before me…


I was walking through the football field after school, I forgot something in my locker that day, and I had a SCA meeting too. I couldn’t forget my notebook to that now could I? I was the flipping Secretary. No good Secretary would forget their notebook. Then I dropped my backpack.

“Here you go.” I saw Jake, the devilishly handsome football player, say to me. I saw my doodle covered notebook in his hands. I grinned sheepishly and grabbed it and mumbled, “Thanks…” he smiled, but it wasn’t one of those ‘Oh god, another Student Government person needs help, better go’ it was more then that, it was one of those ‘Hellooooo’ smiles, which considering I only got that smile once before (and from some nerd) I was blushing like an idiot.

“Um, thanks Jake.” I took my notebook out of his hands. I smiled and waved. And then ran.


“That didn’t explain anything!” I screamed.

“That was why you died.” The mystery White Lady said to me.

“What do you know!?” I screamed, my eyes filling with tears. That was one of those good memories, the ones that you grasp till the end of time, and never let go. I didn’t I held that memory dear to my heart, never wanting to forget.

“Honey, I am your advisor for coming into Heaven, I’ve watch your entire life in under thirty seconds. I know that you hate ratatouille, I know that your favorite time of the day is when you’re in bed, with your eyes closed where you can forget about everything, and drift on into the beauty of sleep.” I stared at her, “Please, call me Becky.”

I stared at Becky for a little bit, she looked at me all funny. “And I know your motto.” My eyes grew wide. She did know everything about me, she knew more then I did on my own.

“Um, Becky?” She nodded, “How come I can’t remember how I actually died?”

Becky sighed, “That, my friend, is because murder victims have to go to a face0to-face confrontation with the Council. Then, they will deicied how ready you are for the horrible truth. And, then you can start to talk to the person who now shares your soul with you.”

“What does that mean?”

“Come, we have work to do.” And I found myself walking out of the nice white room with a complete stranger. Life (or death?) was confusing.
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Sorry that this one is soo short, trying to save up for some BIG realization.... :)

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