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Father Figure

Yami and Kaiba seem like the average, handsome teenagers. However, they also have a secret -- they're also vampires. Luckily, they're the good kind, though. Instead of feeding on innocent people, they feed on serial killers, rapists, muggers, child rapists, pedophiles, and men and women who are abusive to their boyfriends, girlfriends, lovers, partners, ex-partners or children.

“I can’t believe anybody would hit a woman, or a man for that matter.”
--Seto Kaiba

Disclaimer: Genius Kazuki Takahashi owns Yu-Gi-Oh. The lyrics to Father Figure by George Michael belong to their respective owners.

Warning: This story contains domestic violence, but just a little, though. If this offends you, turn back now.
  1. Searching for a New Victim and Finding a Little Girl
    Yami finds a little girl, Sarah, and takes her home with him.