Dusk and Dawn

More Of Kiki's Life Oh Joy!

As we waited it was dead silent. Emmett and Jasper went to stand in front of me. Esme and Bella were on one side of me, Alice and Rosalie were behind me and Lupe and Edward were on the other side of me. Now I just had to wait for that wretched devil of a man to come through the back door so they could rip him to pieces.

As if on queue, Victor shot through the back door and came to a stop a few meters away from Emmett and Jasper. Jasper growled at him but didn’t charge.
“Well well well, seems like my niece has herself some bodyguards. Do you really need them Kiki? Don’t you want to know about you’re father?” Victor asked. At this Edward dropped to his knees clutching his head and a minute later so did Kiki. She cried out in pain, causing Emmett, Bella, Jasper, and Esme to rush to her side. She was crying when Esme took her in her cold arms and hugged her towards her chest.
“So you picked up more from that old man than I expected. How does it feel? To know that everything your father did, helped us create the monster you are now? To know that you can’t die? That your so-called friends were just using you? That everything in your life is a lie? That-” Jasper and Emmett cut him off, Jasper by growling again, Emmett by lunging at him. Emmett and Victor fought for a few minutes, until Edward had recovered enough to help Kiki block out Victor’s thoughts. Emmett threw Victor through the back door and ran after him, Jasper, Rosalie and Lupe following him.

Why me? First I lose my real father to have him replaced by someone else, then I lose my brothers, then I become part of something that I didn’t want to be in just to find the truth and the place I belong, and now I’m being haunted by the evil part of that past. My life is so screwed up. What did that bastard I mean Victor mean by my so-called friends using me?

Before the four of them could kill Victor he as gone. Just like that. He vanished. Kiki opened her tear-stained eyes to find her brother’s back door destroyed and said brother and his siblings walking through said destroyed door.
“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have come.” Kiki said sadness and confusion evident in her voice. Sadness because she didn’t want to get her brother’s family killed. Confusion partly because of Victor and partly because of Jasper’s reaction to everything. Maybe Bella was right, maybe Jasper did like her. Esme smiled down at her.
“Why should you be sorry? He didn’t have to come. He made the decision.” Alice said.
“What did he mean by the old man comment?” Emmett asked. Kiki took a deep breathe before she sat up from Esme’s loving arms.
“During my second life, I was captured and taken to an island south of Pennsylvania. They experimented on me. The man in charge, a…uh…gifted one if you will, tricked me to believe that what they wanted to do to me would help me succeed in my life’s mission.” Extending her claws Kiki raised them up a little. “These used to be bones. When I asked that horrid bastard, I mean man, why I had them he said that I must have gotten them from Logan, a man that had destroyed the island a few years before I got there. When I told him I’d never met a Logan he said that maybe I had and didn’t realize it. They then proceeded with the experiment. He made every bone in my body into metal called Adamantium, but they made it indestructible. They tried to erase my memory but I escaped, and started wondering around. Soon a blind man came across me along with a woman with white hair. Their names were Scott and Storm. They told me that there was a school for people like us. People who had powers, they asked me to go. Before I could answer we were attacked by Victor. At the time I didn’t know who he was or his relation to me. He wanted to kill me but Storm took me away. Scott stayed to fight. When Storm stopped for us to rest, mainly me, she told me to get some sleep. After she thought I had fallen asleep, I heard her mumbling something about Logan. Curious as I was, I agreed to go with them. They took me to a mansion in North Salem. I met Logan there. I didn’t know who he was but I felt a sort of connection to him. I also met the old man that Victor referred to. His name is Charles Xavier, Professor to most of his students. He taught me things that I didn’t even know existed. After staying with them for a little while, Xavier asked me to be the team leader of a gifted team he was working on. He said that the team would only take on small missions but it would be a great opportunity to travel the world, meet more gifted people and extend my growing variety of powers. So I accepted. To say that I grew close to a lot of the people there would be an understatement.” Kiki finished explaining, drawing her claws back in and looking up at the shocked faces of her brother’s coven.
“What?” She asked tilting her head to the side curiously. Jasper gave out a silent chuckle.
“Who many times have you lived?” Bella asked still shocked.
“Um I’ll be going onto my fourth in a few years. I relive the time I’m three to the time that I’m 17.” Kiki said.
“That man in Victors memories he was your father correct?” Edward asked,
“My real father yes. He was taken from our family when I was three. Hunter tampered with our memories to make it seem like he was our father. I was the only one who could see through his deception.” Kiki said a hint of sadness evident in her voice.
“Why didn’t you voice this observation, we could have stopped all of this trouble?” Emmett asked. Kiki just shook her head violently as if to get that thought out of her mind. Edward gasped softly but didn’t voice what he heard in Kiki’s head.
“I don’t want to talk about it.” Kiki said, her voice wavering and on the brink of breaking down. Emmett took his sister in his arms and rocked her back and forth while she cried, looking at Jasper asking him to calm her down and Edward to voice what he heard. Jasper complied but Edward did not. When Kiki was calm enough to stop crying she looked up and apologized to Emmett before asking for his jacket. Everyone but Edward laughed. Esme said that it would be best if they got some food into Kiki - who happily obliged. The rest of the night was spent with the two siblings acting like well siblings, and the rest of the family telling Kiki their life stories. The commotion of earlier that day was never brought up and no one wanted to. Kiki did bring up the idea of what to tell Roxanna if she ever paid attention to the fact that someone who shared the name of and looked a lot like her son was in town.
“I think we should tell her. She’d be happy to know.” Alice said. Everyone looked at her and said it was a deal. But that would be the next day’s activities. Today, they needed to get Kiki home before Roxanna worried. Jasper drove her home.
“So Kiki, um about the power thing…” Jasper trailed off. Kiki laughed a little before kissing his cheek.
“Yes I can read your mind Jasper and yes I’d love to go out on Friday. Just asked Emmett first. And no, I can’t tell you why I never voiced my observation, not yet at least, it hurts. But if you want you can always ask Edward and I give him my permission to tell you, Bella, Esme and Emmett. No one else.” Kiki said before she slid out of the passenger’s seat of her 4X4 truck. Jasper got out as well, and started running towards the forest. She smiled and ran in the pouring rain to the front door.
“Mum I’m home. Sorry if I worried you.” Kiki said; she started to take off her shoes and Emmett’s jacket until she smelled five very familiar scents. She inwardly groaned before she finished what she had started. Walking into the kitchen she saw five very upset teenagers and a very angry Roxanna.

Damn it. Not again. I inwardly groaned again.
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Comments? Sorry about the three reposts but i got reported and shit so yeah...