Dusk and Dawn

Fluffy Side of Kiki

“Kiki Angelica McCarty Hiwatari! Where in god’s name have you been?!?!” Roxanna screamed loudly. Kiki flinched slightly.

I hate it when she says my full name.

“I was visiting a friend. I left you a note. Speaking of which that friend would like to meet you and so would their family.” Kiki said calmly. Looking at the snickering teens before her. There was a blond boy with red bangs, a blond girl who looked slightly crazy, a brunette boy who styled his hair into a Mohawk, a girl with midnight blue hair and crimson tips, and a red head boy who seemed very small. Kiki recognized them as her old team and band.
“Would this be you’re so called brother? The boy that moved here a few years ago who just happens to have his same name?” Roxanna was still angry.
“Yes.” Kiki said plainly. She started walking upstairs before the blond girl appeared in front of her.
“Don’t tell me you’re going to ignore your favorite people in the world.” The girl said.
“Nina I can’t ignore you. Your thoughts are too difficult as are your emotions. For now I just need to change. I am drenched in water.” Kiki said before disappearing and reappearing in her room. She didn’t know that there was a certain vampire that was sitting in her window sill and another on her bed. When she turned around she nearly screamed.
“Jasper! Emmett! What are you doing in here?” Kiki asked surprised. They both just laughed.
“Alice said you had visitors and that we should come introduce ourselves.” Jasper said.

Emmett gave me permission to take you out. Jasper thought.

I expect you to be on your best behavior for your date with Jasper little sister. Emmett thought right after Jasper. Kiki squealed and hugged Emmett.

Did I just squeal? Damn I think I did. Hm…this is a weird reaction. Jasper feels my happiness, he’s relaxed.

“Kiki is everything alright?” a male voice called from downstairs followed by a laugh from another guy.
“Who is that?” Emmett asked confused and anger written on his face. Kiki rolled her eyes.
“Deavon stay out of my head! MacKenzyie quit acting like you care!” Kiki shouted downstairs. She looked back at her brother and his friend before smiling.
Damn those two. Now I know three mind-readers and two psychics.

“They’re my old band that I rarely get to see, with the exception of Nina. They were all on me team but MacKenzyie is on another team.” Kiki said before turning and walking to her closet. She picked out clothes and walked into the conjoining bathroom to change. When she came out Emmett and Jasper were in the same places they were in before she left.
“Is it possible to tell mother tonight?” Emmett asked, enthusiastically. Kiki smiled and nodded her head before leading them downstairs. Walking into the kitchen, the three were greeted by the five teenagers and Roxanna. Roxanna looked confused yet happy.
“Alright, you five basement now. Mum this is Emmett and Jasper they want to talk to you. I’ll be downstairs if you need me.” Kiki said as she hustled the teenagers into the basement. When the door closed, and the teens were downstairs, everything was silent. The brunette turned around and looked at Kiki.
“We want you to come back with us. Everyone in the school misses you. Especially the adults. Hank needs someone to talk medicine to, Logan wants someone who understands what he’s been through to talk to, Storm wants to feel like a mother again and even Jean and Scott miss you. We need you there. You were happy there.” The boy said.
“MacKenzyie, I know you all miss me and I miss you but you have to understand that I can’t go back. I could be happy here. I want to try to live a normal life.” Kiki replied. This just got him angry.
“So you’d give up everything, break your friends’ hearts just so you can try something?!?!” MacKenzyie yelled.
“You are asking me to give up something that could be. I’ve lived to long without happiness that I can’t do it again! I may have found my happiness!!!!” Kiki shouted back, tears were in her eyes threatening to fall. This silenced him and the other four looked down ashamed.
“I can’ do it again. If it turns out that I didn’t find my happiness then I’ll go back to the school, once this school year is over. I still go to the school when I’m upset and you all know that.” Kiki said calmer. Nina stepped forward as did the other girl. They both embraced her and started crying.
“If you have found your happiness, then there are rules.” The red head boy piped up. Kiki laughed at this.
“We want to meet him,” the other boy chimed in.
“We want to know everything we can about him,” the red-head said again.
“And we want you to bring him to the school soon.” The other boy said.
“You’ve got a deal.” Kiki said as she hugged the two boys.
“Adalwolf, Deavon, it was nice to see you all again. Rei, Nina, stop crying. I’ll be fine. MacKenzyie, I know you mean well but you have to understand where I’m coming from.” Kiki said addressing them all. They nodded and walked upstairs.
Emmett, Jasper and Roxanna had finished talking. Roxanna looked like she was about to have a heart attack.
“Kiki Angelica McCarty Hiwatari why did you fail to tell me you had a date of Friday! I wouldn’t have gotten mad. And next time you meet a family member and don’t tell me you are grounded. Now did you clear up whatever it was that you needed to clear up?” Roxanna asked the six teenagers. They nodded solemnly.

Did I mention I hated when she called me that?

“Now remember what I said and tell everyone back home, and get out of my house before you do something you’ll regret.” Kiki said looking at MacKenzyie and Devon.
“Not going to introduce us little sister?” Emmett asked. Kiki sighed.
“You already know mum, this is Jasper and this is Emmett.” Kiki said to the five teens, pointing them all out.
“This is Adalwolf” Kiki said pointing to the red-head. “This is Nina” she said pointing to the blond girl. “Deavon, and Rei” she said pointing to the blond boy and the blue haired girl. “And this is MacKenzyie.” Kiki finished off pointing to the brunette. They nodded then walked out of the house and down the street towards the forest.

I thought I was going to have a heart attack. At least I can explore my feelings for Jasper.

“We’ll talk about you not telling me about being in a band tomorrow. You should get some sleep sister.” Emmett said Kiki happily obliged. Her dreams were filled with her past, and her brother’s coven, specifically a certain empath. She wouldn’t ever admit it though.
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