Status: Since i havent wrote anything in forever...

This Changes Everything.


I never really cared much for boy bands. No matter how cute, or attractive or whatever none of it ever seemed to have any effect on me. Now my best friend, Jasey, was a complete different story. Bands were everything to her. Any band she listened to, I knew. Mostly due to her talking none stop talking. But even with us being complete opposites were best friends.
And me being the great best friend I am, I allowed her to drag me to a concert. Some band called ‘The Maine’ was in town. She insisted one arriving a few hours early. I figured it was her birthday was why not. Once doors opened and we got in, we rushed and ran towards the stage. We ended up close to the stage and off to the right side a bit.
The first band that went on stage was a small local band; ‘What Happened in Vegas’. I’ve seen them open a few times at shows with Jasey, plus the guitar player was a mutual friend of mine. They were pretty good. After their set ended I noticed I had lost sight of Jasey. I looked for a while and gave up after some time.
I turned back towards the stage. I heard my name being called not to shortly after.
“ Lilly, Lilly!” I looked around and saw Jasey about ten feet from me. I wondered why I didn’t see her before. But then again I'm not the tallest person around. Jasey pushed and shoved her way towards me.
She’s not afraid to just push through the people. I would be, just slightly uncomfortable doing that. Like I said were complete opposites. She’s more loud, outgoing and wild. While on the other hand I'm more quiet, shy, and calmer then her. No one can ever figure out, how we are as good friends as we are.

Once she got over to me. Her smile was even larger now then I was before the show.
“Aren’t you excited? The Maine's next!” She said almost screaming.
I put on a smile, like i said this wasn’t really my thing. “Yup, I very excited.” I said not wanting to upset.
Almost as if on cue the lights dimmed and the band came on stage. They played their first song, and immediately Jasey and I got separated. I was getting closer as I tried to find some way to avoid and possible injury.
After a few major shoves forward, my stomach hit a hard metal bar. It hurt and made me gasp. But that’s what made me notice I was in the front. It made me smile, and I out of habit looked around for Jasey, even though I knew I wouldn’t find her.
I ended up at the front most of the show. Then the singer, John, I think he said his names was announced they only had a few songs left. The next song they played was “Into my Arms”. One of the songs I liked that Jasey played often. I sang along to the bits and parts that I knew.
About half way through the song john began moving from one side of the stage to the other. Making girls scream there loudest. When he made his way towards our side he stopped and sang a few lines there and continued his way down the rest of the stage.
On his way back to the other side he stopped again and this time changed everything. Our eyes meet for a mere few seconds. Something in his eyes I’ll never forget. I don’t know what it was but it had me wondering the rest of the show.
They played one more song. Until John made anther announcement.
“Detroit! That was fucking amazing! We have to go but have an amazing night!” He said looking around until once again our eyes meet this for not as long but had just the same effect as before.
After that people started making their way out. As I was following the crowd out Jasey, magically fond her way to me. She instantly started gabbing about how amazing it was. For once I really couldn’t object to what she was saying.
I hadn’t really noticed she was asked me a question until she had stopped and I continued walking.
“Oh sorry what?” I asked her.
“Are going to get coffee like normal.”
“Um sure why not?” I asked not expecting an answer. You see we usually do this in order to wait out the traffic and keep our self busy.
We arrived at the small Starbucks coffee place, and its warmth almost pulled us in. Being the middle of winter in Michigan the cold was very harsh.
Jasey and I both order our coffees and drank. We had little conversation. Mostly about the show, and some gossip but nothing real important. We finished our drinks and forced our selves back outside and to my car.

It was even colder than before, and both of us where shivering, and teeth chattering. Once we got to my car there was maybe five to ten other cars other then the graphitized band’s van.
We hooped in my car highly anticipating the warm air. I put the key in to start the car, and a very unfriendly noise.
“Ohh don’t tell me.”I said twisting the key again praying for it to start. While Jasey sat in the driver’s seat laughing. “It's not funny!” I lightly scolded her.
“Yes it its! It’s just our luck.” She said. We attempted to start the car for more than twenty minutes.
“This is pointless.” I sated even though she knew it as well. “Well what do we do now?”
“I don’t know, call some and have them pick us up, I guess.” She said pulling her cell phone out.
“NO! I'm not leaving my car here!” I screamed.
“I'll go see if the doors are open, and if they have a number for a tow truck.” Jasey said climbing out of the car.
I keep trying to get the car to start but I keep making that loud not good noise.
“Ugh!” I screamed hitting my head I against the wheel. I screamed again, in fright, when I heard a tap against my window. I saw a person and rolled the window down.

“Car troubles, huh?” The voice said. The voice was familiar, and when I actually looked at the face of the man, realization hit me. It was John.
“Umm yeah, my car just won’t start.” I said trying not to sound stupid.
“How ‘bout you let me take a try at it?” He said. And just the way he said it, there was not a way in the world I could say no.
“Yeah sure.” I said sliding over while he opened the door and climbing in.
“I'm John.” He said.
“Lilly.” I replied. He smiled them turned his attention to the car.
He turned the key and got the same thing I did. He tried again, nothing. But on the third try the engine roared to life. A smile found its way across both our faces.
“Oh my gosh, thank you so much!” I said jumping and looking over at him. “I have no idea how I can repay you!” I said looking at him, our eyes meet again. And this time a even stronger sensation went through me.

“How about a date?” I was no where near expecting that. But hey I wasn’t complaining.
“Uh yea sure!”I said trying my best to keep my cool.
“Great, could I get number?” He said, sounding very confident.
“Yeah, defiantly.” I said looking around for a pen, then finding one, but I couldn’t find anything to write my number on.
“Here just write it on my hand.”He said, noticing my search.
“Ok.”I said. Taking his hand and neatly writing my name and number across the top half of his hand.
“My turn.”He said a smile going across my face as he grabbed the pen from my hand. He took my hand and did the same as I did to his. “I’ll call you sometime tomorrow while we’re still here.”
“Yeah that’s fine.” I said looking up to him. Then, ruining the moment Jasey, knocked on my window causing both of us to jump.
“I got a number for a tow truck but it seems like we don’t need it anymore.” She said, with suspicion in her voice.
“Yeah John was able to get it to start.”I said looking over to him. “Thanks again, so much. Who knows if you wouldn’t have helped, we may have frozen to death.”I said laughing a bit.
“No problem.” He said smiling. “So I’ll call you tomorrow then?” Our eyes connecting once again.
“Yeah, for sure.” I said smiling at him.
“See you later Lilly.”He said starting to climb out.
“You too. Bye John.”I said smiling and waving good bye.
“Bye Lilly.”He said walking over to their van.
It only took Jasey a few moments after we left for her to start her rambling about how lucky I was.
But I was off in my own little world thinking about John.