From beyond the Horizon

The Legend

Jake was not as tall as the other boys his age. He was not as smart either. He wasn't as motivated to things as his other classmates. Jake thought of rare things; he imagined a raven as a writing desk in his head, probably this is the reason of eccentric reasoning. For example, Jake thought that if he tried to touch the horizon a dawn, the skies would give him superpowers so he could save the world with his super-companion and pet, a chicken called Mark.

One evening, Jake hurried to the back porch to see the sundown. Jake lifted his finger and pointed at the orange horizon. Suddenly, a bright light flashed in front of his eyes. Once the flash was gone, Jake saw that there was small disk-like ship in his own backyard. He hurried to fetch his camera and his chicken companion and pet, Mark.
The apparition of the disk-like ship became the beginning this story. Jake thought it would be a legend that he would be the principal character. He thought that he would

Now because Jake had a chicken, it is necessary to say that Mark, the chicken, often laid its eggs in the backyard where the disk-like ship was first spotted.

Once both child and chicken were outside, the ship showed no signs of movement or life in any way. Jake decided that he needed to study the ship before telling anyone about it. But even before Jake could touch the small object, the disk-like ship turned into an egg. Jake was surprised to see this.To him, an egg was nothing strange. For Jake and the chicken, an egg was just an egg. So seeing that there was no ship, there was no need to study the egg. There was utterly no reason to believe that by touching the horizon, the skies would give Jake superpowers. For Jake, the dream of writing his own story and being the principal character was quickly gone with the increasing wind. The egg was left alone, because the chicken would never claim the egg as its own. The egg eventually became a victim of the numerous animals of the hill next to Jake’s backyard. The wind, in all its might, clean the scent of rotten alien egg from Jake's backyard; leaving no trace of its stay on earth.

Concluding that no disk-like ship ever existed, and that there was no proof of its landing on earth, there was really no story. And because the was no story, Jake’s desire to build one was forgotten. His eccentric ways kept on developing, he became a man that no one wanted to be with because his strange manners. Not even Mark, his faithful companion, could stay along its master much longer. The animal passed away one orange day, with the sundown on its brightest phase, just like the day the disk-like ship appeared in Jake's backyard; seeing the dead animal Jake pointed at it, but in awe, for he now knew who his nemesis was: the evil alien from beyond the horizon.
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I once set out a goal: to write a book of short stories. You have to begin somewhere... (the egg) :)
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