Dezanove Estrelas

005. We All Feel Like We're Breaking Sometimes

Camilla awoke sometime during the night. But it wasn’t by choice - there was a sudden lurch in her stomach, causing her to jolt up. She wasted no time in covering her mouth with her hand as she quickly threw the covers off of herself and ran to the bathroom.

She found the toilet and all but fell inside of it. Her head leaning forward, allowing the contents of her stomach to spill through without much mess. One arm kept her balanced as it braced itself on the side of the toilet seat, as her other arm kept her hair out of the way. She could only guess it was around six a.m., as this was when her morning sickness usually kicked in.

It felt like hours she was there, kneeling over, vomiting. Then, startling her, another hand gently pulled her hair back for her, as another hand began to rub soft circles on her back. Easing through the foulness, she finally finished, and stood slowly to brush her teeth and rinse. Once done, she slashed some water on her face and dried off, turning to the person that had helped her. As much as she wished it was Cristiano, it was only Sergio.

He sat on the bathroom floor, back against the tub. Sergio came into the bathroom, clad in his jeans. His shirt was off. Camilla didn’t think anything of it, as she’s seen a good majority of the team close to half naked as they train. She figured it was pretty hot last night and he was just cooling off. Camilla gave him a weak smile as she looked down at him. He smiled back up at her, then patted the spot beside him, signaling for her to take a seat. She gladly obliged.

She sat next to her friend and curled into his side, resting her head on his shoulder, as his arm wrapped around hers. She sighed, “¿Noticias?” (“Any news?”)

He was silent for a moment before responding, “No. Lo siento a chica.” (“No. I’m sorry girl.”)

Camilla only nodded. She expected that. After all the chasing she’s done in the past couple of days, it was wearing down on her. She was tired of trying to get through to Cristiano - at least for now anyway; it could just be the morning sickness speaking.

“Usted no tiene nada ser perdón para Sergio, esto es mi defecto.” (“You have nothing to be sorry for Sergio, this is my fault.”) she rubbed her temples. Sergio groaned. “¿Qué?” (“What?”) she gave him an odd look.

“Esto no es su defecto Camilla. No es. Los gritos son un chico pequeño inmaduro acerca de todo esto. ¡-Y hace no trata defenderlo!” (“This is not your fault Camilla. It’s not. Cris is being an immature little boy about all of this. -And don’t you try defending him!”) he concluded when he saw her open her mouth to protest. “Camilla para que usted no tiene absolutamente nada ser perdón para, arrepentido para, y malo. Nada.” (“Camilla you have absolutely nothing to be sorry for, regretful for, and bad for. Nothing.”)

Camilla held her tongue. There was much more to the story than just what she told him and Kaká last night.

They sat in silence on the bathroom floor for at least an hour before Camilla fell asleep against Sergio’s shoulder. Sergio chuckled and slowly stood up, careful not to wake her. He proceeded to pick her up and carry her bridal style, back into the bedroom. Walking slowly over to the bed he laid her down underneath the covers. Just as his arms unwound themselves from around Camilla’s frame, the bedroom door opened.

Sergio didn’t bother to look back; he just figured it was Kaká. “Póngala sólo dormir a hombre.” (“Just put her to sleep man.”)

“¿Y cuánto tiempo fue usted dos en ello antes que ella por último se desmayara?” (“And how long were you two at it before she finally passed out?”)

That voice halted all of Sergio’s actions. He mentally slapped himself in the face for the way he must’ve looked right now. One hand under Camilla’s head, the other sliding from her back to her waist; her face still a little flushed from this morning; and he was shirtless. Quickly retracting his hands back to his own body, Sergio turned around with a deer-in-headlights look on his face.

“¡Cristiano! Regresa.” (“Cristiano! You’re back.”) he tried to cover. The look on Cris’s face was less than pleasing. Sergio knew immediately what was on his mind. And before Cristiano could begin yelling, Sergio rushed to his teammate and pushed him out of the room. This only pissed him off more; right when Sergio shut the door, Cristiano started his rampage.

Amongst all the Portuguese that he was throwing at him - which Sergio only caught some of - the two were still able to get downstairs. Sergio only hoped Camilla didn’t hear the beginning of their fight.

They reached the bottom step and Sergio was ready to fight back, “¡Esté qué demonios equivocado con usted!” (“What the hell is wrong with you!”)

“¿Qué está equivocado conmigo? ¿Qué demonios hace usted en mi dormitorio con mi prometido?” (“What’s wrong with me? What the hell are you doing in my bedroom with my fiancé?”) the Portuguese was gone, and Cristiano was speaking Spanish for Sergio to better understand his wrath. “¡Y no trata decirme que nada pasaba porque yo claramente lo vi!” (“And don’t try telling me that nothing was going on because I clearly saw it!”)

Sergio looked at him like he was crazy, but maybe that’s because he was, “¡Usted no vio nada!” (“You saw nothing!”)

Cristiano, still irrational, defended himself, “¡Eso es la carga más grande de sandeces!” (“that is the biggest load of bullshit!”)

“¡No! Lo que es sandeces son que tiene a una amiga embarazada arriba que está preocupado a la muerte acerca de donde usted es, donde usted ha sido, que usted ha estado con, y este y eso, y este y eso. ¡Y usted tiene el valor para entrar aquí, y acusarla de estafar! ¡Eso es lo que es sandeces Cristiano y usted lo sabe! ¡Sabe sólo tan bien que yo eso, que chica allí arriba nunca haría nada arriesgar su relación con usted! ¡Aunque, yo realmente no sé por qué, viendo como cómo está en uno con un egotista, el bastardo como usted mismo!” (“No! What’s bullshit is that you have a pregnant girlfriend upstairs that is worried to death about where you are, where you’ve been, who you’ve been with, and this and that, and this and that. And you have the nerve to come in here, and accuse her of cheating! That is what’s bullshit Cristiano and you know it! You know just as well as I do that, that girl up there would never do anything to jeopardize her relationship with you! Though, I really don’t know why, seeing as how she’s in one with an egotistical, bastard such as yourself!”)


Sergio fell to the floor, with a good blow to the jaw from Cristiano. Sergio, now on his back, grabbed his chin, making sure it was not dislocated or something.

Cristiano was pissed. He knew that somewhere deep down inside of him Sergio was right, but he’d never admit that. Especially not in his fuming rampage.

Sergio scrambled to his feet, ready to fight; something Cristiano did not expect seeing as how he received a punch in return. Right in his left eye. And from there, the brawl began. Blow after blow. In the face, the back of the head, the torso. Throwing each other all over the living room, knocking picture frames over, side tables over. At one point Cris threw Sergio at the couch, causing the couch to ricochet off the impact and slide across the living room.

It wasn’t until there was a shrill scream, and Kaká to pull them off of each other that they realized the damage; but still, that was the furthest thing from their mind.

“¡Parada! ¡Parada!” (“Stop! Stop!”) Kaká shoved Sergio out of the way, while holding Cristiano by the shirt collar. “¡Lo que el carajo está equivocado con usted dos! ¡Son loco! ¡Sabe las consecuencias de luchar dentro de compañeros de equipo! ¡Hágale quiere realmente ser mandado a la banca todo a causa de algún discusión estúpido!” (“What the fuck is wrong with you two! Are you crazy! You know the consequences of fighting within teammates! Do you really want to be benched all because of some stupid argument!”) Kaká yelled at the two.

Sergio pointed at Cris, “¡Ese bastardo lo comenzó!” (“that bastard started it!”)

“¡Son de diez años de edad! ¡Venga aquí y luche como un hombre de mierda!” (“Are we 10 now! Come over here and fight like a fucking man!”) Cris instigated. Sergio just about jumped over the knocked over coffee table to lunge at Cristiano. And as hard as Kaká tried to keep them apart, he just couldn’t.

And the brawl started up again. They were about ready to kill each other when Camilla found it necessary to intervene.

“¡Párelo ahora! ¡Maldita sea! ¡Parada!” (“Stop it now! Damn it! Stop!”) she cried desperately.

As much as the two wanted to rip the life out of each other, they had to stop. Despite everything, neither of them wanted to upset her any further; there was already enough stress going on with her, se didn’t need anymore. It wasn’t good for neither her nor the baby.

With tears and fury in her eyes she stood between the two of them, “¡Sergio! Gracias por su ayuda esta mañana y gracias por escuchar anoche. Usted y Kaká los dos. Pero en este momento, los dos debe salir. Tengo que hablar con Cristiano.-” (“Sergio! Thank you for your help this morning and thank you for listening last night. You and Kaká both. But right now, the two of you need to leave. I have to talk with Cristiano.-”)

“Pero Camilla!-” (“But Camilla!-”) Sergio interrupted. But Camilla stopped him, and ushered he and Kaká out of the room.

“¡No! No, Sergio, usted que ambas necesidad de salir. En este momento.” (“No! No, Sergio, you both need to leave. Right now.”)

Sergio only nodded, and left with Kaká to retrieve their things, but not before giving Cristiano a very, very dirty glare.

Camilla sighed, then turned to the source of her problems right now. “Cris, o que você faz aqui?” (“Cris, what are you doing here?”)

He scoffed, “Eu vivo aqui lembro-me de! Nenhum deixa-me perguntá-lo algo Camilla, o que era Sergio fazendo em nosso quarto!” (“I live here remember! No let me ask you something Camilla, what was Sergio doing in our bedroom!”) he nearly screamed at her.

Camilla was done trying to please him. She was done trying to get him to understand. After her talk with Sergio this morning, she did not want to feel sorry for herself. And she certainly did not need this stress. “Ele ajudava-me hoje de manhã! Eu acordei-me com náuseas matinais porque eu estou grávida com sua criança condena-o! Ele ajudava-me, porque você estava aqui não fazê-lo se Cristiano!” (“He was helping me this morning! I woke up with morning sickness because I am pregnant with your child damn it! He was helping me, because you weren’t here to do it yourself Cristiano!”)

Cris opened his mouth to protest, but she cut him off.

“Feche para cima! Somente feche para cima e permaneça tranquilidade!” (“Shut up! Just shut up and stay quiet!”) she screamed.

She was now in his face, pushing on his chest, “Se você gostaria de acreditá-lo ou não Cristiano. Eu estou grávida. Você é o pai deste bebê! E ninguém me contará contrariamente, e ninguém e nada devem fazer você acredita contrariamente! Não uma vez tenha eu já enganei, nem pensamento sobre cola em você! E saber que você realmente não me acredita quando eu digo que…me faz perguntar-se porque eu fico aqui e incomodo com você.” (“whether you’d like to believe it or not Cristiano. I am pregnant. You are the father of this baby! And no one is going to tell me otherwise, and no one and nothing should make you believe otherwise! Not once have I ever cheated, or thought about cheating on you! And to know that you actually don’t believe me when I say that…makes me wonder why I stand here and bother with you.”)

“Então porque o faz!” (“So why do you!”) he yelled at her. Camilla looked at him like he was crazy. Did he really just ask her that? She opened her mouth to scream some more, but Cristiano spoke before she could. And what came out of his mouth next, really brought her to the brink of a nervous breakdown.

“Você sabe o que, esquece-se-o!” (“You know what, forget it!”) he looked down at her; his anger still evident in his eyes and tone, but his noise level lowered, “Nós somos feitos. O compromisso, o casamento. É todo fora Camilla.” (“We’re done. The engagement, the wedding. It’s all off Camilla.”)

She shook her head, “Você não quer dizer isso.” (“you don’t mean that.”)

He nodded, “Eu faço, é sobre.” (“I do, it’s over.”) He did not let her say anything else after that. He walked out the front door.

With the slam of the front door, Camilla fell to the floor. Or almost did. A pair of arms caught her before she did. They belonged to Kaká. Above them, Sergio whispered something along the lines of ‘I‘m going to kill him’. But Kaká shook his head, “No ahora Sergio. No ahora.” (“not now Sergio. Not now.”)

Sergio crouched down to hug the broken girl on the floor, "Estará bien el amor. Estamos aquí para usted.” (“It’ll be okay love. We’re here for you.”)

Kaká agreed, “Si piensa que hace la cosa correcta…él pronto resolverá que acaba de cometer el crimen más estúpido jamás. Estamos aquí para usted Camilla. Y usted sabe que Dios ve todo, él trabaja en maneras misteriosas. Todo resultará para el mejor. Es toda la parte de su plan…” (“if he thinks he’s doing the right thing…he’ll soon figure out that he’s just committed the stupidest crime ever. We’re here for you Camilla. And you know that God sees everything, he works in mysterious ways. Everything will turn out for the better. It’s all part of his plan…”) His spiritual side emerging.

Camilla believed in God, she’s always been a very spiritual and faithful person. But she couldn’t help but curse her own life. If this was all part of a plan for the better - why all the pain first. When will an angel show up to steer her towards this better life, for her and herand Cristiano’s unborn child.
♠ ♠ ♠
Wow! Late by a week with this update. Sorry guys. But this one was a bit longer to make up for my lateness. Hope you all like it!

And the drama is only getting started! :D

COMMENTS! please&thankyou

Oh! And everyone go look at my homepage! It’s BEAUTIFUL! All credits go to my girl Addy. :D

ps. I am at work on the alternate ending to my Kaká two shot story. That will be up soon. And if you have yet to check that out, go take a gander :)