Dezanove Estrelas

006. Don't Tell Me, Nothing Matters

“Nombre, por favor,” (“Name please,”) the middle-aged woman behind the receptionists desk asked in monotone. Camilla understood that her occupation may not be the most exciting in the world, but a little polite smile, or glance would be appreciated. Especially in the state she was in right now.

But she shrugged it off and told her kindly, “Camilla-Rey Verano.”

Still not looking up from her computer, the woman said, “Bien, tenga un asiento, el médico estará con usted próximamente.” (“Okay, have a seat, the doctor will be with you shortly.”)

Camilla let out a harsh sigh escape past her lips and turn on her heel to sit down. She plopped down onto a seat and waited patiently for the nurse to call her name. She looked down beside her, on the little coffee table, and picked up a magazine. At first she had grabbed a random gossip magazine, but underneath that, was one entitled, Los Padres Perfectos (The Perfect Parent)

She began reading through it. She flipped through and found an article about the time spent before the baby’s arrival; from conception up until the moments just prior to delivery. To any other expecting mother in this waiting, this all would seem pretty doable, considering each one of them had a man at their side.

She particularly had her eye on one expecting mother and her spouse. She sat with a nervous expression over her face. She couldn’t have been any older than Camilla herself. They sat in front of her, which only made eavesdropping on them worse. But from what she could make out, the woman was scared she would make a terrible mother. She was worried she’d do something wrong, whether it was before the birth, in the delivery room, or after. Camilla gave the woman’s stomach a good look, and by the size of her belly, she looked about five months along.

But what she saw next made her want to hurtle something at the couple.

Her spouse grabbed onto her hand, gave it a light squeeze and brought it to his lips, kissing gently. With his other hand, he went to place it over her bump and ran smooth circles on it, before leaning down to kiss that too. The woman smiled and ran her other hand through his hair, before lifting his face to meet hers. They shared a sweet kiss before the man whispered to her. From what Camilla figured and saw from lip reading, he told her something along the lines of: “No preocupe. Hará a una madre maravillosa. Haremos a padres maravillosos. Estoy aquí para usted.” (“Don’t worry. You will make a wonderful mother. We will make wonderful parents. I’m here for you.”)

Camilla snorted and threw her magazine down onto the table beside her. She was disgusted by their expressions towards each other. What she didn’t realize until she turned back around, was that that same couple was giving her an odd stare. Feeling very embarrassed, she hid her face back in her magazine.

“Camilla-Rey Verano,” a nurse called out. Camilla breathed a small thank you to herself and stood up. The couple still staring. “Camilla?” she smiled. Camilla nodded, “Bienvenida. Esta manera.” (“welcome. Right this way.”) She led Camilla down the hall and passed a few rooms before ending at one just near the end.

Camilla entered and sat atop the medical table. The nurse proceeded to take the standard, check up test before standing up, “Bien Camilla, usted se parece a usted hacen sólo fino. Tomaré estos resultados al escritorio, y el médico estará con usted próximamente.” (“alright Camilla, you look like you’re doing just fine. I will take these results to the desk, and the doctor will be with you shortly.”)

Camilla nodded, “Bien, gracias.” (“okay, thank you.”)

The nurse kindly smiled before exiting the room. It felt like hours before the actual doctor walked in. Camilla smiled at the middle-aged man before her; there was something awfully familiar about him.

“Hola Camilla!” he cheered sitting on the stool in front of her.

“Hola,” she said with a shy smile. She wasn’t exactly sure how these things worked, and it didn’t help that Cristiano wasn’t here to help her. But she shook that thought from her mind. The last thing she needed was to break down into tears over that man.

The doctor gave her a knowing grin, “¿Ahora Camilla, es esto actuar sobre de todos modos un día tan maravilloso como esto? El vistazo, el sol brilla. Los cielos son claros y azules. Anda, sonríe para mí,” (“now Camilla, is this anyway to act on a day as wonderful as this? Look, the sun is shining. The skies are clear and blue. Come on, smile for me,”) he lightly, and jokingly punched her shoulder. This just made her chuckle, this guy was in a very peppy mood. “Allí vamos. ¿Entonces cómo ha sido usted? Yo no le he visto desde entonces…bien desde que usted es hermano de bebé nació un pequeño sobre hace diez años.” (“There we go. So how have you been? I haven’t seen you since…well since you’re baby brother was born a little over ten years ago.”)

She raised an eyebrow, wondering what he was talking about, until it clicked with her. “¿El doctor Villanueva?”

“El único,” (“The one and only,”) he smiled.

“¡Ah mi…ah! ¿Cómo es usted?” (“Oh my…wow! How are you?”) she asked. This doctor was the same man to deliver her three younger brothers, as well as herself twenty-three years ago.

He smiled, “Soy sólo fino. ¡Pero consigamos atrás a usted…tan está embarazada! Las felicitaciones, y yo oyen que es comprometido. ¿El Sr. Ronaldo es yo derecho?” (“I’m just fine. But let’s get back to you…so you’re pregnant! Congratulations, and I hear you’re engaged. Mr. Ronaldo am I right?”) She nodded, not really feeling the need to burden him with her troubles with Cris. “Bien felicitaciones al ustedes dos. ¿Entonces dónde está el Sr. CR7?” (“Well congratulations to the both of you. So where is Mr. CR7?”)

Saying the first thing that came to her mind, she told him, “Está en la práctica.” (“he’s at practice.”)

Dr. Villanueva nodded in understanding, “Den el visto bueno entonces. Empecemos bien.” (“Okay then. Well let’s get started.”) He began talking to her about the basics of pregnancy and what to and not to do. He ran some tests and confirmed that she was about two and a half weeks pregnant. In all, the appointment was a success. He decided to walk her out to her car. “Fue gran verle hoy Camilla. Ha crecido en una mujer maravillosa. Soy honorado para estar trabajando con usted por su embarazo. Salude a su madre para mí, bien.” (“It was great to see you today Camilla. You have grown into a wonderful woman. I’m honored to be working with you through your pregnancy. Say hello to your mother for me, alright.”)

“Gracias trata. Y hago definitivamente. Mi madre será más que complació para saber que el mismo médico que entregó a su primer niño, entregará a su primer nieto.” (“Thank you doctor. And I most definitely will. My mother will be more than pleased to know that the same doctor that delivered her first child, will be delivering her first grandchild.”)

They hugged tightly before Camilla turned to get in her car. But before Dr. V walked away, he turned back to her, “¡Ah! Y no se olvida de llamar a planificar su próxima cita en dos semanas. Y se asegura de que es posterior en el día, después de la práctica de Cristiano. Querría encontrar el joven.” (“oh! And don’t forget to call to schedule your next appointment in two weeks. And make sure it’s later in the day, after Cristiano’s practice. I’d like to meet the young man.”)

Camilla nodded, and forced a smile. At the back of her mind, she couldn’t help but think that, that simple task, is easier said than done.


Sergio Ramos paced back and forth across the living room of his home. His fingers rubbed his temples as he thought hard. He had been doing this ever since he got home; after the whole scene that happened back at Camilla’s. Kaká brought him home and before he took off he specifically told Sergio, “No enfatice acerca de ello. Vendré por esta noche y nosotros resolveremos algo. Pero para en este momento, debe calmar. Sabe cómo su genio es.” (“Don’t stress about it. I’ll come by tonight and we’ll figure something out. But for right now, you need to calm down. You know how your temper is.”)

Sergio scoffed. His temper was just…okay so maybe Kaká made a point. But he only got really angry when something was really irritating him. And this whole situation with Cristiano is really, really irritating. During his pacing, he began talking to himself.

“Yo no puedo creer el nervio de ese tipo. Realmente pensamiento que yo jamás haría eso con Camilla. Significo seguro, es muy, muy hermoso. Y su personalidad asombra. No duele que es realmente lista. Terminó la escuela, y ella se ha ganado la vida solo sin la ayuda de cualquiera más, y ella no depende completamente de Cristiano como algunos del suyo otras ex-amigas. Ah, y la manera que habla español es sólo tan-” (“I can’t believe the nerve of that guy. Actually thinking that I’d ever do that with Camilla. I mean sure, she is very, very beautiful. And her personality is amazing. It doesn’t hurt that she’s actually smart. She finished school, and she’s made a living on her own without the help of anyone else, and she doesn’t completely depend on Cristiano like some of his other ex-girlfriends. Oh, and the way she speaks Spanish is just so-”)

Then he stopped.

“¡Lo que es diciendo!” (“What am I saying!”) he sat down quickly realizing he was just fawning over one of his best friends, let alone his teammates girl. He sighed, he really needed a girlfriend. He was sick of being lonely. He slapped himself, literally and went back to thinking out loud. “¿Ahora, cómo el infierno fijaré yo esto? La espera, nunca tiene inconveniente en ese pensamiento. Cómo sea yendo a fijar Cristiano. Porque multa justa de Camilla. Es ese bastardo maldito que ha conseguido la cabeza atascada hasta ahora arriba su asno arrogante-” (“Now, how the hell am I going to fix this? Wait, never mind that thought. How am I going to fix Cristiano. Because Camilla’s just fine. It’s that damn bastard that’s got his head stuck so far up his arrogant ass-”)

He shook his head; he was getting sidetracked again. Kaká was right, he did have the attention span of a squirrel. “Visto bueno. Enfoque Sergio. Tengo que hacer Cristiano ve que lo que hace está equivocado, en muchos niveles diferentes. Es abandonado a su prometido, que está embarazada, que reclama estafado en él, y el niño no es el suyo.” (“Okay. Focus Sergio. I have to make Cristiano see that what he is doing is wrong, on many different levels. He’s abandoned his fiancé, who is pregnant, who he claims cheated on him, and the child is not his.”)

He groaned, “Esto será tanto más duro hacer que dice.” (“this is going to be so much harder to do than say.”)

Then there was a knock at the door. Sergio stood up to answer it, and in walked Kaká. “¡Visto bueno!” (“Okay!”) Kaká exclaimed pushing pass Sergio, “Sé lo que tenemos que hacer fijar no this…no es Camilla. Es completamente fuera de ello. Es Gritos. ¡Vea, todo tenemos que hacer es resuelve una manera de hacerlo ve que todo esto importa! Sus acciones, los sentimientos de Camilla que todos importan y acabamos de necesitar a-” (“I know what we have to do to fix this…It’s not Camilla. She’s completely out of it. It’s Cris. See, all we have to do is figure out a way to make him see that all this matters! His actions, Camilla’s feelings they all matter and we just need to-”)

“¡Sí sé!” (“Yes I know!”) Sergio cut him, “Figuré esto todo fuera antes que llegara.” (“I figured this all out before you arrived.”) Kaká quirked an eyebrow at his friend. Sergio pointed and defended himself, “¡Oye! Ahora haga no usted me mira como estoy loco. ¡Soy mucho más listo que usted y el equipo me da acredito para!” (“hey! Now don’t you look at me like I’m crazy. I’m a lot smarter than you and the team give me credit for!”)

Kaká chuckled, “Yo no dije una cosa Sergio. Ahora venga, permitió 's trata limpiar que los Gritos de lío han causado.” (“I didn’t say a thing Sergio. Now come, let‘s try cleaning the mess Cris has made for himself.”)
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thanks to Destiny for this beautiful banner

Update :) Not the best, and definitely shorter. But it’s here! As always. Comments are welcome.
