Dezanove Estrelas

008. You Think No One Needs You







For the past week, Cristiano Ronaldo felt this way. For the past week, he has not spoken to Camilla. For the past week, the entire Real Madrid Team had shunned him; even the coaches. For the past week, he has done nothing but attend practice - which usually resulted in him screwing up and taking the bench - sleep, stare at the wall, and eat. But even he felt like he didn’t deserve food.

For what he’s done? He felt like he didn’t deserve to walk the surface of the Earth. He hung his head in shame as he walked, even around the empty hotel room he had been living in. but he wasn’t asking for anyone’s pity, he had enough of that for himself.

He hadn’t had any real human contact in days. But that was fine with him. He needed to think. So that’s what he did, and it’s what he’s doing at this very moment.

He lie on his back, on top of the sheets of the king sized hotel-room bed. He had not moved in an hour as he just stare at the ceiling. Finishing with practice he noticed Kaká and Sergio speaking discretely with some of the other members of the team. About what? No doubt it was about him, not trying to think arrogantly, it was just a feeling. He figured it was them plotting some way to kick his ass for everything.

He sighed. This whole thing was jeopardizing his life.

“Veja, que tipo de conversa é o que recebeu-o nesta desordem,” (“See, that kind of talk is what got you into this mess,”) he thought out loud. That was another thing he had been doing a lot of lately - speaking what he thought. So to any outsider, it would seem like he was some psycho talking to himself.

“O que você conversa sobre?” (“What are you talking about?”) he responded…to himself.

Sighing Cristiano’s conscience told him, “Minha vida…que tal a vida do Camilla? Que tal sua vida da família? Ou sua vida da família? Que tal sua vida do bebê.” (“My life…what about Camilla’s life? What about your family’s life? Or her family’s life? What about your baby’s life.”)

Cristiano seemed to get mad at that last one. He stood up and began pacing the room, “Isso não é minha criança!” (“that is not my child!”)

“Quem o fuck são você tentando brincar!” (“Who the fuck are you trying to kid!”) he nearly screamed at himself, “Camilla tem seu bebê. Acredite-o ou não, ela realmente o ama…embora eu não vejo porque.” (“Camilla is having your baby. Believe it or not, she actually loves you…though I don’t see why.”)

“Feche para cima,” (“Shut up,”) Cris grumbled to himself.

“Não,” he argued back, “Agora escute aqui. Você ouviu isto de todos os outros, e agora você o ouvirá de si…Camilla tem sua criança. Ela tem seu bebê Ronaldo! Porque não pode você acaba de aceitar isso!” (“now listen here. You’ve heard this from everyone else, and now you’re going to hear it from yourself…Camilla is having your child. She is having your baby Ronaldo! Why can’t you just accept that!”)

Cris sighed and sat down. He rested his elbows on his knees, then his face in his hands. He was wrong. He was obviously, and blatantly wrong in this entire situation…and he knew it.

He heard a bang on the hotel room door. Startled, he slipped from his position and ended up on the floor. Standing slowly, he made his way to it, not really caring he was only in jeans. The banging only increased with force and noise as he approached it. “Eu venho! Eu venho!” (“I’m coming! I’m coming!”) he yelled swearing at whoever was on the other side.

He opened the door fiercely, ready to yell just from irritation, but hunched over and fell to his knees. He couldn’t even get a good look at who was at the door before they punched him straight in the abdomen. He coughed and grabbed onto his stomach as he felt himself being lifted off the ground and taken to the main living room of the hotel suite. He was thrown onto the couch and finally looked up at the intruders.

“Kaká! Sergio!” he shouted, making a motion to get up, “¡Lo que está equivocado con usted dos!” (“what is wrong with you two!”)

“¡Cállese Ronaldo!” (“Shut up Ronaldo!”) Sergio gritted through his teeth. He shoved Cris back down and stood off to the side, arms folded across his chest. Kaká, on the other hand sat on the coffee table in front of Cristiano, staring him straight in the eye. His gaze was not as menacing as Sergio’s, but it was still stern. Cris caught on, and realized this was “good cop” - played by Kaká - and “bad cop” - played by Sergio; but he saw this not the time to make sarcastic remarks.

“Escute Cristiano,” (“Listen Cristiano,”) Kaká spoke in Portuguese, “Nós não quisemos fazer isto. Mas coisas saem de mão. Camilla não merece isto. Você não pode puni-la porque você sente-se que você pode.” (“We didn’t want to do this. But things are getting out of hand. Camilla does not deserve this. You can’t punish her because you feel you can.”)

“Mas é-” (“But it’s-”)

“¡Dije Cállese Ronaldo!” (“I said shut up Ronaldo!”) Sergio warned when Cris tried interrupting.

Cristiano held his tongue. Sergio really is the nicest man on the planet, but when severely angry…his temper could get out of hand, and Cristiano knew that.

Kaká continued but warned Sergio first, “Acalme-o Ramos…Cris que nós damo-lhe um ultimato. Qualquer um você fixa coisas, e nós iremos todo esquece-se que tudo já aconteceu. Ou, vai em ser o menino pequeno arrogante que você é agora mesmo, e nós acharemos uma maneira de arruinar tudo para você. Isso implica sua vida pessoal, sua reputação e sua carreira. Você sabe os meios de comunicação…eles amam um bom "errado-volta" história.” (“calm it Ramos…Cris we’re giving you an ultimatum. Either you fix things, and we’ll all forget everything ever happened. Or, go on being the arrogant little boy that you are right now, and we will find a way to ruin everything for you. That entails your personal life, your reputation and your career. You know the media…they love a good “wrong-turn” story.”)

“Você blefa,” (“You’re bluffing,”) Cris said. Kaká was one of his best friends. He couldn’t believe that Kaká, of all people, would do that to him. Especially being the faithful, spiritual guy that he is.

Kaká only shook his head, “Eu desejo eu era…Camilla está em dor Cristiano. Ela machuca por causa de suas acções. Ela tornou-se uma irmã a mim, e você, a machucou. A este ponto, todo que eu preocupo-me com é seus sentimentos. E eu não pararei até eu vê seu feliz outra vez, ainda que que meios baixarem você. Eu sinto muito Cristiano, mas deve ser este bem…” (“I wish I was…Camilla is in pain Cristiano. She is hurting because of your actions. She has become a sister to me, and you, have hurt her. At this point, all I care about is her feelings. And I won’t stop till I see her happy again, even if that means taking you down. I’m sorry Cristiano, but it’s got to be this way…”)

With that, he stood up. Sergio came to stand by his side. “Usted mejor hace el derecho de cosas,” (“You better make things right,”) Sergio said glared. The two walked out without another word, leaving Cris to think.

He had to fix this.


Camilla sat on her sofa, eating toast and Nutella. A craving of hers since she became pregnant. It was around nine o’ clock in the evening and she was watching a movie. All was quiet now. Sergio and Kaká left earlier in the day, once they all established a full-fledged plan to get Cristiano’s head on straight.

Honestly, she really protested to the scheming. For some reason, she felt that she shouldn’t be going behind his back. Not because she felt like she was lying or being deceitful…but because it just didn’t feel right to do it.

Cris shouldn’t be compelled to do anything via some plan they made up to make him come back. Even if Sergio and Kaká ensured her he’d actually change. If he didn’t want any part of this, then so be it. Camilla didn’t need the negative energy around her baby, or herself.

She sighed just thinking about it. There was a double standard to this dilemma though. She didn’t want Cristiano in her life he was going to be acting this way, but she didn’t want her baby without a father. Feeling a slight throb in her temples she thought back to the conversation earlier with Sergio and Kaká.

According to them, she absolutely had to go through with this plan. According to them, this would not only fix her problems, but it would fix Cristiano, as well. She just had to stick through it…


Camilla breathed slowly. If the two men were right about this, then she knew who was on the other side of the door. She went to answer it. Upon opening, her guesses were confirmed.

“O que você faz aqui Cristiano?” (“What are you doing here Cristiano?”) she asked softly, but scornfully.

He didn’t give himself a second to think about it before answering, “Eu sinto muito.” (“I’m sorry.”) She sighed allowing him inside. “Camilla por favor perdoa-me. Você deve entender, que a minha cabeça não esteve no lugar certo ultimamente. E eu somente…” (“Camilla please forgive me. You must understand, that my head has not been in the right place lately. And I just…”)

“O que Cristiano?” (“What Cristiano?”) she asked, with a hint of impatience in her voice. When he didn’t answer she grew angry, “Cris, eu sou cansado. Faz-se tarde e eu não tenho tempo para isto.” (“Cris, I’m tired. It’s getting late and I don’t have time for this.”) He just stands there, staring at her. “Cris porque estão você aqui!” (“Cris why are you here!”) she shouted, “E não me conte porque você sente muito. Porque isso é uma mentira. Você abandona-me para quase duas semanas. Deixe-me preocupou-se e espantou. Por acento em não apenas me mas meu bebê. E em topo desse Cris, você perdeu o primeiro médico hora marcada…” (“and don’t tell me because you’re sorry. Because that’s a lie. You abandon me for nearly two weeks. Leaving me worried and scared. Putting stress on not only myself but my baby. And on top of that Cris, you missed the first doctor’s appointment…”)

He had to look away at this point. He missed the first step in this baby’s life essentially. He’s stressed her out, which stresses the baby. And on top of everything, she referred to what is supposed to be their’s as her’s. That hurt, and he was ashamed.

“Somente deixe Cristiano.” (“Just leave Cristiano.”)

“Mas Camilla eu realmente sou-” (“But Camilla I really am-”)

She shook her head, no longer listening to his plea. She opened the door and pointed outside. “Folha.” (“Leave.”) He knew there was no way of changing her mind right now, so he decided to just leave. But he’d be back. He had to come back.

“Cris,” she said just as he crossed the threshold. It gave him some hope that maybe she wanted to talk. “Eu sei que você é só aqui porque Sergio e Kaká ameaçaram tudo que você teve. Essa é a razão pela qual eu não aceitei sua desculpa. Eu não quero-o aqui, em minha vida, nesta vida do bebê…porque você é obrigados, nem é chantageado. Eu quero-o aqui, porque você quer estar aqui. ” (“I know you’re only here because Sergio and Kaká threatened everything you had. That’s why I didn’t accept your apology. I don’t want you here, in my life, in this baby’s life…because you’re obligated, or blackmailed. I want you here, because you want to be here.”)

She closed the door in his face and retreated up the stairs. Few tears rolling down her cheeks as she re-thought everything. She was doing the right thing. She was. And the more she thought about, the more she believed this plan of Sergio’s and Kaká’s may actually work…


“Den el visto bueno tan explíquelo a mí uno más tiempo,” (“Okay so explain this to me one more time,”) Camilla looked at the two men before her.

Sergio spoke first, “Fallo más grande de Cristiano, es que él no tiene interés en nadie más, pero él mismo. Piensa que nadie de cualquier importancia en su vida, le significando, su familia, su equipo, lo necesita. Cree honestamente que nadie lo necesita porque es tan engreído en ese pedestal imaginario en que se tiene. Es demasiado bueno para cualquiera.” (“Cristiano’s biggest flaw, is that he doesn’t care about anyone else, but himself. He thinks that no one of any importance in his life, meaning you, his family, his team, needs him. He honestly believes that no one needs him because he’s so high and mighty on that imaginary pedestal he holds himself on. He’s too good for anyone.”)

Camilla nodded, understanding so far.

Kaká then takes over, “La única manera de romper eso, es de hacerlo ve eso.” (“the only way to break that, is to make him see that.”)

“Esto es donde usted me pierde,” (“This is where you lose me,”) Camilla told them.

“Tenemos que hacer Gritos ven que él no es necesitado. Especialmente con usted. Debe empujarlo tan muy lejos como sea posible. Hágalo se siente no deseado.” (“We have to make Cris see that he’s not needed. Especially with you. You need to push him as far away as possible. Make him feel unwanted.”) Sergio said, “y una vez que él es no deseado…una vez él es todo solo con nadie cuidar sinceramente-” (“and once he’s unwanted…once he’s all alone with no one to truly care-”)

“-le significando,” (“-meaning you,”) Kaká interrupted.

“Verá sólo cuánto él no es necesitado. Verá eso. Y entonces querrá sentirse necesitado. Querrá ser una parte de la vida de este bebé. Cambiará su vida alrededor.” (“He’ll see just how much he’s not needed. He’ll see that. And then he’ll want to feel needed. He’ll want to be a part of this baby’s life. He will change his life around.”)

Kaká turned Camilla’s chin so that she was looking directly at him, “La última línea: debemos hacerlo ve que le necesita, sólo tanto como usted lo necesita.” (“bottom line: we need to make him see that he needs you, just as much as you need him.”)


Camilla sighed. She had to push him as far away as possible. She might have been able to start that tonight…but she didn’t know how much longer she could keep it up. If she hadn’t been in cahoots with Sergio and Kaká, she would have forgiven him right then and there…

But she couldn’t. She had to go through with this. It was the only way to ensure that Cris wasn’t going to half-ass things if she did take him back.
♠ ♠ ♠
REPOSTED --- because apparently no one got the email for this??? idk. that's what my friend said. so here it is again!

p.s. This plan actually does work! Haha. Long story short: My friend and her boyfriend were going through a rough patch, and I, being oh so smart and cunning, thought of this :) And sure enough, after some time, his “big head” swelled down and he came to his senses. Needless to say, before this…he was an arrogant ass.

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