These Lights

Have You Ever Seen Stars Like These?

For a summer day, it was cold.

Not the weather, trust me on that. It was more than hot enough outside right now.

But here, here it was cold.

I stood in the living room of his townhouse, watching the sun shine brightly, wishing it'd disappear behind the clouds. My mind drifted back to why it became so cloud now.

"Adam, this is home!" I shouted, storming past him.

"Jamie, it's not my fault." Adam pleaded with me, trying to make me understand.

"You signed the damned contract!" I snapped, letting my heartbroken eyes fall on his face.

"You don't understand, do you?" He questioned like I was some child or something.

"No, what I don't understand is how you could do it without talking to me about it!"

"I told you I might not to in Chicago for another season." He tried to move closer to me but I backed away from him.

"Did you not stop to think that maybe my life is here too?" I could feel the tears threatened to fall, just as his face did.

"I know and I want you to be happy," He took my hand moving closer to me, taking my hands in his. "Which I'll understand if you chose to live here."

"Adam," I shook out of his grasp, "you are my life. I can't live here without you and I can't just up and leave everything."

"I'm sorry." He mumbled but I shook my head.

"Just get out," I pointed to the door, "I need to be alone."

That was two hours ago, the sun that was hanging brightly was now slowly going down but it was still too bright for my liking. Adam had still been gone, not even bothering to call.

I was half pissed at Adam for signing to the Dallas Stars. I wanted to stay in Chicago. It had become home for me since I moved here and fell in love with him.

A year together and we talked about starting a family here, imagine that huh? Adam Burish the ladies man of the team, staying faithful to some girl who challenged his every thought. He made my world complete and I kept him sane when everything got too much for him. We were both each other's rock and now I felt like I was slowly slipping away from him.

I loved Chicago, I couldn't just leave it behind for Dallas. There was so much to do here. I had so many friends, the team was all here. Well, most of them who hadn't been traded. I had already been bummed hearing about Versteeg being traded which I thought was all my bad news then Adam came home.

I couldn't keep myself in this state though. Tonight, Adam and I were going out to dinner with Sharpie and his girlfriend, two of people I hated most leaving.

Adam didn't return home in time for dinner, so I got dressed in my skirt and dress shirt then heels and drove myself to the resturant where we were meeting the two of them. My depressed self wasn't looking forward to eating dinner without Adam now.

I parked my car in the lot, then got out to hear the clinking of my heels hit the warm pavement. I looked to the sky, hoping to see a clear line of stars tonight but they were drown out by the city lights.

Those city lights that Adam and I called our own "stars". The ones that we always felt safe under. To us, they shone like no other. It took me back to that moment the two of us ran off to the country one night, just to lay under the stars. I closed my eyes to keep that memory and my tears from falling just as I heard a voice behind me.

"They're special aren't they?" I questioned turning to see Adam standing behind me.

"They are," I smiled lightly just to see Patrick and his girlfriend off to the side which I kind of wondered how I past them.

"Jamie, I know you're upset," Adam walked slowly over to me, "and I swear you can hate me for a while but you knew something like this could've happened."

"I know." I sighed nodding, feeling my tears threaten to leave again at the thought of leaving. "If it makes you happy though."

"Nothing makes me happier than to know you're with me." Adam walked closer to me to reach into his coat pocket then stopped in front of me. "I was planning on doing this a later time but now, I feel like there's no other time to or I might lose you." Adam slowly pulled out a small box to fall to one knee then open the top of it. "Jamie Leigh Hayes, I know I'm a pain in your ass but I can't live without you. Will you marry me?"

I looked into Adam's eyes, something warm rushing through my body as I found myself nodding my head, "Yes."

"Yes?" Adam asked for clarification with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes." I smiled as he slid the ring over my finger then stood up to kiss me.

"I love you," He whispered.

"I love you too."

I heard Patrick and his girlfriend cheer with a few spectators who stopped along the way. Maybe Dallas won't be so bad?