Status: active.

It's Our Time Now


I don't see the point of sitting in Algebra II; honestly, the teacher has to know no one is paying attention by now. It is only the second week of September, you'd think she'd get a clue by now. No, that's actually a lie; I'm trying to take notes but I keep getting side tracked by either a) doodling, b) writing down random lyrics or c) staring at the back of my Billy Helanous' head. He's so damn cute, but that's it. I feel nothing for him other than that, in fact, I don't think I feel anything for guys anymore after all I've been through because of them.

Doodling music notes on the side of my worksheet, I can see Aimee pass me a piece of paper out of the corner of my eye. Opening it slowly so that the teacher won't see, I read;
You wanna tell me why we have to listen to her talk all class with everyone bored out of our minds?
Oh! We have band practice after school today,right? What time?

Looking up, I make sure that the teacher, nor her assistant, are watching me, I quickly jot down a response and send it back to her;
How should I know?!?
But yeah, we're going to my house directly after school. Maxie's driving, be prepared to say your goodbyes at any moment. ;)
I joke as I pass it to her.


"Oh my gosh, guess what you guys!" Linsay said jumping for joy as we entered the lunch room.

"What is it Lins?" Aimee asked for me as I ran up to go and get my lunch.

Looking for something that wouldn't make me fat, I picked an apple before turning around rather hastily to get in line. Too bad I managed to slam right into this guy's chest where he was holding lasagna and it managed to go all over my shirt. I looked down at my chest in shock as he turned a bright red color.

"I'm so sorry!" He says trying to mop it up, which ends up being even more awkward because it's all over my chest. I take the napkins from him smiling, or trying too.

"It's alright, I didn't mean to turn around that fast. I'm sorry, now you'll have to buy a new lunch." I felt bad about that, honestly I really did. "Here, take my money and buy a new one." I say blushing.

"No, it's fine. I've got plenty of money," he smiles at me trying to make up for the fact that my shirt is now ruined.

I look more closely at him, something seems familiar about him, "Don't I know you?" He looks up at me confused, then looks back down. "Yeah, I do! We have like Drama together or something." I said smiling. "I'm sorry, but I'm getting a total blank here. What's your name again?"

He looked panicked as though he was trying to remember for a minute, "H-Hunter Hamilton."

"I knew you looked familar," I said smiling as we finished cleaning the mess up. "Look, I'm really sorry. Here's some money to buy you a new lunch."

"It's okay."

"Honestly, here you go. And if you can think of any other reason as to why I owe you because I totally fucked up your meal just come by and I'll see what I can do." I said straightening up. "I gotta get going, my friends are waiting for me. Bye." I called paying for my apple and pretty much running back to my lunch table.

"Oh my gosh, what happened to your shirt Nikki?" Maxie asked staring at my chest wide eyed.

"Maxie, you know how much I love you right? Well you're really weirding me out," I said laughing as I sat down.

She stuck her tongue out at me giggling, "Seriously though my love what happened to your freaking shirt? It looks like someone decided to murder you but you're still alive." She pointed out.

"Gee thanks," I muttered. "And it's called lasagna."

"OHMYGOD, Nicole! What happened to you?" Linsay said staring at my chest.

"Didn't, I like, just go over this with you Maxie?" I asked rolling my eyes at my friends.

She giggled at that, "Aye, that Nikki did my loves."

Aimee flipped her hair annoyed, "Well, I think we deserve an explanation."

I looked to see Hunter standing in line buying a new lunch, then turned to my friends. "I'll tell you at practice, alright?" All I got for responses was a grunt for Mimi and a stuck out tongue from Linsay. Rolling my eyes, I picked up my apple and examined it before taking a tiny bite.


Finally, the bell rang and everyone jumped out of their seats to race for the door. Grabbing my bag, I shoved my books in and hurried to where Linsay was waiting by the door for me. Aimee had graciously allowed me to borrow one of her sweatshirts, scratch that last comment actually, it was actually Resa, Aimee’s current girlfriend’s, sweater. I really hoped she didn’t mind lasagna stains on the inside of her clothes.

“C’mon slow poke! Let’s move, I want to get to practice and now.” She said impatiently as I joined her.

I smirked, “Why are you in such a hurry to leave?”

“It’s school Nikki, need I say more?” She looked to me obviously annoyed at me, while pushing me down the hall. Don’t get me wrong; Linsay was definitely one of my more brilliant friends but she never actually put that too good use. Which is why she had C’s in school, and her adopted parents are more often than not pissed at her. But they obviously love her, otherwise they wouldn’t have adopted her five years ago.

“Hey, chill Lin! Maxie is driving, not a fucking celebrity. Hold your horses,” I mutter to her as I open my locker and grab the books I’ll need for tonight’s homework.

“Seriously, Nicole. Why do you get that stuff done every night?” She asked surprised by how much I needed.

I want to get into a good college, I’m sorry if it’s not in your agenda, I retort to myself in my head but say out loud struggling, “Well, my parent’s will kill me if I don’t. Plus it’s not like I have anyone to distract me, relationship wise.”

“Seriously girl, we need to get you a boyfriend.” She said sternly, as I threw her a dirty look.

“I’m serious Lins, I don’t need a guy to make me happy, or anyone else for that matter. Love isn’t real, so why should I get my hopes up about it?” I asked as I slammed my locker door. “Let’s get to Maxie before she gets pissed and decides to drive through a wall or something.” Grabbing Linsay’s hand, I drag her to the door to where Maxie is waiting with Aimee. However, I catch someone’s eye as I go and he catches mine. That kid from lunch today, what was his name? I think. Oh yeah, Hunter Hamilton.


"Alright, I've waited all day to hear his amazing story Nicole Josephina! Do tell us what happened at lunch that made you wear lasagna and put on Resa's sweatshirt." Aimee looked to me expectantly as we chilled in my basement after a hard day, well more like three hours but you get the jist of it, of practice.

I sighed throwing my hands up in defeat, "Fine! Jeez, you guys are pushy, aren't you?" I said glaring. "Well, I was getting lunch and I bumped into Hunter Hamilton, that kid from my Drama class, and his food ended up on my chest. The end." I say crossing my arms. "Satisfied?"

They all exchanged a glance between each other.

"What the hell was that look for you guys?" I asked annoyed. All of them were going out with some amazing girl, or in Maxie's case guy, and I was single. So this made them think they were the Queens of Love. "C'mon! Spill!!"

"Nothing girl, let's get back to practice." Maxie said avoiding eye contact with me.

Sighing I got up and followed them to our set. "Which song you guys wanna do?"

"If I Didn't Have You, for sure." Aimee yelled out and the other two agrred. I sighed while rolling my eyes. As the beat started, I saw the lyrics run across my eyelids as I shut them gently. Taking in a deep breath, I started.

However the last image I saw before I sang was Hunter Hamilton; I shrugged not sure what that meant but kept it tucked in the back of my mind.
♠ ♠ ♠
If I Didn't Have You by Emily Osment and Mitchel Musso.
Nicole's outfit for school that day.

Comment please!
Forever & Always,
Miss Rachael