Status: In Progress

Not Too Young for Love


In less then 3 days I will be on a plane to LA .. I'm Scared . I will be starting school in the middle of the term. I hope the school isn’t going to be obsessed with the fashion and stuff in the UK please I hope not.

3 days later .

Here I am with all my life just going behind me. On a private jet to LA. All my dad has done is talk on his phone . He never considers my feelings on everything . It Sucks . I love him and everything but sometimes he just does things his own way and never asks me what I think . Like going to live in America it was one of my mum dreams, but she will never get to grow up and be myself anymore because of my dad . I love the idea of moving out here but I miss my mum soo much and it sucks quite a lot.

4 hours later

“Right its time to get off now.” Said my dad
“Oh ok are we here ?”
“Yes darling now hurry up so we can settle down in our new home.”
“more like your home.” I whispered and smiled as I gathered my things to get off .

We got passed immigration and collected all our bags, and got in to a limo that Disney had sent us to take us to our new house. When I got in to the car there was a massive big parcel and it had a letter in it. Well actually several. One from Zac. One From Ashley and Monique . And another from Corbin . They Said .

Hey Camii .
I hope you enjoyed your flight . I Should be back by tomorrow when we will all go out together . And you can meet my lovely brother Dylan . I Hear he has a crush on you , even though he doesn’t know you ha-ha. I’m sure he will like you even more personally. Anyway ring me or text me when you get this .

Lots of Love Zac (the gangster ) haha

That last line made me fall off my seat laughing the gangster in his dreams . I’m sure he’s trying to set me up with his brother ha-ha .

To Zac:
Hey ‘’Gangster’’ thank you for the letter =] and I'm very sure your trying to set me up with your brother haha love Camii xxx

No problem what if I am ? Its not a bad thing hes a good kid Zac xxx

To Zac :
I'm sure he is =] ttyl I got to read the others ly xxx

Hey girl …
You Ok ?? We have a surprise for you … when you get in to your room you will see something there .

We Love You …
Ashley & Monique

Hey Gorgeous ,
You ok ? Hope so …. Missed texting you well for the past 12 hours ha-ha .
I have something to tell you , but I won’t till we meet up tomorrow with Zac
And everyone .

Love Corbin . Xxx

I wonder what he has to tell me . I was wondering till my dad interrupted my thoughts .

“Camilla we are here.”

I got out the limo and wow it was like a mansion, it is amazing its huge .Private gates, huge drive way. with a fountain in the middle, Including both of my cars and my dads collection of cars. We went in to the house and WOW its even more amazing then the outside … I explored and went to the back , where there is a beach hut thing ,where the gym and my dance studio is. I went up the stairs and we had about 6 bed rooms all differently decorated. I reached my room and I opened the door … it was completely different then I thought it would be . On my neat king size bed there was a letter;

We told you we had a surprise .
Now go and open your wardrobe. X

So I did which was a walk in wardrobe. And Everyone jumped out. Including Zac and Dylan he was HOT!