Status: In progress

Open Your Eyes

Open Your Eyes Chapter 14

Chapter 14
A woman about her mid-twenties with sun streaked blonde hair and crystal blue eyes stood at the reception desk when Ryan returned to the office.
"I don't care if this is an ongoing investigation," she was saying, "This is harassment and I want to file a complaint." The woman had clearly been there a while her voice was already an octave higher than usual and the volume with which she spoke was unnecessary.
"That woman is ruining my life with these accusations and I want a stop put to it IMMEDIATELY."
"Ma'am," came the weak response from Karen the front desk secretary. She was a timid woman of about thirty five with her normally rosy cheeks turned pallid by the woman's tirade. With six children you would think Karen had grown quite the strong backbone to raise them but somehow she clocked in every morning and clocked out every evening all the time wearing a nervous expression on her narrow mousy face. "When the investigation is terminated you can place a complaint. The procedures however demand that you be compliant until the accusations are proved that they were placed wrongly against you."
"Ma'am," she tried again losing more color," the accusations are very serious. Co-operation may lead to who placed the bruising on your son."
Ryan decided it was time for him to step in, he'd seen enough of poor Karen being harassed he only stayed out of it long enough to see if anything incriminating would submerge. It usually did when suspects became agitated and started screaming.
"Ms.Wildlow I'm pleased you came to see me today. Saves me a bit trying to find you later," Ryan smiled as Lindsay Wildlow turned her wrath towards him. Her angelic face was soured by the seething hatred she demonstrated for him.
"To find me?" she snapped, "Why on earth do you need to find me? We sorted this out days ago. Sawyer told you I have never hurt him, now let me get on with my life."
"Yes we did discuss that," Ryan acknowledged but not letting her off the leash, "we still need to learn were those bruises came from. Would you care to join me for some coffee? We'll discuss this further in private." He said glancing towards Karen who's bespectacled face had returned some color yet she was still staring at Ms.Wildlow as if she would turn back to her at any moment.
"I have discussed this ENOUGH Sawyer is a clumsy boy and that's all there is too it," she concluded pushing past Ryan with enough force to make him side step.
Thinking quickly he called," Ms. Wildlow catch." She turned in time to see him underhand toss it towards her and she snatched it out of the air.
"What is this?" She barked looking at the envelope in her hand.
"You just got served," Ryan smiled and let that soak in for a moment before heading off to his desk.

Ryan couldn't help but feel discomforted when he sat down in his rolling office chair. It had a high back and wide seat but that's where the comfort ceased. Behind the pale gray fabric covering where his tail bone nestled into the back of the seat it was well worn and he could feel the metal framing. The metal wheels squeaked in protest when he scooted any which direction. Where he was a part time investigator he had no room to complain about the hand me downs, considering the position wasn't well funded. He had considered bringing in one of his own but decided against it. If he ever left the post he wasn't about to leave behind a new chair or cart it back home where he already had one. Ryan opted instead for dealing with the discomfort, hell he wasn't at his desk for more than a few hours a week anyways.
The feeling of discomfort didn't stem from his seated position this time however and he began to think about the ramifications of his "meeting" with Lindsay Wildlow.
She had stopped him walking away with a firm grip on his forearm, "What do you mean served?" She had asked sharply her voice without waver.
"Those papers are a summons to a court ordered physicians examination," he explained rather smugly. It wasn't very often they came right to you.
"We have this settled! Sawyer already told you what happened he is a clumsy boy!" she repeated.
"It's standard procedure," Ryan replied," you'll find the appointment and all the information you need in the summons. Good day Ms.Wildlow."
He left her there shell shocked not quite sure what to say or if she should say nothing at all. So she chose the latter, turned on her heel and stomped out the door.

His initial smug feeling ebbed away as an uncomfortable uneasiness took its place. If there was one thing he knew about abusive aggressors is that when they were angry there was not much of a chance of the victim being left untouched. He would have to get CPS involved. He didn’t usually like getting them involved so early on especially before the physicians okay. In this instance he knew without a hesitations doubt that Sawyer Wildlow’s mother was inflicting bodily harm. Reaching across his desk he flipped through the rolodex to the C’s for Child Protective Services. He dialed in the ten digit number and selected the appropriate digits that landed him on the line with Margaret Samson. He had worked with her before on previous cases from kidnapping to other abuse charges. She was an average sized woman graced with pleasant curves and a charming face. The unusual contrast of one blue eye and one brown eye often quickly won the children over to her he supposed it reminded them of the collie dogs. This paired with her wavy russet hair and soft features she was not an unattractive woman. Her personality went hand in hand with her appearance soft, sweet and very caring. A rare jewel in the system he thought; someone that went into her job as a real calling.
“Ryan,” she greeted him casually yet he could still hear the apprehension in her voice. It was accustomed that a call from Ryan Stouge was accompanied with a child in trouble.
“Margie,” He responded attempting to push as much warmth into his voice as he could muster.
“Haven’t heard from you in a while,” she kept it light and airy.
“Haven’t had a case like this in a while,” he replied, “I really wish it was under better circumstances Margie but we’ve got another one.”
He listened to the sigh on the other end letting her adjust before pushing forward, “Seven year old boy, first grade. Teacher reported bruising and strange behavior. I haven’t gotten to the medical examination yet but I am positive the mother is guilty. I pissed her off pretty bad this afternoon and I’m kind of worried about the boy.”
There was silence on the other end of the line for a full minute before Margaret decided what she was going to do.
“Probable cause?”
“Mostly hunch,” he admitted,” but I don’t want to be worried all night about what’s going to happen to him because I gave her bad news today.”
Another pause before,” …okay I’ll get started on removing him. Fax me the file I should be able to get Rustin to sign off on it before six.”
“Thanks Margie,” Ryan sighed, “This should be open close as soon as we get the medical and psychological back.”
“You better hope so Stouge. You’re going to realize one of these days I only have so many strings to pull.”