Status: In progress

Open Your Eyes

Open Your Eyes Chapter 5

Chapter 5
Ryan strode out of the courthouse and over to the parking garage. He put the key into the lock of his candy apple red, 1964 Alfa Romeo Giulia Spyder and sank into its plush seat. Ryan smirked to himself the car cost him only $19,250 at an auction and even though he was paid well it was not as well as people assumed by his car. If he were making bank, he thought, wouldn’t people realize he would have a work car and this one just to flaunt his wealth or maybe they thought he drove it everywhere to rub “all his money” in their faces. Well he decided as he threw the car into reverse they could think whatever they wanted; the way his car purred as it accelerated or the way it hugged the road was well worth it.
Instead of grabbing fast food on the way home Ryan felt he had had an easy enough day to shop for a few groceries. Pulling into the local supermarket he parked in the back corner. Yes-he babied his car. Again his car was well worth it even the walk all the way across the parking lot. Walking inside he grabbed a basket and headed for the produce. The watermelon in his fridge would surely be gone by morning and he would need more. Down the frozen foods aisle he spotted a head of auburn walking out the other end. His heart sped up and he by-passed the frozen peas to follow. He kept his distance but retained a close eye on the girl he was tailing. She was very skittish and jumped at almost every sound but often straightened her posture as if she were determined to be here. She was pushing a cart half full of groceries and was examining the cereal aisle. Her green eyes perused the shelves behind square rimmed glasses. She would pick one item off the shelf before quickly replacing it then choosing another seeming not sure of what it was. He hated to admit it but he was entranced, the girl from his dreams was no more than ten feet in front of him and he could do nothing but stare at her timid actions. She was cute, silently screaming for help but too afraid to accept it. It was instinct that finally had him moving towards her, slowly as if she were a baby rabbit and at any moment she would scamper off if he got too close.
“Hello ma’am,” he said soothingly,” My name is Ryan Stouge.”
The girl froze stock still her back to him. Instantly he regretted approaching her, it obviously scared the hell out of her. He ran his hand through his hair and held back a sigh. The only thing he could do now was wait, see if she turned around or ran.
Thankfully after a few torturous minutes she turned very slowly holding her breath. Ryan let out his own that he hadn’t realized he was holding in. The look in her eyes stabbed him in the heart. He had seen it many times in countless victims, what had she gone through, he wondered, why was she in his dreams? He stopped all the questions when she opened her mouth to speak.
“Hello,” she squeaked Annalee’s voice was dry and shaky from lack of use. The man in front of her was a good four inches taller than her with black hair and familiar eyes, they were green like her own only darker and somehow shinier. His face had soft angular features that contrasted highly with her sharp small ones. His body lean but built just like in all the books she had read. The sight of him calmed her considerably, his face was full of concern and he exuded a calm strength that she tried to absorb through her pores. Lord did she want to be as strong and confident as the man standing in front of her.
“Do you have a name?” That voice, again it had shocked her; at first because it held so much melody and deep tones but now that she matched it to his face it seemed only natural. She nodded her head to his question but forgot what it was, she was too overwhelmed by his presence. After all he was the first person who had talked to her besides her parents in nearly her entire life. Then out of all things he grinned not fully a smile but a small one that encouraged her to answer him, it was angelic. Yet she still didn’t remember the question, she blushed shyly.
“You don’t want to tell me I take it?” the grin was still splayed on his face.
“Tell you?”
“Your name,” this time the grin became a full smile and it warmed her heart. He was nice, she decided, at least she desperately wanted him to be.
“My name is Annalee,” she confided, “Annalee Roice.”
The man nodded and said, “I’m happy to meet you Annalee. You seem like you could use a little help with your shopping.”
Annalee thought about this, was she making a friend? She hoped so. How would someone normally respond to someone like Ryan who comes up to you in a grocery store and asks you to let them help you shop? She figured that no-one would pass up such a nice offer and nodded eagerly.
“I do need help. I have never been to a food store before I am very lost and I don’t know what is good.” She instantly regretted her wording when Ryan grimaced, was it too unnatural? His smile quickly returned however and she forgot her previous concerns.
“Well then I guess I can try, being a bachelor I’m not very good at this whole thing but I do know my way around so I’d love to help.”