Status: In progress

Open Your Eyes

Open Your Eyes Chapter 7

Chapter 7
Ryan rested his hip on his kitchen counter and twisted the top off one of the two remaining Bud Light’s in the fridge. He had dropped off Annalee at her house half an hour previously. He offered to help her take the bags inside but she refused saying she needed to do something for herself that day. He assumed there was someone or something that kept her from letting him inside or probably the fact that they had just met that day and he still made her nervous. It took her two loads to get all the groceries in the house. Mainly non-perishables, she seemed to think anything else would go to waste too quickly. Considering she was such a timid girl she shocked him coming out a third time to wish him farewell. She smiled shyly and he decided he really liked her smile. He needed to know about her past but he felt it in his bones that he would have plenty of time to learn about it later.
“I just needed to thank you for today,” she said a blush creeping up her neck and tinting her cheeks pink. It was adorable and she looked at him through her eyelashes as if to hide by them.
“Trust me it was the least I could do,” he responded not sure what else to say. It wasn’t quite the right time to tell her the truth as to why he had sought her out.
“Well,” continued and glanced back up at her house, “Goodbye then. It was nice meeting you.”
“Not Goodbye Annalee,” he replied, “Just goodnight. We will be seeing each other again I assure you.”
“I hope so,” Ryan thought he heard her whisper but she might not have said anything at all. Simply she nodded and turned to re-enter the house and left Ryan staring after her for a couple of minutes before sliding into the seat of his car and heading home.
That where he was now in his kitchen against the counter sipping from the bottle and running through his day as if it was on fast replay over and over again.