Death Never Comes

Chapter 16

The beast growled and raised its paw, readying itself to attack. Runo lunged out from her hiding spot and jumped onto the beasts back. Shadows surrounded her hand and took shape of a solid black sword. She gripped the handle and stabbed the sword into the beasts' neck. The monster howled in pain and started to shake around violently, trying to shake Runo of of itself. She gripped it's fur tightly and held on. Angel watched in horror then got drug deeper into the pile, his mouth being covered by his twins hand.

The beast stopped swinging around and rolled onto it's side, about to roll onto it's back. Runo blinked at the cleverness of the monster and leaped off it's back before she would get squashed. The monster rolled to it's feet and starred at her, Runo staring back. It's eyes seemed so familiar to her, she knew those eyes from somewhere. The thought of the familiar eyes filled her head, making her distracted. The monster charged at her, taking her distraction as an opportunity to attack.

"Keep your head in the game!" A voice yelled as a gun was shot and the bullet pierced the monsters leg, causing it to collapse and skid to a stop in front of Runo. Runo blinked and looked down at the helpless beast. Zoey blinked and climbed out of the pile of bodies and stared at the person. The twins watched then poked their heads out and gasped.

"Zane?!" Zoey squeaked. What was he doing here? How did he find them so fast?

"I finally caught up to you three. Ya' know you guys actually had me stumped for a while. I didn't think you would've made it this far already. But I guess it is possible when you have her helping you!" Zane spoke bitterly as he motioned to Runo. "And it's been so long since we last seen each other Runo! How have you been?"

"Don't play around Zane, we both know you don't care how I've been." Runo replied as she glared. Angel looked at them both and realized something was wrong. When they looked at each other, the room would fill with hate and tension. He wanted to know how they knew each other. Even though they're both demons, it's hard to meet someone like Runo, usually she has to come to them for a person to meet her.

"Don't be so harsh Runo, I'm only trying to be friendly." Zane shrugged.

"You're never friendly."

"Fair enough. So why'd you agree to help these three losers?"

"Because they need someone who'll actually help them instead of use them. Isn't that right Zane?"

"Use us?" Zoey repeated and looked at Zane. "Is she telling the truth? Have you been using me?!"

"Now now Zoey let's not jump to conclusions." Zane said chuckling. "Why would you think I would use you?"

"Because your a demon!" Zoey blinked at her words. Everyone in this room was a demon except for her. She looked at the twins and smiled apologetically. "No offense to you guys."

"Not all demons are bad Zoey. The twins are demons but you trust them. And of all people you trust Runo! She's a damned angel! They go against heaven! How can you trust that over a demon?!"

"I just can. I know Runo can be trusted." Zoey explained and smiled over at Runo, who smiled back. Zane scoffed.

"Fine whatever," Zane said then sighed. "Yes I was using you and I realized that I was in the wrong. I apologize Zoey. Will you accept it?" Zoey hesitated. She knew Runo would disagree since there was something between them that wasn't pleasent. And she knew the twins would disagree since they just didn't like Zane. "Well?"

"I don't know..." Zoey muttered, ashamed that she couldn't decide. She knew that if she did accept, that Zane would join them again and that would upset the others. But if she declined then Zane would get upset but the other would be happy. Maybe she should refuse it. Runo and the twins were more trustworthy and she didn't need Zane to lead her anymore. But another person would make everything easier wouldn't it? Her head was rolling with decisions. She realized she had been picked up by Break who was running and shoved her into the pile of bodies again and crawled in with Angel. "What's going o-" She was cut off by Break's hand covering her mouth.

The beast rose to it's feet like it had never been shot. Zane groaned. Runo laughed as it rose, it goes to show Zane wasn't as good as he was years ago. Zane glared at her then turned back to the beast as it stared at him. Runo backed off slowly and crept over to Zoey and the twins and pointed to the door they had to go through to proceed. She silently tip toed toward the door as Zane kept the monster distracted. She pried the door open as quietly and quickly as she could and motioned for them to go. The twins hurried through, pulling Zoey with. Runo grinned as she grabbed a long bone and shut the door once through and wedged the bone into the door, jamming it shut.

"What's that for?" Angel asked.

"So Zane can't catch up right away." She explained and dusted her hands off by clapping them together. "Let's keep going."

"What's up ahead?" Break asked cautiously.

"I don't know." Runo stated bluntly as she walked, her bare bloody feet pattering against the stone floor. Break sighed. He didn't like that answer.

"We'll find out shortly." Zoey stated and had Break set her down.

"Hey Runo, how do you know Zane exactly?" Break asked as he followed her. Runo hesitated then sighed.

"Because, MANY years ago, Zane and I were together." She confessed, scoffing at the end.

"What?! No way!" Zoey tried not to laugh, but it was too amusing. Runo nodded.

"He was different back then. But then the Demon Council showed up and everything changed."

"Why couldn't you just stop the Demon Council?" Angel asked curiously.

"Oldest demon or not, it's hard to beat a group of young, powerful, fresh demons. Especially when there's 6 of them. I've tried, but I failed miserably. The leader spared me though..."

"Who is the leader, Runo?" Zoey asked. She remembered the man's face in her vision from the lake. He was a gorgeous yet dangerous looking man.

"His name is Cyril," she answered hesitantly.

"Cyril..." Zoey echoed.
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh Jeese, this is so late. And ofcourse, high school has kept me busy, especially my advanced english class with all my book reports and crap. But heres the next chapter, and I apologize for such a delay on this!