Can You Repeat That, You’re Name is Schneiger, Shwien—What?

Ivonne Neumann is a poor journalist that is just trying to give her family a better life. With a hard life, she’s given up on believing in child notions like fate, destiny, or any of that fairy tale happily ever after. Her life is centered around work, no fun.

Bastian Schweinsteiger is a rich, famous footballer for Bayern Munich and Germany. He lives for everyday and believes wholeheartedly in dreaming, after all that’s what got him to where he is today.

They couldn’t be more different yet destiny seems to want to bring them together. Constantly seeing each other at random places will intertwined their fates. Can he break through to her and make her realize that it’s alright to love and dream of a future together? Or will the pressure of Bastian’s life and her own fears be too much for Ivonne?