Sequel: Till the End

A New Beginning

Stand Up Peeing

When Daddy left the table to go outside, I heard some barkings. As soon as I turned my head to see what it was, three dogs ran through the door coming into the kitchen. One of them was big and yellow looking color, and the other two were small and white. They were all barking at Uncle Jimmy since he had all the bacon in his hands and mouth. When my soft giggles escaped from my lips, all three dogs immediately stopped barking and starred at me with curious looks. I looked at Uncle Johnny, knowing him he stood up and took me out of my booster seat. I walked towards the doggies and just stood in front of them. I reached out to pet the yellow big dog, but as soon my palm made contact with it, the dog licked my face. I giggled really loud, making the two smaller dogs jump on me. I sat down criss cross, and just continued to play with them.

"Woah. None of the dogs ever took a liking to someone that fast" Uncle Zacky commented.

"Abby baby, you okay with the dogs around you?" Auntie Lacey asked.

I nodded, "What are there names?"

"Well the big yellow dog is Bella, she's now your dog. That puppy sniffing your ear is Pinkly, and the other one there is Itchybod" Auntie Gena explained.

I continued, playing and giggling around the dogs till I heard footsteps. I stopped and looked up towards the doorway and seeing Daddy and a lady that looks like Auntie Michelle. The difference was that Auntie Michelle had brown hair, and the lady next to Daddy had blonde hair. I looked back and forth towards the lady look alike, until I heard many chuckles.

"Baby girl, this is Val. Your new Mommy" Daddy said with a smile.

I got up from my position, walked towards them and stopped right in front of them. I looked up towards Val, and saw her with a sincere smile and what looked like tears were about to fall from her pretty eyes. She knelt down and immediately gave me a huge hug. I wrapped my arms around her neck, and smiled. I could hear quiet sobbing, and knew it was Mommy.

"Don't cry Mommy" I whispered. She pulled back and laughed, seeing how funny this would be. She picked me up in her arms.

"I'm a Mommy now" She said with a smile to everybody. Everyone gave out an "AWE" while Daddy wrapped his arms around Mommy.

"What a pretty little family" Uncle Jimmy said with a weird accent. Then out of nowhere, pulled out a camera and took a picture of us. I blinked really fast, suprised from the bright flash.

"What the fu-" Daddy was complaining, but got cut off when Mommy slapped his arm. I think he was about to say a really bad word.

"Well enough of this, come on everyone. Let's eat!" Mommy said. She placed me back into my booster seat and we all began eating. I looked around the table. Everyone here were considered my new loving family that I know would always support and care for me.

Just like I always wanted


When we were done eating lunch, Jayden and I went up to his bedroom watching a movie called Daddy DayCare. I was watching a scene where a little boy was peeing standing up. Why don't we girls ever pee standing up, or boys peeing sitting down? I looked over at Jayden and he was currently playing with Play-Doh.

"Hey Jayden?" I mumbled. He looked up from his art, and smiled at me.


"Have you ever pee'd sitting down?"

"Uh no, i've always been standing up. Why?"

"Just thought why don't boys sit down and girls stand up"

"Maybe you girls are aliens"

My jaw dropped, "Excuse me, aliens?"

"Well let's see if you girls are different. Take off your shirt"

"Huh? You take off your shirt"

"Okay" He said. He took off his shirt and just stood there, waiting for me to do the same. I sighed and slowly took mines off also.

"Well, we have the same everything, so far" I said.

"Take off your pants"

I starred at him in confusion, but did it anyway. We were both now standing in our underwears, just starring at eachother.

"Okay, now our underwear"

Soon enough, we were both naked. What I did notice was that Jayden had a thingy sticking out at the bottom, while I didn't.

"What's that?" I asked.

"What's what?" He asked, confused.

"That!" Pointing at his thing.

"Well what's that?" He asked, pointing towards my non pointy area.

Soon though, we heard footsteps coming up here and Auntie Gena and Mommy were soon at the doorway.

"Okay sweeties, would you like-MATT!" Mommy yelled, scared seeing us.

"OH MY GOD! ZACKERY BAKER! GET IN HERE!" Auntie Gena yelled out.

Now everyone was in the doorway, wide eyes, jaw dropped faces, clearly suprised. Jayden and I looked at each other, possibly thinking the same thing..

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So I Really Love The Comments, I'm Gonna Thank The People Who Commented Soon To Be Recognize. And Sorry For The Delay, School Already Started For Me :( BOOOO. But I Will Continue! So Please Don't Give Up On Me. Thankyou.