Little Black Sheep

Chapter One: Making New Friends

“Honey, get up! It’s your first day of school!” I heard my mother’s sweet voice ring around the room.

“Mom…I don’t want to go to school. They’ll all think I’m some freak.” I mumbled into my pillow, dreading magic school.

Sure, I could cast some spells and already knew a little bit about magic history, but I was an outcast, the daughter of someone seen as a disgrace among human and magic kind. How could I ever be accepted in the eyes of Hogwarts?

“You’ll do just fine Emily. They’ll never know about dad and they aren’t worthy enough to be your friend if they ever chastised you about it.” Her soft hands were on my shoulders, her thumbs rubbing calming circles.

“But mom! I’ve never had a friend! Are you saying no one deserves to be my friend after these eleven years? Maybe I don’t deserve to be anyone’s friend!” I screamed into my lavender pillow, tears started stinging the corners of my eyes.

“No, no, no, Emily. You’re a sweet, smart, and funny girl. You’re just different that’s all. And no one yet is smart enough to accept you for who you are. “Her voice tried to lull me into reassurance.

“Why do you think it’ll be any different there, mum? Why do you think the kids there will accept my freakishness?” my head shot up as tears started to spill over.

“It’s not freakishness, honey.” She giggled as she pressed her finger to my red nose, “It’s just you’re different from everyone, with different experiences and abilities. Dumbledore wouldn’t have invited you to Hogwarts if he didn’t see you seemed fit.”

“He’s made a mistake then.” I whispered as I sniffled.

“You were never a mistake.” Her smile brightened as she wiped away a hot tear, “You’re here for a reason.”

“What reason would that be?” I rubbed my face furiously, trying to ridden my tears.

“You’ll find out along the way. Now get ready, it’s ten o’clock, the train will be leaving in an hour.” She got up from my pink flowery sheets, walked across my white carpeted room, and out the door.

I gave a sigh, would my mum be right? Would I enjoy my stay at Hogwarts, or would it be like everything else? Beside me Rosemarie cooed. I looked over at her dark blue eyes and rubbed my fingers along her chocolate brown feathers with tan specks.

“Well Rosemarie, it seems we’ll be having another adventure, I just hope this one is good.” I whispered to her.

She just cooed again and closed her eyes in return, ready to sleep through the whole journey. I ripped the sheets off my bed and started scouring my floor for my things. I had muggle and spell books spewed across my floor, my robes hanging on the end of my bed, and notes littered everywhere. I picked up The Standard Book of Spells (Grade 1), A History of Magic, Magical Theory, and many other huge books I was required to buy for my first year at Hogwarts. I started stuffing them in my trunk as quick as possible with all my robes, my brand new pewter cauldron, my set glass, telescope, and brass scales. With labored breathing I sat on the suite case, clicking the locks with a flick of my wand.

I quickly started searching through my closet for something to wear and trust me, people always judge on what you wear, no matter what they say about ‘it’s all about your inner beauty.’ I decided to take out a white button up shirt and a black pleated skirt with my converse high tops. I looked down at the scar on the top of my wrist that has been there all these years and slipped a wrist band over it. No one would want to see the V-shaped mark on my arm, they might get the wrong idea. Hopefully, I would seem normal to everyone, as normal as an eleven year old witch could get.

As I hurriedly started brushing my ruffled bed hair away my mother rushed in.

“Aren’t you done yet? Its twenty minutes till eleven! We still have to get down to the station! Hurry up!” and she hustled back down stairs, still getting breakfast ready.

I set my brush onto the dark wooden bathroom counter and looked up at our slightly chipped away mirror. I was the same as I always was, a pale face with crystal gray-blue eyes and black slightly curly hair, just like my father. I brought my finger up to the only thing that I had of my mother’s, my lips. They were a dark pink and full, unlike my dad’s which were a pale pink and thin.

“Emily! Come on! Get your trunk and let’s go! You can eat your breakfast on the way there.” She started pushing me out of the bathroom her facial figures showing anxiety.

I grabbed my case and set Rosemarie’s cage on top as I started rolling it down the stairs. I ran my hand a long the wooden banister, knowing that my dad lived in this place when he was a kid. He probably slid down these banisters, making my Grandmother Walburga mad.
I don’t know why they took my dad to Azkaban, just that he did something horrible enough to be taken away from me forever. I was only one year old when they took him and after that my mom and I were left alone to fend for ourselves. I never knew much about my dad, only that he was a little rebellious and that he was a great man, despite what people say. I wasn’t ever aloud into his older room, maybe they feared what I might see. I never knew anyone on his side of the family so I never was told really anything about my dad and I never asked mum, fearing it might bring back heartbreaking memories. I’ve never seen my mom cry and I didn’t want to, ever.

I reached the end of the red carpeted steps, “There you are! Now take your toast and let’s go!” my mom pulled out her wand and flew the toast over to me and went to the fire place.
She grabbed my arm as we got into the fire place and she had floo powder in her hand.
“King’s Cross.” My mom spoke clearly and suddenly a green flame enveloped us, taking us out of this world and back.

We landed in a fire place not too far away from the train station.

My mom turned to me, “Ok honey, here’s your ticket, make sure you get there before eleven o’clock and enjoy your stay at Hogwarts. It’s going to be great, I know it! I’m sorry I can’t see you off, but you know my shift starts at eleven. Bye honey!” she gave a wave and was gone into the flames just like that.

I looked down at my red and gold ticket, “Platform Nine and three-quarters. There’s no such thing.” I whispered under my breath as I took a bite of my toast and jam.

I sighed as I pulled my luggage down the line looking for nine and ten and nibbling on my breakfast when I heard a lady’s voice say, “Platform nine and three-quarters this way! Hurry up!”

My head swung around to see a huge group of people with flaming red hair, all different ages, and one with messy black hair that looked like he was following, lost, just like me. All of them were pushing carts with luggage and cages with animals on top except the little red head girl and older lady in the front.

I started dragging my luggage towards them when I heard them talking. They stopped right in front of the barrier between platforms nine and ten. Oh no…they’re not gonna…

“Mom, can’t I go…” the little red head whined as she pulled on her mum’s sleeve.

“You’re not old enough, Ginny, now be quiet.” The mom of the group shushed her, “All right, Percy, you go first.” She gestured with her hand towards the barrier.

Just like that the tallest and oldest one of the group went a few feet from the barrier and then started running. In a matter of seconds he crashed right into the barrier, slipping right through as if a ghost. I’ve never really seen that happen before, but why would I? I’ve always lived at my dad’s old house for all my life, 12 Grimmauld Place in a muggle neighborhood. I’ve always known I was a witch, but I didn’t learn much about being one. That’s why I’m going to a magic school, right?

I looked back over at the black haired kid to see a group of muggles passing right in front of him, blocking his view.

“Fred, you next.” The mother said, getting slightly out of the way, holding the small girl by her hand.

“I’m not Fred, I’m George,” he gestured over to another boy that looked just like him, twins, “Honestly, woman, you call yourself our mother? Can’t you tell I’m George?”

“Sorry, George, dear.” She waved her hand in front of her face as if slightly confused.

“Only joking, I am Fred.” He had a playful smirk on as he ran with his twin trailing behind. They both vanished as they hit the barrier, into another world.

My head swiveled back to the boy to see him confused, probably not understanding what he just saw. He couldn’t be a muggle… didn’t he know anything about this? Sure, even I lived in a more muggle-ish area, but he couldn’t do worse than that. Did he have parents that were muggles and he was a wizard baby? Maybe that’s it; his parents don’t know anything about this. Then why aren’t they here?

I lingered behind them as I watched the black haired boy approach the three, “Excuse me?” he asked right behind the plump mom.

She turned around, startled, “Hello, dear,” her smile was kind and her voice gentle, “First time to Hogwarts? Ron’s new, too.” She stepped aside to show her youngest son.

I stepped a little closer, expecting him. He had short burning red hair, light freckles sprinkled around his rather long nose, and larger hands and feet. He seemed like a lot of boys at my old elementary, all getting taller and yet still bony, but some of them had hands and feet like him. My mom had told me that their hands and feet were like that because they were going to grow taller soon. I doubted it.

“Yes,” the boy said, his voice still a little shy, “The thing is-the thing is, I don’t know how to-“ he stuttered. He defiantly was out of his comfort zone.

“How to get onto the platform?” she understood his gibberish. She should have, after what looks like having five kids or more. She probably knew all the tricks, inside and out.

The boy nodded vigorously. He was probably happy that she understood and didn’t look at him like some weirdo.

“Not to worry,” she turned and pointed to the barrier, her hand on his shoulder, “All you have to do is walk straight at the barrier between platforms nine and ten. Don’t stop and don’t be scared you’ll crash into it, that’s very important. Best do it at a bit of run if you’re nervous. Go on, go now before Ron.” She said, her tone polite, yet use to this type of thing.

“Er-okay.” His voice was nervous and unsure as he pushed his cart in front of the barrier.

At first he started at a slow walk and then started to speed up in fear. The closer he got the faster he ran and when he was a mere foot away he shut his eyes, ready for impact. Soon enough he flew right through it, probably with the train by now. I hurriedly approached the barrier watching as the ‘Ron’ boy run in.

I pushed my fearful thoughts away; I wasn’t going to crash into this thing. I closed my eyes and started to shield my head, Rosemarie squawking in terror. I had the feeling I was only a little away when I crashed through the barrier. I felt a slight pressure of the brick at first, but then I slipped through as if it was a hologram of some type.

I peeked open my eyes, hearing the roar of the scarlet red train. Steam poofed out into the air and cries of good byes could be heard along with meows of cats, clicking of shoes, and banging of student’s trunks. I looked behind me at the barrier to see a red sign with Platform Nine and Three Quarters in solid gold. I watched as the strange black haired boy walked along the train, his movements curious and cautious. I started running after him, following as he searched for an empty compartment seeing that almost all were full.
Voices everywhere could be heard.

‘Gran, I’ve lost my toad again.” A boy’s voice pierced through the air, the conversation taking place right in front of me.

“Oh, Neville,” what I presumed to be his ‘Gran’ sighed and shook her head at her grandson’s forgetfulness.

I walked through my eyes darting ever so often to strange things happening around me, but
I tried to keep my eyes on the boy. He was different, so interesting, why was he this way?

“Give us a look, Lee, go on.” A boy from a crowd surrounding a kid with dreadlocks asked.

With a devious smirk planted on his face he lifted up the lid to reveal a creepy hairy spider leg, making the girls in the crowd jump back and scream. I gave a quiet laugh at that as I continued following the boy. We had passed many smiling faces and chattering groups as he curiously looked around, new to this world.

I smiled at his amusement, watching the back of his bobbing head. Suddenly he stopped and I looked up to see an empty compartment. Oh-no, what am I going to do now? I can’t just walk into his compartment with him; he probably wants to be alone, being as shy as he is. Why would he want me to sit in a compartment with him anyway? He’d probably look at me once and know who I am.

I stood outside the compartment, watching as the boy struggled to get his things onto the train. I watched as he yanked on his awfully heaving looking trunk up the steps and dropping a few times on his toes. I started walking towards him, hoping that I could help and make an excuse to go into his compartment with him when one of the twins from the red head family came in.

“Want a hand?” I saw him ask as the tired boy turned around to see who it was.

“Yes, please.” I watched him pant, yet he was still polite. I’ve never really known a boy like that…

“Oy, Fred! C’mere and help!” He shouted back to the grouped family of red heads.

I stared as the three boys somehow got his trunk into the far right window corner.

“Thanks.” I heard his breathless voice that came out of the open compartment window.

I saw the boy wipe his hair out of his eyes. I caught how green they were, his eyes I mean. They weren’t dark or light, but they sparkled like nothing before, they reminded me of the emerald my mom had in her wedding ring.

“What’s that?” one of the twin’s voices broke me out of my trance.

I looked over at what the boy was pointing at. It was at the green eyed boy’s head and a mark was there. It couldn’t be…

“Blimey,” they other twin pushed his way past the other’s arm and took a close look at the boy’s head. He stood back after a little, “Are you-?” his eyes were widened a little.

“He is,” the previous twin said, “Aren’t you?” he looked back to the black haired boy.

“What?” his face was scrunched up and he was confused at what the twins were saying.

“Harry Potter.” Both the twins were in his face.

My hand flew up to my mouth, trying to cover my surprised gasp and my trunk fell over. Rosemarie squawked indignantly, but I could care less. He was the Harry Potter!

“Oh, him,” Harry looked down and then his head shot back up and he coughed, “I mean, yes, I am.”

The twins were looking at him like he was an imaginary fairytale creature, which he could of well as been. He was The Boy Who Lived, the one who defeated He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named. My mom use to tell me the story almost every night when I was younger, telling me I should be grateful for what I do have. My dad was taken away the same year He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named went to the Potter’s house and killed his dad first, then his mom when she got in the way of Harry. He then loomed over Harry’s crib and casted the one unforgivable I knew, Avada Kedavra. He was the only one known to survive the Killing Curse and was only a baby. The evil wizard was said to be killed, but I hear about the conspiracies about him still out there, barely alive.

I watched as a ruby blush started creeping into his cheeks. Suddenly a motherly voice called out behind me and I turned to see the red headed mom yell, “Fred? George? Are you there?”

“Coming mom!” both the twins replied at the same time, rushing out of the compartment and to their mother.

I turned back to Harry, questions whizzing around my head. I watched his flushed face, wondering how he could possibly be like this if he was the Harry Potter. Shouldn’t he be escorted by some security or something, shouldn’t he of had a grand entrance instead of asking a civilian mother how to get onto the platform? Shouldn’t he already know everything and not need to go to some magical school?

A smile spread on his face as he watched something happening behind me. I span around to see the mom licking a handkerchief in her hand.

“Ron, you’ve got something on your nose.” She leaned closer to his nose and started rubbing it furiously.

“Mom-geroff.” Ron squirmed out for her grasp only to land into his brothers’.

“Aaah, has ickle Ronnie got somefink on his nosie?” one of the twins poked Ron’s nose and spoke in a baby voice.

“Shut up.” Ron whispered harshly under his breath as he wrenched himself away.

“Where’s Percy?” their mother said worriedly, Percy probably being the oldest son.

“He’s coming now.” One of the twins said dryly.

Suddenly a tall red head started striding his way closer, his posture showing he thought of himself as a superior. His school robes were already on, making his appearance look even more intimidating, despite his scrawny body and strange hair. I looked a little closer to see a small golden P badge on his chest.

“Can’t stay long, Mother,” his voice was somewhat nasally and something you would hear from a rich kid, “I’m up front, the prefects have got two compartments to themselves-“his proper bragging was cut off by one of the twins.

“Oh, are you a prefect, Percy?” the twin’s voice was feigning surprise as he put a hand on his chest, “You should said of something, we had no idea.”

“Hang on, I think I remember him saying something about it,” the other twin said, a finger on his chin, “Once-“

“Or twice-“the other intercepted.

“A minute-“

“All summer-“

“Oh shut up,” Percy snottily remarked, his abnormally long nose in the air.

“How come Percy gets new robes anyway?” One of the twins complained.

“Because he’s a prefect,” the mother said proudly, fondness coloring her eyes,” All right dear, well, have a good term- send me an owl when you get there.” With that the mom left a small kiss on his cheek as he left, leaving the mom to turn to what seemed the mischievous twins.

“Now, you two- this year you behave yourselves,” her voice had turned more harsher and commanding, “If I get one owl telling me you’ve- blown up a toilet or-“ one of the twin’s cheerful voice interrupted her.

“Blown up a toilet? We’ve never blown up a toilet.” He faked innocence.

“Great idea though, thanks, Mom.” The other twin cut in, a goofy smile on his face.

“It’s not funny.” She sternly said, “And look after Ron.” She ordered, her finger wagging at them.

One of the twins slung an arm around Ron, “Don’t worry, ickly Ronniekins is safe with us.” Once again he said in a taunting baby talk.

“Shut up.” Ron growled again as he pushed away from his brother’s arm.

It was quit strange that Ron was the youngest brother. He seemed almost as tall as the twins, but was still treated as the baby brother, poor kid.

“Hey, Mom, guess what? Guess who we just met on the train?” one of the twins anxiously asked as he looked over at the compartment Harry was in. Harry was looking down though, playing with something in his hands.

The twin turned back to his mother, “You know that black-haired boy who was near us in the station? Know who he is?”

“Who?” she asked, slightly tired of his attempt of suspense.

“Harry Potter!” he loudly whispered, making his sister jump up.

“Oh, Mom, can I go on the train and see him, Mom, oh please…” she was tugged her mom’s sleeve again, her eyes shinning and pleading for her to say yes.

“You’ve already seen him, Ginny, and the poor boy isn’t something you goggle at in a zoo. Is he really Fred? How do you know?” Fred’s mother was intrigued now.

“Asked him. Saw his scar. It’s really there- like lightning.” Fred continued to whispered, trying to build up suspense again.

“Poor dear- no wonder he was alone, I wondered. He was ever so polite when he asked how to get onto the platform.” she sympathized, her eyes holding sadness and pity.

“Never mind that, do you think he remembers what You-Know-Who looks like?” Fred butted in, eager.

“I forbid you to ask him, Fred. No, don’t you dare. As though he needs reminding of that on his first day at school.” She chastised him, scowling.

“All right, keep your hair on.” The other twin brushed off easily when the whistle echoed around in the air.

“Hurry up!” their mother yelled over the whistle, pushing them towards the train, reminding me I should be getting on right about now.

I hurriedly yanked my suite case back up and started sprinting towards the train doors. I just barely slipped through the sliding doors when they closed and the train started moving. I stood in the center of the aisle way…where am I going to sit? I passed each compartment seeing all of them packed with laughter, hugs, and chatter.
I kind of felt left out, I mean I wouldn’t have any friends to go into school with and the only person I was interested in turned out to be the famous Harry Potter. He wouldn’t ever want to be friends with someone like me. I sighed as passed another cheerful compartment full of students.

I turned around the corner and came nose-to-nose with the red haired boy, Ron.
I looked down, a blush starting to blaze my cheeks, “I’m sorry, please do excuse me.” I whispered, trying to brush pass him.

“Wait, are you looking for a compartment too?” he asked me and I looked up, my face still feeling as if molten lava was beneath the surface.

“Ya, I am, but I can’t seem to find any.” My voice was timid, I’ve never really talked to anyone besides my mother that much, much less a boy…

“Well, maybe we can look for one together.” His ears were a scarlet, along with his own cheeks, but he seemed nice. It wasn’t like I could say no anyways.

“Sure, that’d be nice.” I quietly said, although my head was dipped down toward my converse (which turned out to be non-normal…just great.)

He took the left side and I took the right. I looked into the frosty windows of the compartment doors only to see almost of them completely full. I reached the last one in our part of the train and I lingered there. There was two girls and a boy in there all talking. One had bushy brown hair and the other black, but the boy looked kind of like that Neville boy, but I couldn’t see clearly, the windows being frosted and all.

“Hey!” I heard Ron’s voice and I looked over to see him gesturing me over with his hand.

I walked over, picking up my trunk, “You found one?” I asked, hopeful.

“Ya, well, it has one person in it, if you don’t mind.” He proposed, slightly hesitant.

“Well, that’s ok. I don’t think we’ll find one better than that.” I said, hoping that the person was nice.

Ron pulled the compartment door open, “Anyone sitting there?” I heard him ask, seeing that he pointed at the seat opposite of the person, “Everywhere else is full.”

I saw movement behind the frosted glass and Ron started walking in. I followed him with my head down, shy of the new stranger. It was strange that Ron hadn’t talked to the person with us; I mean he talked to me and didn’t even know me, I wonder who our compartment mate was…

“Hey Ron.” I heard the familiar voice of one of the twins.

My head shot up as they started talking with their brother, “Listen, we’re going down the middle of the train- Lee Jordan’s got a giant tarantula down there.” The other twin said, excited. Maybe that guy was the one I saw with the box and a hairy leg coming out it.

“Right,” mumbled Ron, not enjoying his bothers’ presence.

“Harry, did we introduce ourselves? Fred and George Weasely. And this is Ron, our brother. See you later then.” With that the brothers ran out, slamming the compartment door, rushing to see the large spider.

I was frozen to my seat. They said Harry. They couldn’t possibly mean the Harry Potter, could they?

I whipped my head to across the compartment to see the boy with green eyes, black hair, and glasses at the end of his nose. I could feel my face drain of color, my cheeks feeling a little cold. I was sitting right across from the Harry Potter. It can’t be possible…

“Are you really Harry Potter?” I heard Ron blurt out right next to me, making the color in my cheeks to return.

I saw the black-haired boy nod.

“Oh-well, I thought it might be one of Fred and George’s jokes,” Ron rushed out, his ears turning slightly red, “And have you really got- you know…” he said slower and more quiet while pointing at Harry’s forehead.

Harry once again with no words pulled back away his black bangs showing his lightning scar. I gasped, gripping at my covered wrist.

“I can’t believe it...” I breathed.

“So that’s where You-Know-Who-?” Ron asked, letting his question hang there.

“Yes,” Harry’s voice not really shy anymore, “but I can’t remember it.”

I just stayed in the background, letting all the guys doing the talking, like I’ve always done.

“Nothing?” Ron asked, leaning forward in anticipation.

“Well- I remember a lot of green light, but nothing else.” Harry said his eyes casted upwards, trying to remember that night probably.

“Wow,” Ron whispered more to himself.

An awkward silence started to develop once Ron realized what he was doing. I scooted closer to my corner and curled up in a smaller ball, trying to seem invisible. Harry’s green eyes flickered over to me and questions bubbled into my mouth, threatening to spill over.

I finally spoke, my head on my knees, looking down, “Harry, I wonder why…I wonder why...well…why weren’t you flourished in like some hero? Why are you so nice? Why don’t you know about some things? Why are you like this? I mean…you’re The-Boy-Who-Lived.” My voice was at first a whisper, but then I started rambling and talking quicker, my face burning up.

“Well…I didn’t find that out until just over a month ago.” He told me.
My eyes slightly widened and I looked up at him, “How could you not know ‘till now? Where have you been?”

“I heard you went to live with Muggles,” Ron said, “You did, didn’t you?”

“Ya, I did.” He answered.

“What are they like?” I’ve went to school with Muggle children, but I’ve never lived with them or really interacted with them.

“Horrible,” he said a sour look on his face, but then back tracked, “Well, not all of them. My aunt and uncle and cousin are, though. I wish I’d had three wizard brothers.” Harry said slightly longingly.

“Me too.” I was looking down again, a little sad.

“Five,” Ron corrected, but he didn’t seem all too happy ‘bout it, “I’m the sixth in our family to go to Hogwarts. You could say I have a lot to live up to. Bill and Charlie already left-Bill was head boy and Charlie was captain of Quidditch. Now Percy’s a prefect. Fred and George mess around a lot, but they still get really good marks and everyone thinks they’re really funny. Everyone expects me to do as well as the others, but if I do, it’s no big deal, because they did it first. You never get anything new, either, with five brothers. I’ve got Bill’s robes, Charlie’s old Wand, and Percy’s old rat.” Ron pulled out a somewhat fat gray rat out of his pocket and set it on his lap, looking at it with disgust, “His name’s Scabbers and he’s useless, he hardly ever wakes up. Percy got an owl for being made a prefect, but they couldn’t aff-“ he cut himself off, turning slightly pink, “I mean, I got Scabbers instead.” He looked out the window, thoroughly embarrassed at his out burst.

“It’s ok Ron, but it can’t be all that bad. I mean you have something nothing money can’t really ever buy, a family.” I whispered next to him, “I would die to be the place you’re in.” I said even quieter, hoping he wouldn’t hear.

“I guess you’re right, but it still would be nicer if I wasn’t the youngest son of the family, you always get the leftovers.” He looked down at his hands which were in his lap when Harry spoke.

“There’s nothing wrong getting the leftovers Ron, and not having enough money for everything. I mean I lived like that, having to have Dudley’s old clothes and I never had a birthday party, here I am today. I lived just like any other muggle and until Hagrid told me, I didn’t know anything about being a wizard or about my parents or Voldemort-“Harry just was speaking like it was an everyday conversation, but that was one name you didn’t hear in any conversation.

I gasped, my hands going up to my mouth at the sound of his name, along with Ron.

“What?” Harry asked confused at our reaction.

“You said You-Know-Who’s name!” Ron answered for me, yet he sounded impressed at Harry’s willingness to speak his name, “I’d have thought you, of all people-“

“I’m not trying to be brave or anything, saying his name,” Harry said, somewhat rushing,” I just never knew you shouldn’t. See what I mean? I got loads to learn…I bet, I bet I’m the worst in the class.” He said his voice full of nervousness and worry at the end of his sentence.

“Oh no Harry, there’s lots of people like you, who don’t know a lot of things about the wizarding world. I mean there are some witches and wizards who come from muggle parents. They seem to turn out alright,” I tried to reassure him, with a small smile on my face.

“Really? There are kids that are born from people who have no magical powers, but the kid does?” he said, slightly surprised.

“Ya, I haven’t met any yet, but you two are really the only students I’ve met, let alone any wizard or witch.” I said, slightly embarrassed.

“Same here, well except I met Vol-, You-Know-Who, but that was when I was one.” Harry said, both of us having something in common.

A little silence washed over us, but I didn’t want it to end so I decided to ask Ron something about his interesting family, “Hey, Ron, are all of your family wizards and witches? I mean I wouldn’t think of you any different if they weren’t.”

“Uh, ya, I’m pretty sure. I think my mom’s second cousin who’s an accountant, but we never talk about him.” He said, thinking hard. It was probably hard trying to remember a family that size.

“So, is it really fun having all those brothers and a sister?” I asked eagerly, wondering if it was all what it was put up to be.

“Ya, well, at times it is, but at others it can be a pain in the butt. When you want to do something, you’ll probably find at least one person to do it with, but when you want to be alone it’s really hard to get somewhere no one else is at. Enough about my family though, what about yours?”

“Uh…well, I live with my mom in a muggle neighborhood. My dad is in- well, I actually don’t know where he is,” I lied, “and I don’t really know any of my other relatives. It’s always been my mum and me, little Emily.”

“I’m sorry about that. You know nothing about your dad?” Harry said, sympathizing.

“No, only that he was a little reckless, but it can’t be as bad as what you have, not knowing any of your parents and all, living with three evil relatives.” I said my voice filled with sadness at just the mere thought.

We stayed quiet for a little while and I stared at his scar, my fingers rubbing my own under my wrist band.

“Did it hurt?” I asked, curious about his scar.

“What hurt?” he asked confused.

“When you got the scar. Did it hurt to get it?” I asked more quietly.

“Uh, well, I wouldn’t really know. I don’t remember a lot from that night.” He said trying to give me the best answer he could.

“Ya, it was kind of a dumb question. Of course you wouldn’t remember, you were a baby. I’m sorry.” I looked away from him and out the window, staying quiet this time, everyone did.

I watched as farmland passed, London long gone. I sighed, why was my dad in Askaban, what could he have possible done to get in there? I leaned my head against the compartment doors, my eyes still on Harry. Why did this famous hero end up like this? Why was he stuck with evil family members not knowing anything? I started to trace my scar under my wristband. My mom always told me I got it from fall on a stick when I first learned how to run, although I don’t remember anything. She swore my dad was worried as heck and that it happened right after he had to leave. My eyes started drooping, sleep taking me over. Soon enough, the last thing I saw the twinkle of green from Harry’s eyes and then everything was dark.

“Ron, her name is Emily right?” I heard a voice say.

“Ya, I’m pretty sure that’s what she said it was.” Another boy voice whispered.

“Emily…” something started shaking me, but I kept my eyes shut.

“No….” I whined and turned my head away.

“You have to get up.” The shaking continued.

“No I don’t...” I mumbled grumpily, pushing my head more into the cushions.

“It’s lunch time, Emily!” it was Ron’s voice now.

I groaned in my head, wanting more sleep, but said, “Fine, I’m up.”

I rolled over, rubbing my eyes of sleep and yawned, “Was I the only one who fell asleep?” I asked, somewhat self conscious.

“No,” Harry pointed at Ron, “I had to get him up too, he was a bugger.”

“I just like my sleep, that’s all…” Ron muttered as once again his ears turned pink.

Suddenly there was clanging outside the door when it slid open. A plump lady with rosy cheeks appeared, “Anything off the cart, dears?” she asked kindly, her lips pulled into a smile.

I jumped up, only having a piece of toast for breakfast, I was hungry. I looked behind me, seeing Harry following, but Ron stayed put.

“I’ve got sandwiches.” He mumbled, pulling out something from his pocket.
Harry and I walked to the cart and I started browsing through everything.

“Would you by any chance have Mars Bars?” I heard Harry ask. Mars Bars, what were those?

“Sorry dear, we don’t have any, but please do look and see if there’s anything you like.” Her voice was slightly like Mrs. Weasely’s, she must have been a grandma.

“Harry, what’s a Mars Bar?” I asked while picking out a box of Bertie Bott’s Every Flavor Beans and a few chocolate frogs.

“You haven’t heard of a Mars Bar before?” Harry said astonished with one of everything jumbled in his arms.

“Well… no. Is it some candy or something?” I asked as I put my treats onto the lady’s counter and pulled out a few sickles.

“Yeah. It’s a candy bar. It’s made out of chocolate, caramel, and nougat.” Harry answered after looking closely at a chocolate frog box.

“I’ve never heard of it before. Is it a muggle candy?”

“Ya, I guess it is.” He paid for his things and started walking back to the compartment.

A muggle candy? How strange…

“You coming Emily?” Harry’s voice broke through my thoughts.

“Coming!” I scooped up my things and slipped through the frosted doors.

Ron stared at Harry as he dumped all his sweets onto the seat next to him.

“Hungry are you?” He asked both of us as I plopped onto my seat.

“Starving,” Both Harry and I said at the same time, a pie in his mouth.

I looked over at him and started blushing. I can’t believe I just said that the same time he did! Harry’s full cheeks were red too and a little pumpkin pastry was stuck on his cheek. I started laughing at his expression. Harry started laughing with me, Ron soon following.
After our giggling subsided, Ronny took out a lumpy package and his face turned sour. I watched as he unwrapped it, wondering what could possibly be inside.

“She always forgets I don’t like corned beef.” He wrinkled his nose as he pulled what seemed to be a sandwich from the rest of the chunk.

Harry started looking through his pile and came up with a pasty. “Swap you one of these. Go on-“

“You don’t want this, it’s all dry.” Ron said, taking the top slice of bread off the top, “She hasn’t got much time.” He tacked on quickly, “you know, with five of us.”

“Go on, have a pasty.” Harry insisted, wiggling the pasty right in front of Ron.

I couldn’t remember the last time someone was that nice to me. Maybe never. All the boys at my old school were nasty and liked to taunt me. There was this one time when I finally had enough…

*I was just beginning 5th grade and was outside on the swing seat they had for lunch recess. I swung slowly back and forth until I saw something slither through the grass, a baby snake.

“Hello little guy.” I said, staring down at him, “Watcha doing here? You lost?”
Slowly, his head shook up and down. I suddenly froze. That snake could not have just understood what I said.

“Do you know what I’m saying?” I asked, examining it closer.
It shook its smooth head again, his black eyes almost looking said.

“Where’s your mommy?”

He looked over at the fences that separated the forest and the rest of the school grounds.

“She’s in the woods somewhere?”

He nodded, staring longingly at the trees.

“Maybe I could help you…” I started to crouch down when I heard a voice.

“You whispering to snakes Emily? What you saying to it?” It was a boy named Josh, “’Hi, I’m Emily. I’m a freak and a loser, will you eat me?’” He taunted his words stinging. The boys behind him started laughing and kicking the sand underneath the swing towards me.

Anger started the pulse through me. I’ve put up with him far too long. My mind started getting fuzzy and I stood up.

“I’m tired of you Josh! And now, you won’t tease me anymore!” I yelled at him and suddenly the snake next to me started attacking his face.

The adults that were supervising us rushed to him. An ambulance arrived a few minutes later and I could see Josh’s puffed up face.

The next day, I heard the other boys saying I was a freak and right before the snake attacked Josh I was making strange noises.” It was like she was possessed or something”. I overheard them whispering to a group of girls. The rest of the year was miserable…*

“What are these?” I heard Harry curiously ask while holding up a box of Chocolate Frogs. “They’re not really frogs are they?”

“You’ve never had a chocolate frog?” I asked him, astonished.

He looked puzzled, “No. I never knew such a thing could exist.”

“No, they’re not real frogs.” Ron said, “But see what the card is. I’m missing Agrippa.”

“What?” Harry asked, still confused.

“Oh, of course, you wouldn’t know- Chocolate frogs have cards inside them, you know, to collect- famous witches and wizards. I’ve got about five hundred, but I haven’t got Agrippa or Ptomely.” Ron explained.

“You have that many Ron? Wow, I’m missing Mnemone Radford, Jocunda Sykes, Mungo Bonham, and a few others.” I said, thinking of my small stash that was left at home.
We watched as Harry started unwrapping his Chocolate Frog. With curious eyes, he lifted the card up and Ron peeked over Harry’s shoulder.

“So this is Dumbledore!” Harry exclaimed.

“Don’t tell me you‘d never heard of Dumbledore!” Ron said in an unbelieving voice, “Can I have a frog? I might get Agrippa-thanks-“

“Isn’t Dumbledore the headmaster of Hogwarts?” I asked, recalling what my mother said that very morning.
Ron rolled his eyes disbelief, “You haven’t heard of him either?” and continued opening his chocolate frog.

I glanced over at Harry to see his mouth open and his eyes wide, “He’s gone!”

“Well, you can’t expect him to hang around all day. He’ll be back. No, I have Morgana again and I’ve got about six of her… do you want it? You can start collecting.” Ron offered the card to Harry and his eyes strayed over to the pile of Chocolate Frogs beside him.

Harry grabbed the card, “Help yourself.” And Ron picked up another frog. “But in, you know, the Muggle world, people just stay put in photos.”

“Do they? What they don’t move at all?” Ron seemed surprised. “Weird!”

I’ve had my fair share of both Muggle and magical photos. I’ve always like the magical ones better because it seemed like you really could go back and relive them while in Muggle photos…it felt like you were frozen and trapped.

Most of the time on the train was passed by Ron eating chocolate frogs and Harry and I reading the cards. Harry at first asked me if I wanted a card, but I insisted he keep them for his own collection. Soon he had many wizards and witches, which included Hengist of Woodcroft, Alberic Grunnion, Circe, Paracelsus, and Merlin. They were a nice start for cards for him.

After looking at the last frog, which had druidess Cliodna, Harry reached over and grabbed a bag of Bertie Bott’s Every Flavor Beans.

I was about to warn him, but Ron beat me to it; “You want to be careful with those. When they say every flavor, they mean every flavor-you know, you get all the ordinary ones like chocolate and peppermint and marmalade,but then you can get spinach and liver and tripe. George reckons he had a booger-flavored one once.”

Each of us picked a bean from the bag. Ron looked closely at his green one, probably thinking it was his brother’s rumored boogey-flavored one. He bit into it and immediately scrunched his face up, “Bleaaargh- see? Sprouts.”

Even though Harry was reluctant he finally popped his in his mouth and his face was full of relief to fine it was only marshmallow. Mine was a pink-ish color and the taste reminded me of the scent of a rose. We continued taking random beans, daring each other to take certain colored ones. Ron even dared Harry to eat a gray colored one that turned out to be pepper. We laughed at each other’s misfortunes and the time was passed with merry laughter and puckered faces.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door right after Harry had popped an ear wax bean in his mouth. It was the Neville boy from the station, although he looked more upset.

“Sorry,” he said shyly, “but have you seen a toad at all?”

I slowly shook my head, afraid the boy might have a melt down.

He started to wail, “I’ve lost him! He keeps getting away from me!”

“He’ll turn up.” Harry tried to reassure him.

“Yes,” The boy calmed down a little, “Well if you see him…” and he left with the sentence trailing off.

“Don’t know why he’s so bothered,” Ron said as soon as the door shut, “If I’d brought a toad I’d lose it as quick as I could. Mind you, I brought Scabbers, so I can’t talk.”

I finally noticed that Ron had a rat napping in his lap. It hasn’t wakened up in all this time?

“He might have died and you wouldn’t know the difference.” Ron said, obviously not happy he got stuck with such a lame pet,” I tried to turn him yellow yesterday to make him more interesting, but the spell didn’t work. I’ll show you, look…”

Ron turned to his luggage and started searching for something. He finally brought out a very well-used wand. It was so beat up that something white was coming out of the end.

“Unicorn hair’s nearly poking out. Anyway-“

He cleared his throat just as the door slid open. There was the toad boy again, only now he had a girl with him. She was even wearing her Hogwarts robes.

“Has anyone seen a toad? Neville’s lost one.” Her voice gave me the impression that she was great and knew it, although her large front teeth and poofy brown hair probably got her teased.

“We’ve already told him we haven’t seen it.” Ron told her, a little annoyed by her presence, probably sensing she was an annoying person.

The bossy girl just ignored him and continued staring at his wand, “Oh, are you doing magic? Let’s see it, then,” and took a seat right by me, seeming perfectly content with barging into someone’s compartment and sitting right down.

Ron looked a little surprised, but quickly recovered, “Er- all right,” and cleared his throat again.

“Sunshine, daisies, butter mellow,
Turn this stupid, fat rat yellow.”

He then flicked his wand, but the rat remained a grayish color, soundly asleep in Ron’s lap.

The annoying girl spoke again, “Are you sure that a real spell? Well, it’s not very good, is it?” I was just getting more infuriated at her self-righteousness and wished she would just shut up, but she continued, “I’ve tried a few spells just for practice and it’s all worked for me. Nobody in my family’s magic at all, it was ever such a surprise when I got my letter, but I was ever so pleased, of course, I mean, it’s the very best school of witchcraft there is, I’ve heard- I’ve learned all our course books by heart, of course, I just hope it will be enough- I’m Hermione Granger, by the way, who are you?” She spoke very quickly and suddenly she reminded me of myself when I met new grown-ups. Maybe she wouldn’t be so bad…

“I’m Ron Weasely” Ron answered, his ears a tad bit red.

“I’m Emily Bl-“ I suddenly paused, and remembered I couldn’t let them know my last name. I quickly tried t o fix it, “Emily Blarsh.” I tried to give a sincere smile and it seemed to fool them, although Hermione looked a little weary of me.

She turned and looked over at Harry, “And you?”

“Harry Potter.” He answered and her expression turned into awe.

“Are you really? I know all about you, of course- I got a few extra books for background reading, and you’re in Modern Magical History and The Rise and the Fall of the Dark Arts and Great Wizarding Events of the Twentieth Century.”

Harry looked overwhelmed, “Am I?”

“Goodness, didn’t you know, I’d have found out everything out if it was me.” Of course she would have…”Do either of you know what house you’ll be in? I’ve been asking around and I hope I’m in Gryffindor, it sounds by far the best; I heard Dumbledore himself was in it, but I suppose Ravenclaw wouldn’t be too bad… Anyway, we’d better go and look for Neville’s toad. You two better change, you know, I expect we’ll be there soon.”

And then she left, without saying “Nice to meet you” and took Neville with her.

“Whatever house I’m in, I hope she’s not in it,” said Ron.

“Me too! She was such…such a..Snob!” I huffed and stared aggravated out the window.

He tossed his wand back into his trunk. “Stupid spell- George gave it to me, bet he knew it was a dud.”

“What house are your brothers in?” Harry asked, of course too nice to insult Hermione.

“Gryffindor,” Ron said sadly. “Mom and Dad were in it, too. I don’t know what they’ll say if I’m not. I don’t suppose Ravenclaw would be too bad, but imagine if they put me in Slytherin.” He spoke the name as if it was cherry flavored cough syrup.

“That the house Vol-, I mean, You-Know-Who was in?” Harry asked.

“Yeah,” Ron mumbled, before laying down, a worried look on his face.

“You know, I think the ends of Scabber’s whiskers are a bit lighter,” Harry said, un-doubtfully trying to make Ron feel better.

“Ya, you can see a little yellow on the tips.” I added, trying to make it more convincing.

“So what do your oldest brothers do now that they’ve left, anyway?” Harry asked, probably another distraction.

“Charlie’s in Romania studying dragons and Bill’s in Africa doing something for Gringotts,” Ron said, “Did you hear about Gringotts? It’s been all over the Daily Prophet , but I don’t suppose you get that with the Muggles- someone tried to rob a high security vault.”
I remember hearing a little about that the day before. It was a very strange story indeed.

“Really what happened to them?” Harry asked Ron, but I butted in.

“That’s what really strange. They never found them. Everyone thinks it has to be some powerful wizard, but it doesn’t seem like they even took anything! Now everyone’s a little on the edge because a few people think it may be You-Know-Who.” I explained and the two boys remained silent.

Could it have been him? There’s no way…Harry got rid of him. But what could a baby do to kill such a strong wizard. Doubt started clouding my mind.

“What’s your Quidditch team?” Ron asked, breaking the silence.

“Er-I don’t know any,” Harry admitted.

“What!?” Both Ron and I exclaimed at the same time.

“Harry, it’s better than rugby and football!” I told him.

“Ya, it has four balls…” and Ron continued to explain the game to Harry and I threw in a few tid bits.

The compartment door opened again, but it wasn’t that annoying Hermione or the boy who lost his toad, but three boys.

The one in the middle with blond hair looked over at me and I could see gears working in his brain, a little confused, but quickly glanced over at Harry.

“Is it true?” the blond boy said, “They’re saying all down the train that Harry Potter’s in this compartment. So it’s you, is it?” A smirk played along his lips.

“Yes.” Was all Harry said, but he was looking at the two boys flanked at both sides of the blond boy’s sides. They were large, mean looking boys.

“Oh, this is Crabbe and this is Goyle.” He lazily said, as if they were of no importance, “And my name’s Malfoy, Draco Malfoy.”

A strange noise came from Ron, maybe a muffled snicker. Draco gave him a glare, a full out sneer on his face.

“Think my name’s funny, do you? No need to ask who you are. My father told me all the Weasely’s have red hair, freckles, and more children than they can afford.” He spat and Ron looked as if he was slapped.

He glanced over at me, “And you? Who may you be?”

“Emily Blarsh.” I told him, my chin held up high.

“Never heard of you, no doubt by that last name you’re family has no importance.” He said loftily, and waved his hand as if to brush me away. *Only if he knew my real last name*, I thought angrily.

He turned back to Harry, “You’ll soon find out some wizarding families are much better than others, Potter. You don’t want to go making friends with the wrong sort. I can help there.” After all that, Draco had enough guts to hold his hand out the Harry, overly confident that he would just shake it. Harry left it to hang there.

“I think I can tell who are the wrong sort are for myself, thanks,” Harry said icily.

Draco had a hint of a blush rising into his cheeks at the verbal slap.

“I’d be careful if I were you, Potter,” He said, his tone deadly, “Unless you’re a bit politer you’ll go the same way as your parents. They didn’t know what was good for them either. You hang around with riffraff like the Weasely’s, the Blarsh girl, and Hagrid, and it’ll rub off on you.”

I suddenly stood up; anger filling my veins again, and my nose a centimeter from Draco’s face. “If you want to make threats Malfoy, better make it with someone who won’t beat the crap out of you.”

“Oh, you going to fight us, little girl?” Draco taunted a grin on his lips.

“Unless you get out now.” Harry growled next to me.

“But we don’t feel like leaving now, do we, boys? We’ve eaten all our food and you still seem to have some.” And his one goon, Goyle started to reach out to a Chocolate Frog and Ron was about to pounce on him, his face all red, but Goyle cried out before Ron even touched him.

It turned out Scabbers woke up during the fight and bit Goyle’s finger, and was still hanging on. I felt bad for the rat; Goyle’s flesh probably didn’t taste good. Goyle started to spin, trying to get the rat of and both Crabbe and Draco stood back in fear of getting hit. Scabbers finally flew off; hit the window, and the boys rushed out of the room.

“That’s what you get Malfoy!” Ron yelled after them and shut the compartment door.

Just a minute later, Hermione walked in, “What has been going on?” She demanded like a mother and looked at our trashed seats and floor.

Ron gingerly picked up Scabbers by the tail, “I think he’s been knocked out.” and then took a closer look, “No-I don’t believe it- he’s gone back to sleep!” He turned to Harry, “You’ve met Malfoy before?”

“Yeah, he was at Madam Malkin’s Robes for all Occasions…” and Harry explained how he called Hagrid a servant and how children born from Muggle families shouldn’t know they had the talent of magic.

“I’ve heard of his family,” Ron spoke of them with distain, “They were some of the first to come back to our side after You-Know-Who disappeared. Said they’d been bewitched. My dad doesn’t believe it. He says Malfoy’s father didn’t need an excuse to go over to the Dark Side.”

Ron then turned to Hermione who I forgot was even there, “Can we help you with something?”

“You better hurry up and put your robes on, I’ve just been up to the front to ask the conductor, and he says we’re nearly there. You’ve been fighting haven’t you? You’ll be in trouble before we even get there!” She once again nagged like a mother.

“Scabber’s has been fighting, not us!” Ron protested, “Would you mind leaving while we get changed?”

“All right- I only came in here because people outside are behaving very childishly, racing up and down the corridors.” Hermione said as if she wasn’t being thrown out, “And you’ve got dirt on your nose by the way, did you know?” she remarked and left with a flourish.

Ron and I glared as she left. Why did she have to be so snooty? What made her any better than us? All three of us then got our robes form our trunks and slipped them on just as a voice came on the PA system, “We will be reaching Hogwarts in five minutes’ time.” Please leave your luggage on the train, it will be taken to the school separately.”

We looked at each other, anxious expressions on all of our faces. We were almost there and this was the day we’ve been waiting for, even if we didn’t know it yet. We shoved our last candies into our robes and walked over to the crowd just as the train started slowing to a stop.

The crowd started to push their way out the door and onto the platform. Soon a lamp was visible and a large man with a huge, bushy beard could be seen, “Firs’ years! Firs’ years over here! All right there, Harry?” He stood right by us, smiling down at Harry.

“C’mon, follow me- anymore firs’ years? Mind your step, now! Firs’ years follow me!”

As everyone pushed and shoved ahead, girls linked arm to arm and guys to close to slip through, I was moved farther and farther away from Ron and Harry.

“Ron, Harry!” I called. They looked back, but the crowd was too thick for them to reach me.

Soon enough we started walking down a steep, dirt path with black forest on either side of us. There were no voices, and the tension was so think you could cut it with a steak knife.

“Yeh’ll get yer firs’ sight o’ Hogwarts in a sec,” I could hear the large man boom over everyone’s heads, “jus’ round this bend here.”

As the castle came into view there was a large collective “Oooooooohhh!” and I could see why.

“No more’n four to a boat!” Hagrid yelled and motioned over to the tons of boats sitting by the shore of the lake.

I passed each boat, seeing each was already full of four. I even passed Harry and Ron would were sitting with Neville and Hermione. They gave me sad smiles that seemed to say ‘sorry that we couldn’t save a spot. Good luck.' Thanks guys. The more boats I passed, the more apprehensive I became. What if there was no room for me?

Suddenly, a loud voice was behind me, “You lookin’ fer a boat, sweetie?” His eyes twinkled and he seemed harmless.

“Y-yes, sir.” I stuttered, close to a break down.

“Well, yeh can ride with me.” He led me over to his boat, which was in the front, and then called out “Everyone in?” Nobody answered, “Right then- FORWARD!”

The boats started moving and looked once again at Hogwarts in awe. The water surrounding us was as black as the sky, but the silver moonlight glimmered on the surface. For a fleeting moment I wondered what was under there and let my finger tips brush the surface. It was freezing. Hogwarts looked like a more medieval version of Cinderella’s castle at Disney World, but was still just as breath taking. It looked a little unstable, as it leaned toward the cliff on the mountain it was on, but it only reminded me of its history, how many great things happened here. Every window glowed and it seemed almost impossible there could be that many rooms. The moon was full and cast a ghostly glow, only enhancing its charm.

“Hullo Emily.” I turned around and looked over at the man, seeing the back of the boat lean more into the water where he sat.

“How do you know my name?” I asked, a little weary.

“I’ve known you ‘ince yeh er a ‘ittle baby.” He explained, “’Ittle Emily Black.”

My eyes widened with surprise, “Don’t say that! Someone might hear you!” I looked around and no one was looking our way.

“Oy, you don want ‘em knowing yer a Black?”

“Ya, do you know what would happen? Who are you and how do you know my family anyway?” I asked, still a little freaked out.

“I’m Hagrid. I was a friend of both yer dad and mum. Sirius, he was a good man. Yer mum was like a precious jewel to him. I ‘member the day yeh er born. He couldn’ ‘ave been prouder.” A smile played along his lips at the memory, “I’mma not s‘spose to talk to ya ‘bout him. So keep this quiet, ok?”

“Sure thing,” I promised although I was dying to ask him more about my dad.

“Heads down!” Hagrid shouted to everyone as we passed under a sheet of ivy that was covering and opening in the side of a cliff.

It seemed like we were going downwards until we reached a place filled pebbles and rocks, in which we were clambered onto. I stepped off my boat and strained my eyes to find Harry and Ron, my only two friends that I’ve ever had.

“Oy, you there! Is this your toad?” Hagrid asked after checking all the boats.

“Trevor!” Neville yelled as he was reunited with his…bumpy, slimy toad.

We were then lead through a passageway that was carved into he rock, mainly watching Hagrid’s light to see where to go. Finally we reached moist grass that was still hidden in the castle’s shadow. We continued to walk up stone stairs that led to the school and stopped in front of a huge, oak door.

“Everyone here? You still got yer toad?” he asked the Neville boy before turned and knocking on the door three times. The door opened.
♠ ♠ ♠
* means italicized words
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or any of J.K Rowling universe. Although, I wish I did :P