Little Black Sheep

Chapter Four: Midnight Trick

Chapter Four:
After our strange visit with Hagrid, we haven’t been invited back since. Classes started coming second nature to Harry, Ron, and I and we never ran into the third floor forbidden corridor again. The only little thing that snagged at our smooth transition into Hogwarts was Potions class with greasy haired Snape and rat faced Draco. Although, we only had to see them once a week, that is, until we read piece of paper pinned on the common room wall.
“Flying lessons on Thursday?!” I could hear Hermione’s panicked voice in the front of the crowd that huddled around the notice.
“With the Slytherins.” Seamus sneered as he read the paper.
“Typical,” Harry said exasperated by my side, “Just what I always wanted. To make a fool of myself on a broomstick in front of Malfoy.” Sarcasm was evident in his voice.
“You don’t know that you’ll make a fool of yourself,” Ron reassured Harry, “ Anyway, I know Malfoy’s always going on about how good he is at Quidditch, but I bet that’s all talk.”
“All Malfoy ever does is talk. He only brags about stories of riding around in the muggle world and always has a tragic ending to it, like narrowly missing a helicopter. It’s balderdash! He may complain that first years never get on the Quittich teams, but I’m pretty sure he’s absolutely relieved by it!” I continued to rant, my hatred for the blond haired boy rising, “Has he ever done anything to prove he even rode a broomstick? I bet Seamus and you guys are better than him, the weaseled nosed brat,” I ended with an aggravated ‘hmp.’
“Ya, we probably are. Did I ever tell you guys about the time I used Charlie’s old broom and I almost hit a glider? It was amazing-“
“Yes, Ron. We must have heard it million times by now.” Harry teased Ron with a smile, elbowing him in the arm.
Ron’s ears turned a little pink, “Oh, sorry.”
“What do you think will happen with Neville?” I asked, my mind suddenly conjuring up with images of Neville flipping in circles on his broom.
“I heard Neville has never been on a broom because his Gran wouldn’t let him on one.” Harry said, making my mind’s eye created even more catastrophic scenarios.
“She probably had good reason too. He’s always tripping over something, or bumping something over, could you imagine him in the air?” We all walked in silence after what Ron said and collectively shuddered.
“Yes.” We all said in unison.
The only person probably more nervous than Neville was Hermione Granger. Even though she was a know-it-all with book filled subjects, she had no idea how to deal with a broomstick. Even though using a broomstick was a physical thing, she dropped several heavy books onto the table at breakfast on Thursday morning and hurriedly studied the last two she missed the night before. I knew this because her light kept me up all night and she mumbled the words as she read. I could even hear her quill scratching away as she made notes. She even tried to pass some advice, acting like she was an expert at flying and Neville hung on to her every word, showing he was intrigued. Although, Neville was about the only one who listened. I was about to shove a roll in Hermione’s mouth to make her shut up when the owls finally came in.
Ron, Harry, and I never got anymore notes from Hagrid or from anyone else for that matter. But you could always look over at the Slytherin table to see Draco with his Eagle owl, which had black depthless, eyes, and boast about the sweets he got from his parents. I wanted to smack him one every single time, but restrained myself, knowing one day I would have the perfect chance. That day though, Neville got a package that his owl dropped off. The tag said it was from his gran and he hurriedly opened it. Neville revealed a glass ball with fog floating in the middle of it.
“It’s a Remebrall!” Neville explained, showing it to everyone, “Gran knows I forget things- this tells you if there’s something you’ve forgotten to do. Look, you hold it tight like this and if it turns red-oh…” Neille’s smile slowly melted away as the ball’s smoke gradually turned a cherry red, “…you’ve forgotten something…”
Neville furrowed his eyebrows and stared into space as he probably tried to remember what he forgot. I then noticed a blond head pass our table, Malfoy. He suddenly snatched the glass ball from Neville’s hand.
Ron, Harry, and I pushed back our chairs and stood up, hoping to get into a brawl with the Slytherin boy, when Professor McGonagall suddenly showed up. She seemed like she had a ‘trouble-making’ sensor in her, because in the time I’ve known her, she always showed up for situations like this.
“What’s going on?” She asked her voice stiff.
“Malfoy’s got my Remebrall, Professor.” Neville squeaked quietly and Malfoy sneered at him, dropping the ball onto the table.
“Just looking,” he said, trying to look innocent, and sauntered with both of his boy guards, Crabbe and Goyle.
“Just wait until I get my hands on him.” I grumbled as Professor McGonagall walked away.
Later in the afternoon, Harry, Ron and I jumped down the entrance steps to get on with our first flying lessons. Reality finally hit me. I was going to be straddling a stick… a fifty feet in the air… with nothing to catch me. Oh my gosh, what am I going to do if someone bumps me and I slip off? What if one of the Slytherins thinks it funny to grab the end of my broom and drag me to the top of the castle? Erg, what am I going to do?
Although there was a soft calming breeze outside, it did exactly the opposite of that. Are broomsticks sensitive to breezes? Grass tickled at my ankles as I walked with the other two down a small hill and I could see a few students huddled together in the distance. I took a deep breath. If riding a broomstick was going to be hard, they wouldn’t be teaching first years how to do it. There would be more background information on riding broomsticks; I had nothing to worry about.
I looked over at Harry, who was at my right. The breeze made his hair even crazier and for once, he didn’t look worried. In fact, his shinning green eyes held determination. I wish I had the same feeling. Ron sighed next to me and I could hear the chatter of the other Gryffindors and Slytherins quite clearly.
“This is going to be a piece of cake.”
“What if our broomstick goes out of control?”
“They wouldn’t let us to this is they were dangerous, right?”
“Do you know if there have been any casualties?”
I caught those snippets of their conversations and they didn’t relieve me one bit.
I walked up to see there were about twenty battered brooms on the ground. Harry told me that Ron’s brothers, Fred and George, complained about the brooms. They said that they vibrated if you flew up really high or that some tugged to the left. What if I got a really messed up one?
“What are you waiting for?” Our teacher Madam Hooch made her way toward us, “Everyone stand by a broomstick. Come on, hurry up.”
I hurriedly picked a broom next to Harry. Later on though, I regretted it. My broom’s handle was chipped and had some chunks missing from it. Its bristles on the end seemed thin, weak, and bent every which way. This was going to be fun.
“Stick out your right hand over your broom,” Madam Hooch ordered, “and say ‘Up!’”
I stuck my right arm over the room and yelled, “Up!” just as everyone else did.
Harry’s broom automatically zoomed right up into his hand, but my broom continued to lay on the ground, as if it was asleep. I looked around to see few other kids had their brooms in their hands. Hermione’s broom just wiggled around as if having a spasm and Neville’s acted just like mine. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. Ok, I can do this. Nothing bad is going to happen, this is going to be fun. I let my eye lids flutter open and commanded my broom, “Up!”
The handle flew right into my hand and I suddenly felt really giddy. I got my broomstick to come up! A minute or so later, everyone had their brooms. Madam Hooch then told us how to straddle our brooms correctly, so we wouldn’t fall off the end.
She was walking through each row and stopped at Malfoy’s, “Now you need to grip firmly, with your left hand gripping the handle under your right hand. Mr. Malfoy, your grip is too light; you’re going to fall off as soon as you get up about a hundred feet.”
I looked over at Ron to see a huge smile on his face. Malfoy could have never ridden a broom in his life! I giggled a little at Malfoy’s horrified expression.
“Now on my whistle, you kick off from the ground, hard. Keep your broom steady, rise a few feet, and then come straight back down by leaning forward slightly. One my whistle-one-two-“ But Madam Hooch never got to blow her whistle because Neville, obviously was very nervous and jumpy, was already in the air and rising quickly.
“Come back, boy!”Madam Hooch yelled, but I was pretty sure Neville couldn’t understand her at the speed he was going.
He must have at least fifty feet in the air and I looked at his terrified face. The overwhelming height was taking tool on his limbs as he sat stick still. He then started slipping and before he could do anything he was plummeting to the ground. His broom just started swiveling around in circles, before zooming into the forbidden forest.
“Neville!” I screamed, but I knew it would do nothing. He was a foot away from the ground before I knew it and a sickening crack rang through the air.
“Ow...ow, ow.” I heard Neville moan as everyone rushed over to him.
Madam Hooch shoved her way to him, her face as pale as a sheet of paper, “Broken wrist,” she muttered, “Come on, boy- it’s all right, up you get.”
She helped the injured boy to his feet then whirled around to the rest of the class, “None of you is to move while I take this boy to the hospital wing! You leave those brooms where they are or you’ll be out of Hogwarts before you can say ‘Quidditch.’ Come on, dear.” And they walked off, Neville’s face red with tears on cheek, his wrist lying limply in his hand and Madam Hooch had an arm over his shoulder, whispering to him kind words.
A minute later, when they passed around the corner, Malfoy laughed, “Did you see his face, the great lump?”
Other Slytherins offered other nasty insults about the poor boy.
“Shut up, Malfoy.” Parvarti, a girl in my classes, snapped.
“Oh sticking up for Longbottom?” Pansy Parkinson, a Slytherin girl teased, “Never thought you’d like fat little cry-babies, Parvarti.”
“Well, I always thought you were the kind to like slimey, rat-faced trash, Pansy.” I sneered, my glare flickering to Draco, making sure my intent was clear.
She scowled at me, “You better be careful Blarsh, you-“ she never finished her insult because Draco spoke.
“Look!” he declared, a wicked smile on his face as his hand shot out and picked something up form the long grass, “It’s that stupid thing Longbottom’s gran sent him.” He held up the Remebrall up like a prize as he stared at it.
“Give that here, Malfoy.” Harry stepped forward, finally talking for the first time since Neville fell.
Draco just grinned, “I think I’ll leave it somewhere for Longbottom to find-how about-up a tree?” The rest of the Slytherins twittered.
“Give it here!” Harry shouted, enraged, but Malfoy acted as if he didn’t hear and jumped onto his broom, sailing slowly up in the air.
My mind grew bitter; Malfoy wasn’t lying about his flying skills.
He floated above the top of an oak tree and mocked Harry from above, “Come and get it, Potter!”
Worry gathered in my mind as Harry grabbed his broom. Did he ever fly a broomstick in his life?
“No!” Hermione shouted, “Madam Hooch told us not to move- you’ll get into trouble.”
Harry seemed to not have heard her and just hopped onto his broom and pushed off the ground. The whole time, I stood there stunned and just stared at Harry’s rising form. Harry pulled his broom up even more and went faster.
“Ya! Go Harry!” I heard Ron yell next to me.
Whispers and gasps filled the field until Harry reached Malfoy. Harry sharply turned to face Malfoy’s stunned face, “Give it here or I’ll knock you off your broom!” Harry yelled to him, the same determined look on his face.
“Oh yeah?” Malfoy somewhat recovered and his sneer returned.
Suddenly, Harry lunged towards him and Malfoy just barely moved out of the way. Malfoy tittered on his broom. Many people around me were clapping and hollering, but I remained staring at the two boys, looking for any sign of brooms falling.
“No Crabbe or Goyle up here to save your neck, Malfoy,” Harry mocked at the blond boy.
A worried look struck Draco’s face, but then yelled, “Catch it if you can, then!” and threw the ball up high in the air and watched as it plummeted towards the ground.
I watched Harry’s head move in the directed of the ball and he positioned himself. Abruptly, he started zooming almost straight down to the glass ball.
“HARRY!” I screamed loudly and was pretty sure I broke everyone’s ears.
It seemed that another voice joined mine, but it was more high pitched and more scared. My vision grew blurry and my wrist started to burn like never before, but I watched as he continued to dive, his arm reaching for the ball. When he a few feet from the ground I stopped screaming, turned away, tears gathering, and my hand gripping my wrist. My thoughts only said, “He’s dead. He’s dead. He’s dead!”
Cheers erupted around me and I span around to see a huge grin on his face, his black hair blown back, eyes glittering, and his arm stuck up with the Remebrall clutched in his hand. He was alive, he didn’t die, he was alive.
“HARRY POTTER!” the enraged voice of Professor McGonagall came from behind me and she shoved my shoulder as she passed.
Harry’s smile quickly vanished and he jumped off the broom, his legs quivering.
“Never-in all my time in Hogwarts-“ She was speechless with shock and the sun glinted of her glasses almost harshly.
“-how dare you- might have broken your neck-“she continued to rant when I butted in.
“He didn’t mean to-“ I started to say, but she cut me off.
“Be quiet, Miss Blarsh-“
“But Malfoy-“ Ron tried to explain.
“”That’s enough Mr. Weasely. Potter, follow me, now.” Professor McGonagall snapped in ‘this is final’ tone and strode to the castle, Harry’s worried face turning back towards us one last time as he followed her.
Goyle, Crabbe, and Malfoy started to snicker as soon as they left, “Ooohhh! Potter’s going to be expelled!”
“Never going to have to see his muggle-loving face ever again.” Malfoy continued to laugh and my anger started boiling.
“Shut up, Malfoy!” Ron’s voice was next to me.
“What you going to do about it, Weasely?” Malfoy sneered, “Your little friend is now gone.”
My anger finally busted and started to flow through my veins, “The real question, Malfoy, is what you are going to do?”
“Oh, the girl from the pathetic family. I’m pretty sure I can do a lot,” he gestured to Crabbe and Goyle, “but it seems you have nothing, especially since Potter’s gone.”
“Are you talking about your insignificant trolls who just flank by your side from fear of being shunned by everyone? Although, it’s too late, everyone despises you and you know it. You’re nothing, but a puny speck of annoyance in this world. It’s about time someone explained it to you in simple terms.” I sneered, my voice sounding not like my own, but I didn’t notice too much. Anger was pumping through and my judgment was blinded.
He took a step back, shocked, and suddenly brought out his wand, “Dare to say that again, huh, Blarsh? I can make you vanish from where you stand.” He put his chin up, his ego obviously bruised.
“You’re bluffing you groveling worm.” The person who was not me continued to chastise Malfoy and walked towards him, “You will do nothing.”
He started to tremble as I approached.
“Emily! What are you doing?!” Hermione’s voice broke through the haze and I regained control of my speech again.
I looked around, to see many stunned, sneering or smiling.
“Madam Hooch is coming; you’re going to get us all in trouble.” Hermione whined and I looked behind me to see her pass the corner.
“Speak of this to anyone, Malfoy, and you’ll regret it.” I tried to make an intimidating voice and stepped back with Ron.
“What was that?” he whispered to me.
“I don’t know.” I quietly told him, my thoughts jumbled.
Later on, when it was dinner, I walked back to our usual table and quickly perked up when I saw Harry was there.
“Harry! You’re not expelled!” I squealed and sat down.
“What did she do with you?” Ron asked.
“When she dragged me to the castle, I thought for sure I was a goner, but she instead brought me to Flitwick’s classroom and called for a boy named Oliver Wood. “ Harry started to explain, “It turned out he was the captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch team. She led us through a corridor and into an empty classroom. She then told Wood that she found him a seeker. I was thoroughly confused; she couldn’t have been talking about me! She said that the dive that I did to get Neville’s Remebrall was fifty feet and that Charlie, your brother, couldn’t have done it! I wasn’t trying to do anything heroic; honestly, I was just trying to get Neville’s present back. So instead of expelling me, she made me seeker!” He finished, breathing a little hard from excitement.
“No way!” I breathed, utterly astonished.
“You’re joking.” Ron said, amazed, with his food halfway to his mouth, but it didn’t seem like he cared, “Seeker? But first years never- you must be the youngest house player in about-“
“-a century. I know,” Harry finished, eating some of his pie, “Wood told me.”
“Harry, I thought you died! If you ever do that again I will kill you! Although… congrats on making it on the team! You’re going to be a seeker!” I started out with a motherly voice, but soon became too excited to be mad.
“It’s just so surreal, I can’t believe it! And I heard you when I got the Remebrall. You screamed so loud!” He started to laugh, “Did you really think I was going to die?”
“Yes! Fifty foot drop straight down! You’re a crazy one, Potter.” I laughed with him, “Was anyone else screaming?” I asked, recalling the other voice.
“No, you were the only one. Didn’t take you for that type, Emily.” Ron said with mirth in his eyes.
“Really?” I said, confusion filling my mind.
“You should have seen her after you left, Harry. Draco was saying how you were going to get expelled and BAM! Emily was all over him.” Ron mentioned what happened earlier.
“Really? You mean, fighting?” Harry asked with excitement in his eyes.
“No, but she basically cussed him out! Draco had no clue how to respond. You should have seen it!” Ron was getting more riled up at the memory.
“Was it really intense, Emily?” Harry looked over at me, pride radiating from him.
“Well, ya…I mean, it wasn’t that bad. I just said a couple of words. It didn’t even feel like I was doing it!” I tried to explain, my face burning up.
“’Just a couple of words’” Ron pshed, “I’ve never seen someone so humiliated.”
“I wish I was there.” Harry complemented me and I continued to blush.
“So when’s your first practice?” I asked hurriedly, trying to switch the subject.
“Next week,” Harry said, completely distracted, “Don’t tell anyone about this though. Wood wants to keep it a secret.”
Fred and George suddenly swooped over to our table.
George leaned in and whispered into his ear, just loud enough for us to hear, “Well done. Wood told us. We’re on the team too- Beaters.”
“I tell you we’re going to win that Quidditch cup for sure this year,” Fred said, “We haven’t won since Charlie left, but this year’s team is going to be brilliant. You must be good, Harry. Wood was almost skipping when he told us.”
“Oh, Emily,” George turned to me, “I heard you got into a fight with Draco. Everyone’s saying that you were going to jumped on him and punch the daylights out of him. Congrats, kid.” He winked at me.
“Anyway, we’ve got to go, Lee Jordan reckons he found a new secret passageway out of the school.” Fred said before I could contradict George’s rumors.
“Bet it’s that one behind the statue of Gregory the Smarmy that we found in our first week. See you.”
As they left our least favorite trio came over to our table, Draco, Goyle, and Crabbe.
“Having a last meal, Potter? When are you getting the train back the Muggles?” Malfoy taunted.
“You’re a lot braver now that you’re back on the ground and you’ve got your little friends with you.” Harry said, a dangerous tone underlying in his voice.
“What do you want, Malfoy?” I asked, my anger not boiling, yet.
“Nothing that concerns you, Blarsh.” He sneered and looked back at Harry, “I’d take you on anytime on my own. Tonight, if you want. Wizard’s duel. Wands only-no contact. What’s the matter? Never heard of a wizard’s duel before, I susspose?” Malfoy sure seemed arrogant after what I said to him. He had to have something planned.
“Of course he has,” Ron immediately backed up Harry, “I’m his second, who’s yours?”
“Crabbe,” Draco said simply, “Midnight all right? We’ll meet you in the trophy room; thaty’s always unlocked.” He grinned and swooped away with Crabbe and Goyle.
“What is a wizard’s duel?” Harry asked, “And what do you mean, you’re my second?”
“Well, a second’s there to take over if you die,” Ron said lightly and began eating his last pie.
“Die?! Are you kidding me, Ron?!” I exclaimed, “You had him accept this?”
“Emily, relax. People only die in proper duels, you know, with real wizards. The most you and Malfoy’ll be able to do is send sparks at each other. Neither of you knows enough magic to do any real damage. I bet he expected you to refuse anyway.” Ron explained and I started to get more suspicious.
“And what if I wave my wand and nothing happens?” Harry asked, worried.
“Throw it away and punch him on the nose.” Ron had another piece of his pie.
“Ron! He should have refused! You guys know Malfoy, do you really think he’s brave enough to have a duel with you? He’s up to something!” I tried explaining, but Ron shook his head.
“He said this in front of everyone! If Malfoy doesn’t do it, he’ll be mocked for chickening out and if Harry doesn’t, he’ll be mocked. Harry has to go!” Ron argued.
“Excuse me.”
All of us twirled around to see Miss Hermione, herself.
“Can’t a person eat in peace in this place?” Ron said, exasperated at all the visits.
Hermione didn’t even glance at him and spoke to Harry, “I couldn’t help overhearing what you and Malfoy were saying-“
“Bet you could.” Ron muttered, obviously annoyed.
“-and you musn’t go wandering around the school at night, think of the points you’ll lose Gryffindor if you’re caught, and you’re bound to be. It’s really very selfish of you.” Hermione explained…and I agreed, for once.
“And it’s really none of your business,” Harry said, sounding fake polite.
“Good-bye.” Ron ended it and she left.
“Harry, you really shouldn’t go. This isn’t a good idea. Anyone could see you, even the paintings!” I tried to convince them.
“Oh, so you’re on Hermione’s side, now are ya?” Ron spoke, a little bitter.
“Well-no-wait, yes, I guess I am. She is right. You only lost two points from Snape, imagine how many you’ll loose for being caught with Malfoy, at midnight, in the trophy room! It’ll look bad.” I admitted.
“Come on, Harry, let’s go.” Ron took Harry’s arm and walked off.
I watched Harry leave, my eyes pleading, but he just looked back and left.
I slumped at my table, trying to think of how I would keep them from going when Mrs. McGonagall walked up to me and grabbed my shoulder, “The Headmaster would like to see you.”
“What about?” I asked, worried.
“Just come along.” She gave me a look to not to ask again and I didn’t.
I got up from seat and followed her out of the room. She led me through corridors and up stair cases until we reached an atrocious gargoyle statue in the middle of the floor.
“Where’s the entrance?” I asked, puzzled.
“Here. Orange Gumdrops.” She spoke and the gargoyle started to tremble.
I stared in amazement as it started to rise and stairs were revealed.
“He’s waiting for you.” Professor McGonagall said and gestured to the staircase that now rose to the ceiling.
I silently stepped onto the steps and started climbing. What did he want to talk to me about? Was it about the Malfoy thing? What did Malfoy tell him? Will he expel me for it? I worried the whole way up to his two doors and I hesitated before knock. Right when my fist was a centimeter away from the door I heard his voice call out, “Come in, Miss Blarsh.”
The doors slowly opened and I took a step in. His room was magnificent. It was a circular room and I gaped at all the paintings around me. They must have been former headmasters and headmistresses and all them were asleep in their frames, their snores audible. Dumbledore also had many knick-knacks that moved and made noises, the whole room seemed to be full of them.
“Yes, I do have many things in this room. Many memories.”
I looked forward to see Professor Dumbledore. I started to blush wildly, “Uh- Professor Dumbldore, sir, I was j-just wondering, why was I b-brought here?” I stuttered, and chastised myself for stuttering in front of such an important person.
“No need to be nervous Emily. I’ve just had you come here to talk about the incident with Mr. Malfoy.” He stood up from his dark oak desk and started walking towards me.
“I’m sorry sir! I didn’t mean to- you don’t believe the rumors about me hitting him, do you!? I would never do that ever-“ I rapidly tried to explain when he held up his index finger, his midnight blue robes swooping around him.
“Emily you’re not in any trouble. I know what happened. I just wanted to warn you to control your anger.” His voice was old and crackly, but had a soft, wistful feeling to it.
“Professor Dumbledore, sir, I’ve felt like that before. It was just so strong, and then I felt like my conscious was pushed away. Why did that happen, sir?” I asked, anxious.
“No need to worry about it now, Emily. Just know, you cannot let it happen again. Control your emotions, don’t let them control you.” He started to turn to his desk, obvious dismissal.
“Thank you, sir, but I have one more question.” I said, while I had the chance, “How did you know I said my last name was ‘Blarsh’ and not ‘Black’?”
“I have my ways child. Now go get a long to bed. It seems you may need your sleep while you can.” He winked behind his half-moon shaped glasses and the doors opened behind me.
“Thank you, Professor, Dumbledore.” I said and walked out.
I didn’t see Harry or Ron again after our argument, so I went to bed, relieved to see Hermione was already asleep. What felt like a few minutes late, I felt someone grabbed my shoulder and then cover my mouth. My eyes shot open and I tried to scream, but I then saw my captor was only Hermione.
“Shhh…don’t scream. Harry and Ron are going to be leaving soon, we have to hurry if you want to stop them.” She whispered in the dark, her face a ghostly white in the moonlight.
I nodded slowly and she slowly removed her hands, “Let’s go.”
We tip-toed down the stairs and weaved around the chairs and couches in the common room. It looked a little creepy and washed out. The bright red carpet now seemed darker, a blood red and the usually roaring fire was absent. I felt a chill go up my spine. As we pushed the painting open and walked into the corridor, Hermione started nervously wringing her hands.
“Maybe we should tell Percy about this, maybe he’d stop them and no points would be taken away.” Hermione suggested and I immediately felt sick.
I could never tell on friends, especially not to one theirs brother, “No Hermione, we’ll take care of them. It’s better to make this as painless as possibly.” I tried to reassure her and noticed she had on the pinkest, fluffiest bathroom I’ve ever seen. I looked down to see I was still in my shorts and tank.
I suddenly heard the slight squeak of the painting opening and a few whispers. I walked forward as it closed, “I can’t you’re going to do this, Harry.”
Ron turned up the oil lamp he was carrying, “You guys! Go back to bed!”
“I almost told your brother,” Hermione stepped in, “Percy- he’s a prefect, he’d put a stop to this.” She threatened.
Ron glared at them and pulled on Harry’s arm. Harry followed him down the corridor and so did we.
“Don’t you care about Gryffindor, do you only care about yourselves, I don’t want Slytherin to win the house cup, and you’ll lose all the points I got from Professor McGonagall for knowing about Switching Spells.” Hermione tried to make them feel guilty, but I had a feeling it would only make them angrier.
“Come on, guys. You shouldn’t be doing this.” I reached out for Harry’s arm, but he shook it off.
“Go away.”
I let my arm fall and felt as if I was just slapped. Was this how friendship was? Did they really think I’d do anything to hurt them?
Hermione seemed unaffected, “All right, but I warned you, you just remember what I said when you’re on the train home tomorrow, you’re so-“
Hermione walked back to the painting and stopped talking. I looked over to see the Fat Lady was gone. Now, Hermione and I were locked out.
“Now what am I going to do?” Hermione asked high-pitched with worry and disbelief.
“That’s your problem,” Ron said, clearly annoyed with us, “We’ve got to go, we’re going to be late.”
Hermione and I stared at each other for a few seconds as the boys continued down that corridor and came to one conclusion: we had to follow them.
“We’re coming with you.” Hermione declared as we caught up.
“You are not.” Ron argued and I couldn’t even look either of them in the face.
“D’you think I’m going to stand out here and wait for Filch to catch me? If he finds all three of us I’ll tell him the truth, that I was trying to stop you, and you can back me up.” Hermione threatened.
“You’ve got some nerve-“ Ron’s voice escalated.
“Shut up, both of you!” Harry lowly scowled, “I think I heard something.”
There was a snuffling sound echoing lightly throughout the corridor.
“Mrs. Norris?” Ron asked so quietly I could barely make it out.
We walked a little further to see it wasn’t Mrs. Norris, but Neville. He was in a little ball, sleeping, but suddenly jolted awake.
“Thank goodness you found me! I’ve been out here for hours, I couldn’t remember the new password to get in to bed.” Neville gave a sigh of relief.
“Keep your voice down, Neville,” Hermione chastised, “The password’s ‘Pig Snout’ but it won’t help you now, the Fat Lady’s gone off somewhere.”
“How’s your arm?” Harry asked Neville, still kind to other people, even in these type of situations.
“Fine,” Neville said and raised his un-casted arm, “Madam Promfrey mended it in about a minute.”
“Good-well, look, Neville, we’ve got to be somewhere, we’ll see you later-“ Ron tried to finished when Neville panicked.
“Don’t leave me!” Neville got up to his feet, “I don’t want to stay here alone, the Bloody Baron’s been past twice already.”
“If any of you get us caught, I’ll never rest until I’ve learned that Curse of the Bogies Quirrel told us about, and used it on you.” Ron glared at us.
“I’d like to see you try,” I glared back, pushing the resentment that I felt back.
“Shhh, guys, let’s go.” Harry motioned us forward.
We all tip-toed through corridors which were lights with silver moonlight with filtered through the huge windows. Every time we turned a corner I thought for sure Mrs. Norris would leap at us, alerting Filch, but we never even saw a hair of them. We ran quietly up the staircase that led to the third-floor, the floor the trophy room was on.
There were no sign of Malfoy and his goons. The room was empty, except for clear cases that held many different golden, shiny trophies. Plaques, shields, and other awards also cluttered the cases. We stayed close to the walls, as if that would make us act like chameleons and stared cautiously at two doors.
I couldn’t believe Ron threatened me. He’s known me for at least two weeks, enough to tell I wouldn’t harm him. Was that just part of the person he was that I didn’t discover yet? I didn’t want to be friends with someone who threatened me, although I couldn’t be picky, Harry and Ron were my first and only friends. Do they even consider themselves my friends? I looked over at Harry and saw that his face was looking towards mine, a shadow from the moonlight covering his features. A stray tear rolled down my cheek and I hastily looked away. I couldn’t be some cry baby. Not at a time like this!
Time kept going by and Ron finally whispered, “He’s late, maybe he’s chickened out.”
A stepping noise in the next room suddenly made everyone flinch. Was it Malfoy? I saw Harry raise his wand, but the voice that came wasn’t Malfoy’s.
“Sniff around, my sweet, they might be lurking in the corner.” Filch’s voice could be heard and stiffened.
Filch was going to find us after all. Harry quickly waved over to us to get out of the trophy room and we scuttled to the door most far away from Filch’s voice. Neville barely got around the corner when Filch’s footsteps filled the room.
“They’re in here somewhere,” Filch muttered, “probably hiding.”
“This way.” I saw Harry’s lips form and we started to sneak around the suites of armor.
Filch’s footsteps got louder as they came nearer. Neville suddenly gave a small squeal and started running, but took Ron and Harry down with him into a full suite of armor. The clanging was enough to alert probably everyone in the castle.
“RUN!” Harry screamed and I broke into a sprint.
We ran blindly, just trying to escape Filch. We went form corridor to corridor, but stayed on the same floor, stairs would slow us down. Harry led us and pulled back a tapestry to reveal a hidden passageway. He hurried us inside and continued to run. The passageway ended by our Charms classroom, which was all the way on the other side of the castle.
We all leaned on the cold, moist castle walls and Harry breathed, “I think we’ve lost him.”
I breathed deeply, “I-I tried-I tried to-“ I couldn’t get the sentence out so Hermione instead tried to.
“We-told-you.” She weezed, holding her side, “We-told-you.”
“We’ve got to get back to the Gryffindor tower,” Ron ignored our ‘told-you-so” thing, “quickly as possible.”
“Draco tricked you guys. Just like we told you he would.” I said to Harry, “Why didn’t you believe us?”
“You know he was the one who tipped of Filch. He was never going to meet you guys.” Hermione added and we both waited for an answer.
All he said was, “Let’s go.”
We started walking down the corridor when I heard rattling. Like, someone was trying to get out of a room. Suddenly, Peeves form our first day popped out of a classroom. He glanced over at us and squealed in delight.”
“Shut up, Peeves- please-you’ll get us thrown out.” Harry begged, but Peeves just snickered.
“Wandering around at midnight, Ickle Firsties? Tut, tut, tut. Naughty, naughty, you’ll get caughty.”
“Not if you don’t give us away, Peeves, please.” I pleaded with my hands clutched together.
“Should tell Filch, I should,” Peeves said in a phony angelic voice, “It’s for your own good you know.”
“Get out of the way,” Ron yelled and tried to push Peeves. Huge mistake.
“STUDENTS OUT OF BED!” Peeves shouted loud enough to wake the castle, “STUDENTS OUT OF BED DOWN THE CHARMS CORRIDOR!”
We ducked under Peeves and ran for it again, until we reach a door at the end of the corridor. Ron jerked on the handle, “It’s locked!”
Just great.
“This is it!” Ron groaned as everyone tried slamming against the door to break it down, “We’re done for! This is the end!”
Filch’s running footsteps could be heard down the corridor and Peeves continued to shout.
“Oh, move over,” Hermione snapped and grabbed Harry’s wand. She then tapped the door’s lock and whispered a spell, “Alohomora!”
I could hear the door click and we shoved the door open, huddling inside. I pressed my ear against the door, listening.
“Which way did they go, Peeves?” I could hear Filch’s voice, “Quick, tell me.”
“Say ‘please’” Peeves said in a kid-like voice.
“Don’t mess with me, Peeves, now where did they go?”
“Shan’t say nothing if you don’t say please.”
“All right- please.” Filch said exasperated and Peeve’s started to burst into laughter.
“NOTHING! Ha haaa! Told you I wouldn’t say nothing if you don’t say please! Ha ha! Haaaaaaa!” Peeves’s laugh soon melted away and vanished.
Filch’s grumbling could be heard.
“He thinks this door is locked,” Harry concluded, “I think we’ll be ok- get off, Neville!” I noticed Neville was still tugging on Harry’s robes, “What?”
We turned around to face Neville to see his mouth was open and he was pointed at our worst nightmare. Can anything else happen to us tonight?! I then noticed we were in a corridor. A third- floor corridor. The forbidden third-floor corridor. Now we knew why it was forbidden.
I looked straight into the yellowish eyes of a gigantic dog, which also happened to have three heads. It filled the whole room practically. All eyes suddenly landed on them, their orange-ish teeth shown and thick strands of gooey saliva hanging form their lips. This was going to be a trip.
I then realized that they haven’t attacked yet was because they were stunned to see visitors so late at night. I also knew they wouldn’t be stunned for too long. Their loud growls started to grow in the dogs throats and I tried to reach for the door. I really didn’t want to die and Filch seemed like a great choice compared to this! The door finally opened and we all fell through and started to sprint again down the corridor. Filch was no where to be found, which I was thankful for, and continued to run. I hoped the dog didn’t have some shrinking powers that would allow it go out the door, but it could have just broke through the wall and chased us. I forced my legs to go faster. I didn’t stop sprinting until I reached the Fat Lady. I never was so happy to see her in my life.
“Where on earth have you all been?” She asked, her voice the same, but her expression was puzzled at our panting and sweaty foreheads.
“Never mind that- pig snout, pig snout.” Harry panted and we stepped through.
I threw myself in front of the fireplace, which immediately roared to life and I found some comfort. No one spoke for quite a while. In fact, some of them looked like they would never talk again. Ron finally broke the silence.
“What do they think they’re doing, keeping a thing like that locked up in the school?” He said, probably trying to make a joke, “If any dog needs exercise, that one does.”
Hermione glared at the boys, “You don’t use your eyes, any of you, do you?” she snarled, “Didn’t you see what it was standing on?”
“The floor?” Harry dumbly suggested, probably knowing he was wrong and continued, “I wasn’t looking at it’s feet, I was too busy with its heads.”
“No, not the floor. It was standing on a trapdoor. It’s obviously guarding something.” She continued to glare at them and I was too speechless to talk. Guarding something?
“I hope you’re pleased with yourselves. We could have all been killed- or worse, expelled. Now if you don’t mind, we’re going to bed.” Hermione dragged me up the stairs and to our beds.
“The nerve of those boys!” she huffed and layed back in her bed, blowing out her candle.
“What would it be guarding…?” I breathed as I shut off my light and fell asleep.