Little Black Sheep

Chapter Seven: Tricked Reflection

Chapter Seven:
Once again, another month flew by and it just got colder and colder. I woke up one morning in Mid-December and grimaced as the window.
"Snow." I grumbled and laid back in bed.
Hogwarts suddenly, over night, had several feet of snow and the lake was completely frozen solid. The Weasely twins were enjoying the snow and were caught bewitching the snowballs that followed Professor Quirrel around, hitting the back of his covered head. I kept Rosemarie in the owlry and ordered her not to fly out to get any mail. The weather was brutal and the few owls that came and delivered mail had to be nursed back to health by Hagrid.
Despite the terrible weather my mom sent me an owl during breakfast one day, about two weeks before Christmas.
Dear Emily,
I know you probably want to come home for the Holidays and I want you to come home too, but I've been thinking about it. You probably have made friends at that school of yours and you know how strict my work schedule is. I'd just be out working for the whole entire break and you'd be missing your friends. I don't want that. So, if you rather stay with your friends, just tell me. Just promise you'll bring them over here during the summer or something, I would like to meet them.
With lots of love,
Your Mother XOXO
I stared sadly at the letter. I really did want to see my mom; I haven't seen her since August! But I knew that she would be gone, I would barely see her at all and I would miss Ron and Harry dearly. Ron already told me he would be staying because his family was visiting Charlie in Romania. Harry said he would never go back to Privet Drive if he didn't have to and decided to stay. I reluctantly flipped the letter and began a response.
Dear Mom,
I'm sorry to say, but you make complete sense. I want to visit you so dearly, but you'd be gone all day and I wouldn't be able to see you anyway. I also would miss my friends. You'll probably freak once you read this. I'm friends with Ron Weasely, Hermione Granger, and Harry Potter! Can you believe it?! I know I'm still trying to get over it. Well, I have to eat and get to class soon. Bye mom, I miss you.
With even more love,
I folded the letter and gave it back to the poor bird that flew here and continued on with my breakfast.
Everyone seemed to be going away for the holidays and were all excited. Hogwarts did have a mysterious magical touch to it, but it was also incredibly hard to heat. While our common room fire continued to burn and a large fire was kept in the Great Hall during meals, the corridors were icy and sent shivers throughout my body. What was worse of all was when we went to Potions class. It was already bad enough with Snape and Draco, but it felt like I was Antarctica when I was down there. Our breathe misted as soon as it left our bodies and we always huddled close to our warm cauldrons to keep from becoming icicles.
"I do feel so sorry," I heard Draco's fake pity one day in Potions class, "for all those people who have to stay at Hogwarts for Christmas because they're not wanted at home." He was looking over at Harry, Ron, and I when he said it, a grin on his face.
I ignored him and continued on with the potion we were concocting, or I was, while Goyle was playing with the spoon, again.
Malfoy was furious after the Slytherins lost to Gryffindor during Quidditch. He even tried to spread a rumor around, saying that Harry would be replaced by a wide-mouthed tree frog for the next seeker. Problem was, no one found it funny. Actually it seemed everyone admired Harry after the way he hung on to the crazy broom. Malfoy was getting more jealous everyday and I absolutely was overjoyed. So Malfoy, with nothing else to go on, continued to try to mock Harry about his parents being dead.
When we finally left that foul class we spotted a huge fir tree filling the corridor ahead of us. I spotted Hagrid's moleskin covered feet and could hear his huffing.
"Hi, Hagrid, want any help?" Ron poked his head through the large branches.
"Nah, I'm all right, thanks, Ron."
"Would you mind moving out of the way?" Malfoy's voice sounded bored, but you could hear the blade hiding in it, "Are you trying to earn some extra money, Weasely? Hoping to be gamekeeper yourself when you leave Hogwarts, I suppose- that hut of Hagrid's must seem like a palace compared to what your family's used to."
I clenched my hands into fists in anger, but that's all I did. I remembered Dumbledore's words to me and kept my cool. Ron, however, didn't fare so well. He lunged for Malfoy when a voice shouted throughout the freezing air.
"WEASELY!" Snape's cold voice echoed off the dungeon walls.
Ron dropped Malfoy's robes.
"He was provoked, Professor Snape, "Hagrid tried to explain, trying to move his head away from the tree, "Malfoy was insultin' his family."
"Be that as it may, fighting is against Hogwarts rules, Hagrid." Snape easily got himself out of that one, "Five points from Gryffindor, Weasley, and be grateful it isn't more. Move along, all of you."
I watched as Goyle, Crabbe, and Malfoy pushed pass the prickly branches, snickering and littering the ground with needles.
"I'll get him," Ron growled between his teeth, "one of these days, I'll get him-"
"I hate them both," Harry added, "Malfoy and Snape."
"They're going to pay for their cruelties. One day." I grumbled, glaring at Snape's back.
"Come on, cheer up, it's nearly Christmas, " Hagrid said, trying to bring some cheer, "Tell yeh what, come with me an' see the Great Hall, looks a treat."
We followed Hagrid, helping him with the tree to the Great Hall and I looked up in awe.
"Ah, Hagrid, the last tree- put it in the far corner, would you?" Professor Flitwick kindly asked Hagrid and we followed him.
I gaped at the scenery around me. Bundles of Holly covered the walls with ivy and mistletoe hung in certain areas around the hall. There had to be at least ten Christmas trees that were randomly palced around the room. Some glittered with icicles that never melted and other with candles that never burned the needles. One even had cardinals in it that never flew away.
"How many days you got left until yer holidays?" Hagrid asked as he put the tree down.
"Just one," Hermione answered, "And that reminds me- Harry, Ron, Emily, we've got half an hour before lunch, we should be in the library.
"Oh yeah, you're right." Ron said, and glanced away from Professor Fltiwick, who had golden bubbles wrapping around Hagrid's tree.
"The library?" Hagrid asked, surprised, "Just before the holidays? Bit keen, aren't yeh?"
"Oh, we're not working." Harry said, his voice bright.
"Ever since you mentioned Nicolas Flamel we've been trying to find out who he is." I finished.
" You what?" Hagrid looked like someone zapped him with lightning, "Listen here- I've told yeh- drop it. It's nothin' to you what that dog's gaurdin'."
We just want to know who Nicolas Flamel is, thar;s all," Hermione said in her innocent girl voice.
"Unless you’d like to tell us and save us the trouble?" Harry tried to persuade Hagrid.
"Come on, Hagrid. We must have read a million books. I know his name from somewhere, I just don't know where." I gave him my puppy eyes.
"I'm not sayin' nothing." Hagrid gave me a dull stare and turned away.
"Just have to find out for ourselves, then." Ron said and we left Hagrid looking torn between chasing after us or leaving us alone.
It was true. We have been searching through the library ever since Hagrid slipped the name to us. Problem was, we couldn't find his name mentioned anywhere. What was Snape attempting to steal? We had no clue what Dumbledore and Flamel did to have something Snape wanted. We looked through books like Great Wizards of the Twentieth Century, or Notable Magical Name of Our Time, or Important Modern Magical Discoveries, and A Study of Recent Development in Wizardy. But, of course, the library was huge and to look through every book would take us until we were ancient and had graying hair.
Hermione took out the list of specific topics and book titles that she knew of which I worked on with her last night, and started to scour to the shelves. Ron just started walking through the rows and pulled out random books. I looked over at Harry, basically saying “Can I go with you?” and he nodded. We just started walking silently, looking at the shelves. I stared longingly at the Restricted Section. They probably had something on Nicolas Flamel in there, but of course we could never get a slip signed. Hermione told me the rules of the library when we first started, of course, she would know all about the library. She told me that a teacher had to sign a slip for us to get into that section, but it was only the older students who were studying advanced Defense the Dark Arts who got the slips signed. The books in there held frightening spells from the Dark Arts and Hogwarts wasn’t willing to let just anybody go in there and snoop around.
A sudden voice came from behind us as we stopped at the border of the restricted section and the normal library, “What you looking for, children?”
It was Madam Pince, the librarian, who was probably getting sick of us looking through her library every day.
“Nothing,” Harry quickly blurted out and she squinted her eyes and raised her feather duster.
“You better get out, then. Go on- out!” She shooed us out of the library and we look pleadingly over at Rona and Hermione.
We had all agreed to keep adults out of this, so asking Madam Pince was out of the picture. We didn’t want Snape hearing we were looking up Nicolas Flamel, he’d keep an even closer eye on us. We should really come up with some side story, so she wouldn’t shoo us out so often. We stood outside the large oak doors and leaned up against the wall.
“Do you think we’ll ever find something about him?” I asked Harry, tired of looking for something we couldn’t find.
“Yeah, he’ll turn up somewhere. The name sounds so familiar, but I can’t put my finger on it,” Harry said, blowing his Harry out of his face.
“I know, it seems right in my reach, but I just can’t pull it back. It was a long time ago...” I let it linger off as I stared out into space.
Nicolas Flamel, who is he? He worked with Dumbledore. What did they do? Nicolas Flamel…
Ron and Hermione suddenly bursted through the doors, and silently shook their heads at us, defeat in their faces. We walked down the entrance corridor to the Great Hall for lunch.
While we were picking through the platters, looking for the right thing to have Hermione spoke up.
“You will keep looking while I’m away, won’t you?” She asked, “And send me an owl if you find anything.”
“And you could ask your parents if they know who Flamel is,” Ron added, even though he very well knew both of her parents were Muggles, “It’d be safe to ask them.”
“Very safe,” She giggled, “as they’re both dentists.”
We saw Hermione of the very next morning and I was surprised to find myself close to tears as I hugged her goodbye. I was really going to miss her dearly. Now it was just me and the boys. It was slightly eerie going into the Gryffindor common room and to see it completely empty, void of laughter and chatter. During the day, now that we didn’t have any classes, Ron, Harry, and I did all the things we didn’t before. We spent hours on the velvet red chairs and sofas, scheming ways to get Draco expelled, no matter how ridiculous the scenarios were. We also got a few things form the Great hall during meals and smuggled them up to the common room. Whether they were marshmallows, sausages, English muffins, it didn’t matter, we just stuck them on toasting forks, roasting them over the fire. I even dropped a marshmallow one time in the fire and I laughed so hard when it got fat. During breakfast in the Great Hall one morning we even talked about what we would get for Christmas. I said how my mom probably didn’t know what to get me and would just get a gift card or something and that I should have told her I needed winter pajamas, but it was too late.. Harry talked about how he probably wouldn’t get anything for Christmas and I immediately remembered his Aunt and Uncle. Ron said his mom did the same every year, she made sweaters and he hated them dearly.
Ron even brought his wizard chess from the boys’ dormitory and showed us how to play. I played the Muggle chess once or twice, but my mom didn’t particularly like the game very much. So when Ron showed it before everyone left Seamus lent us his chessmen, which were new to us. Wizard’s chess made you feel more like a military officer because the players were alive. While Ron’s were old, like everything he owned, it was finally a good thing for once. His pieces were from his Grandfather and trusted him completely. While ours, mine and Harry’s, were hostile towards us. They always squabbled and yelled out advice. It made the game more hectic, they would say things like, “Are you really going to move me there? Can’t you see his queen would easily get me? It would be better if you moved him there. He’s just a pawn!” I would always loose to Ron and it would frustrate me every time.
Sometimes when the boys were asleep I would come down in the common room, just to come down and think in the moonlight that filtered through the icy windows. The silence during the day was just plan unnatural, but at night it was calming. I always sat in front of the fire and stared at the flames like normal, but I never heard the somewhat familiar voice. I could never put my finger on where I knew the voice, sometimes I thought it was just of my imagination. I longed for him to speak again, his voice hit me deep and I just had to know who he was.
I padded down the stairs from my dormitory on Christmas Eve and nestled in my favorite chair. I couldn’t get to sleep; I was too excited for Christmas morning. The fire’s flames warmed my cheeks and watched their light danced across the shadowed walls of the room. I giggled as I heard Ron’s very loud snores from his dormitory; it was amazing how they could reach my ears. The pattern of the flickering golden flames hypnotized me and I heard the voice again.
I perked up and looked around, seeing no one, but it was too dark to tell if they were just in the back of the room.
“Who are you? Come out!” I quietly asked the person in the shadows.
I saw a white lop-sided smile in the shadows and froze, “You don’t know how much I wish I could tell you, Emily, but you’ll find out soon enough.”
“I will?” I shakily asked, “Will you give me a hint?”
“No, only that I’m sorry.” The smile disappeared, “Just go to sleep Emily.” He whispered and my eyes started to shut.
“I’m sorry,” he whispered again and I fell into calming darkness, sleep finally found me.
“Emily! Wake up! It’s Christmas!” I heard Harry’s voice yell in my ear.
“Emily! Come on!” I heard Ron join him and shake my shoulder.
I immediately popped up to see the boys had packages in their hands and there was a pile of parcels by the chair I was sleeping in.
“Presents!” I squealed and hopped up.
“Merry Christmas,” Ron said and sat on the floor.
“Merry Christmas to you too.” I said and looked at their gifts, “Wow, Ron you have a lot. Harry! You said you wouldn’t get any and now look!” I pointed to the packages that Harry placed on the floor where he was sitting.
“Come on, open yours first, Emily!” Ron said, excitement in his voice.
I grabbed the medium sized box first and shook it, there was a dull, soft thud, “I wonder what it is.”
I ripped off the Rudolph wrapping paper and lifted the lid of the department store box. I gasped as I pulled out purple, fluffy pajama bottoms! There was a small note inside.
Merry Christmas! A little birdie told me you needed these. I hope you enjoy them!
I pulled out the shirt to also find there were slippers with it too. I hugged them and silently thanked her.
“Did any of you guys tell her or something?” I eyed them suspiciously.
“No,” the both replied in unison.
I then grabbed a lumpy type package and I heard Ron groan, “Harry and you both got one. She made all you guys Weasely sweaters!”
Harry and Ron grabbed their packages that looked similar to mine, “Every year she makes us a sweater and mines always maroon.”
I unwrapped mine and my hand felt something thick and wooly. I took it out at the same time as the boys and saw mine was a light purple. I looked over at Harry’s and Ron’s. Ron’s was indeed maroon, but Harry’s was an emerald green, the same color as his eyes. I rummaged through the wrapping to also find a box of fudge.
Harry obviously had one too as he was munching on it, “That’s really nice of her.” He said, chewing.
“Yeah, it really is,” I added and slipped the sweater over my tank top.
I reached for a brown colored one and the note on the front was obviously Hagrid’s and it read: Open when you’re alone. I know you don’t want the boy’s knowing.
I glanced over at Ron and Harry to see they were busy looking at their present from Hermione. I slipped the package into my pajama pocket and grabbed Hermione’s present. It was a box of Pumpkin Pasties with a stick-on bow.
Merry Christmas, Emily!
“Ok, Harry you finish yours up.” I said, pointing over to the last three remaining presents.
He grabbed the envelope one and scrunched his face up at it. I went over to where he was sitting and leaned over his shoulder.
We received your message and enclose your Christmas present. From Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia.
On it was a fifty-pence, Muggle money which I was use to seeing.
“That’s friendly,” Harry muttered after reading the letter.
“At least they got you something,” I tried to be on the positive side, but it was kind of hard to be with that type of present.
Ron stared intently at the fifty pence.
“Weird!” He commented, “What a shape! This is money?”
Harry and I started laughing at Ron’s wonder, “You can keep it,” Harry said and reached for the package that looked my present from Hagrid.
He ripped it open and Harry carefully picked up a hand carved flute. It was obvious that Hagrid spend a long time on it.
“Go on, blow into it!” I said to Harry.
He lifted it to his lips and an owl call came from it. I smiled at the noise. What could I have possibly gotten from Hagrid?
Harry then grabbed the last gift. He lifted it easily and wonder spread across his face. Harry pulled the paper away and a smooth, gray material slipped out of it.
Ron’s present from Hermione, Every box of Flavor Beans, slipped from his fingers as he gasped, “I’ve heard of those,” his voice was a whisper, “If that’s what I think it is- they’re really rare and really valuable.”
“What is it?” I asked, completely puzzled.
“It’s an invisibility cloak,” Ron said, sure of himself, “I’m sure it is- try it on,” Ron ushered Harry.
I watched as Harry slung the silky cloth onto his shoulders and around his body.
I covered my mouth to stifle a scream.
“It is! Look down!” Ron yelled.
Harry looked down at his body, which had disappeared.
“Your body’s gone!” I finally squealed.
Harry turned around to the mirror and only his head reflected back.
“There’s a note!” Ron said, pointing to the paper on the floor, “A note fell out of it!”
I watched as Harry slid the cloak off and picked it up. Harry and I all looked at the unfamiliar loopy writing while Ron stared at the cloak.
Your father left this in my possession before he died. It is time it was returned to you. Use it well.
A very Merry Christmas to you.
I touched to the material of the cloak and shivered. The surface was cool and felt almost like I dipped my fingers in water. When I took them off, my fingers were dry. Ron was looking at the cloak longingly.
“I’d give anything for one of these. Anything,” Ron admired and then noticed our faces, “What’s the matter?”
“Nothing,” Harry quickly said, hiding the note.
Suddenly, Fred and George bounded down the boys’ dormitory stairs. I saw Harry stuff the cloak into his bathroom pocket. Sure enough, he didn’t want any of the twins taking it. The two boys wore royal blue sweaters with a G and F on it, no doubt form Mrs. Weasely.
“Merry Christmas,” they yelled, bringing a festive feeling into he room.
“Hey, look! Emily and Harry got a Weasely sweater, too!” George pointed to me and to Harry’s sweater on the chair.
“Harry’s and Emily’s is better than ours, though.” Fred snatched Harry’s green sweater, “She obviously make more effort if you’re not family.”
“Why aren’t you wearing yours, Ron?” George was obviously baby talking Ron, “Come on, get it on, they’re lovely and warm.”
“I hate maroon,” Ron grumbled, but still pulled it over his head.
“You havne’t got a letter on yours,” George saw Harry’s sweater, “I suppose she thinks you don’t forget your name. But we’re not stupid- we know we’re called Gred and Forge. “
Another voice joined the mix, “What is all this noise.”
It was Percy, Ron’s big brother and he was daintily stepping down the boys’ dormitory stairs. He had a Weasely sweater over his arm and Fred Quickly took it and unfolded it.
“P for prefect! Get it on Percy, come on, we’re all wearing ours, even Harry and Emily got one.”
“I-don’t-want-“ Percy tried to say, but his words were muffled as the twins pulled the sweater over his thin body, his wire rimmed glasses now crooked.
“And you’re not sitting with the prefects today, either,” George said in a motherly voice, “Christmas time is for family.
The Twins pushed us out of the room and into the corridor, on our way to the Great Hall.
After the spectacular breakfast I told Ron and Harry I would see them later. I rushed back to the common room and jumped onto my gold covered bed.
I rushed to pull out the Brown package I shoved into my pocket. I pulled the twine that kept it together and the paper fell off. A small jewelry box was inside. I pulled the lid slowly off and a note was folded in half, pushing on the lid and the stuffing. I pulled it out and read it.
Dear Emily,
I do hope you’re reading this alone. Your father, a little while before he was sent to Azkaban, gave this to me and told me if he couldn’t give it to you, that I should. I decided to give it to you now because I felt you were ready. Merry Christmas, Emily.
I looked into the box and gasped in awe. It was a golden heart-shaped locket. In the middle my reflection could be seen in the emerald it cradled. I put my thumb nail in the center and opened it. I started to tear up at what I saw inside. It was a wizard picture; it had my dad laughing with my mom. My mom looked so much younger and full of life. I was cradled in my dad’s arms, just a few months old. It looked like they were in our kitchen because I could see the familiar clock behind my mom’s head. There was my dad; it looked almost like he was alive. After all, he could have been dead for all I knew. Tears started to blur my dad’s face and they rolled down my cheeks. I was smiling though. I clutched the heart to my chest and silently thanked Hagrid. This was the best present anyone could have gotten me.
Later on, when Harry, Ron, and I went to the Great Hall for dinner, I gasped. The Hall was decorated even more than I last saw it. Snowflakes came down from the ceiling, but never touched the ground. The tables were filled with platters of turkey, ham, mashed potatoes, sweet carrots, buttered corn, and so much more. The dinner I had at my house couldn’t compare to this, even though my mom home cooked everything, we never really had enough money for anything as good as this. Party favors also littered the tables every few yards. I giggled as I pulled one of the wizard crackers with a deafening bang and green smoke emitted from it and a sparkly Princess Tiara came out of it with a few random sparkling jewels. I grabbed the tiara and replaced Harry’s admiral hat, which he got from his wizard cracker, and laughed as he blushed. I looked over at the High table, and Dumbledore was chuckling, a baby bonnet on his head, at a joke Flitwick just told him.
I grinned as the main course platters disappeared and were replaced with flaming Christmas puddings. I grabbed a whole scoop full, but was very careful eating it when Percy grabbed a silver sickle out of his piece. I glanced over at a drunken Hagrid and he called for more wine. I shook my head, it was like Hagrid to get drunk on wine. I bursted out laughing when Hagrid kissed Professor McGonagall on the cheek and she giggled, blushing.
As we popped more wizard crackers, more prizes came out. Harry, Ron, and I laughed all the way to our common room, struggling to carry all the prizes we got. I managed to get an emerald from the first wizard cracker I picked up before it faded away on the floor, I got a tooth brush, a wizard board game called “Wand Searching”, and a zapping feather quill.
After dinner we ran outside, despite my hatred for the cold, bundled up, and started a snowball fight. Fred and George used their wands to float snow balls behind our heads and finally smash them into our skulls. I never laughed so much in my life when they sent a snow ball down Percy coat and he chased them around the courtyard. I looked over at Harry to see he was having just as much fun.
As we went back to the common room and had a midnight snack consisting of turkey sandwiches, crumpets, trifle, and left over Christmas cake we just sat by the common room fire, content with the day. The only thing keeping me asleep was Percy chasing Fred and George all around the Gryffindor Tower because they stole his prefect badge. I finally bid Harry, Ron, and the other Weasely’s good night and left up to my bedroom. I flopped onto my bed, pulling the covers around me, and clutched my dad’s locket.
“Merry Christmas, dad.” I whispered as I lulled to sleep.
“Emily,” I heard a voice call.
“Mmm, I don’t wanna wake up.” I mumbled, trying to fall back asleep.
“Come on, Emily! We have to wake up, Ron.” I suddenly realized it was Harry’s voice.
“Harry! How did you get up here?!” I was fully awake now, sitting up in my bed, astonished.
His body was partially invisible, “With the cloak on, the shield didn’t sense me. Come on, let’s get Ron, I have to tell you both something I found.”
He ushered me under his cloak and we both walked down the girls’ dormitory stairs and I half expected the field on the boys’ dormitory stairs to repel me, but we smoothly walked through it.
“Ron!” I loudly whispered to Ron, “Wake up!”
Harry started to shove his shoulder.
“Emily? What are you doing in here?” Ron mumbled sleepily, rubbing his eyes.
“We got through the field with the invisibility cloak. I need to tell you guys something.” Harry explained and we sat on Ron’s bed.
“I used the invisibility cloak to get into the Restricted Section of the library to look for Nicolas Flamel. Problem was, I opened this one book and it started screaming. Filch heard the noise and was in the doorway when I tried to leave. He didn’t see me so I snuck pas him and I ran. I got lost and couldn’t tell where I was, but I heard Filch talking to Snape. I hid in this one room, which has a mirror in it. I saw my family, you guys! They’re there.”
“You could have woken me up.” Ron said when Harry finished.
“You saw your family Harry?” I asked, eager.
“You guys can come tomorrow night, I’m going back, I want to show you guys the mirror.” Harry said, just as eager.
“I’d like to see your mom and dad.” Ron said.
“Same here.” I added.
“And I want to see all of your family, all the Weasely’s and all the Blarsh’s. We’ll be able to see your dad, Emily!” Harry said just as eagerly and at that time I couldn’t care if they saw my dad or not.
“You can see my family any old time,” Ron said blandly, “Just come round my house this summer. Anyway, maybe it only shows dead people. Shame about not finding Flamel, though.”
I heard the snores of few people who were in the floor above us, “We should be getting to bed.”
I said good night to the boys, went down their stairs, the field shoved me out, and snuck under my warm covers. I’d be seeing Harry’s parents tomorrow and my dad.
During breakfast Ron and I piled our food, but Harry didn’t touch his.
“Whya ren’t you eating anything, Harry?” I asked, worried.
Harry just stared ahead, a weird smile on his face. It semmed like he went insane.
“Are you all right?” Ron asked, just as worried, “You look odd.”
Later on that night, Harry woke both Ron and I up and led us through the corridors. I tried to remember the path we were taking, but soon it became an hour of wandering through the corridors. I silently thanked my mom for my new pajamas, because I would have been a block of ice without them. Ron, on the other hand, had passed down ones that were thread bare.
“I’m freezing,” Ron whined, “Let’s go back.”
“No!” Harry snapped, “I know it’s here somewhere.”
I flinched when Harry talked, frightened. Harry never acted like this, so selfish. What has gotten into him? I continued to silently follow them.
I heard Ron start to moan about his freezing feet when Harry pointed to a door.
“It’s here- just here- yes!” Harry hurriedly pushed the door open and slipped off the cloak as we got inside.
I watched Harry run to the mirror, his eyes gleaming. Ron and I caught up with him.
“See?” Harry whispered softly, but I looked into it just to see him only.
“No, Harry, it’s just you.” I said slowly, rethinking Harry’s sanity.
“Look! Look at all of them… there are loads of him.” Harry continued to talk about his family.
“I can’t see anything.” Ron said, puzzled.
“Look in it properly, where I am.” Harry grabbed my shoulders and moved me in front of the mirror.
I gasped at the image in front of me and tears gather in my eyes.
“Can you see all of your family standing around you?” Harry eagerly asked.
“No, it just my dad.” I whispered and stared at the image.
He had long, dark, slightly curly hair. His eyes were dark silver and the twinkled. He had an arm on my shoulder, a lop-sided grin on his face. He looked just like he did in the pictures.
I reached my hand out to the mirror, to only meet the solid surface. I quickly glanced behind me to see no one was there. My grin faded and I let my arm drop. My dad wasn’t there. There was no use looking at a fake image of him. I turned away.
“You go on, Ron.” Harry pushed Ron in, “You can see your family too, right?”
“No- I’m alone-but I’m different- I look older- and I’m head boy!” Ron cried in delight.
“What?” Harry exclaimed in utter confusion.
“I am- I’m wearing the badge like Bill used to-and I’m holding the house cup and the Quidditch cup- I’m Quidditch captain, too!”
Ron turned around and smiled at us, “Do you think this mirror shows the future?”
“How can it? All my family are dead- let me have another look-“ Harry said, an anxious tone to his voice at the end.
You had it to yourself all of last night, give me a bit more time.” Ron protectively stood in front of the mirror.
“ You’re only holding the Quidditch cup, what’s interesting about that? I want to see my parents.” And I saw Harry shove Ron.
“Don’t push me-“ Ron cried, shoving Harry back.
“Now boys,” I ordered, placing me hands between them, “No fighting!”
Suddenly a noise was heard outside.
“Quick!” Harry shouted and Ron grabbed the cloak and put it over us.
I could see the moon light reflect in Mrs. Norris’s yellow eyes and her body slinked in. Ron, Harry, and I stood stock-still, Our breathing was being held and I didn’t know if I could hold it much longer when she turned around and left.
“This isn’t safe- she might have gone for Filch, I bet she heard us.” Ron said, moving forward.
“Come on Harry,” I said, grabbing his arm as he stared longingly at the mirror.
As I went back to bed, I couldn’t sleep. The image of my dad seemed to be painted onto my eye lids, because I saw him whenever I closed my eyes. I finally flipped my sheets off and huffed. I had to go back just one more time and see it.
I quietly got out of my bed and slipped on my slippers. I padded down the stairs and into the corridor. Now where is it? I asked myself, it was by a suite of armor and I have to turn here. I wandered through the hallways, the way there still fresh in my mind form earlier that night. I didn’t encounter anyone on the way and easily found the familiar suite of armor.
“Here it is,” I whispered and pushed the door open.
This time I really looked at the room. It was an old, abandoned classroom. Cobweb filled desks lined the walls and chairs were stacked in the corner. I slowly walked toward the mirror, which gleamed and looked out of place. When I stood in front of it, I smiled.
“Dad?” I whispered and saw his smiling face again.
“Here again, Emily?” I heard Dumbledore’s voice echo through the room.
“Professor D-dumbledore, sir! I didn’t see you there! I’m s-sorry, I s-should go now.” I stuttered, stepping away from the mirror.
“It’s quite alright, Emily. Many before you have been pulled to the Mirror of the Erised.”
“How did you know that?’ I asked, puzzled.
“It’s on the top. You probably already know what it does though, even though you didn’t know the name…”
“I think I might have an idea.” I said quietly, afraid that if I said the wrong this he might give me a detention.
“Don’t worry, Emily. You’re not in any trouble. The mirror shows you your dad, it shows Harry his family who he’s always longed for, and it shows Ron as a head boy.” Dumbledore said and I stared at him in shock.
“How did you know?” I asked.
“I have my ways.” Dumbledore flicked his wand.
“So, this mirror lets us see what we want?” I answered in a question.
“Slightly,” Dumbledore said, “It shows us our deepest heart’s desire. Harry, who has never seen his family, longs for them. Ron is always being overshadowed by his brothers’ achievements and sees himself being better than all of them. Then there’s you, you wish you father was still with you. This mirror, however we may beg it to be, shows neither knowledge nor truth. Men have wasted away before it, staring into what they’ve wished for, or driven mad, not knowing if it what it shows is real or even possible.”
“So, it’s just an image. It doesn’t really mean anything.” I glanced over at the mirror and anger burned in my stomach, “It’s a trick.”
“Hmm, yes, it may,” Dumbledore mused,” And that is why you must not go looking for it once it’s gone. You’re a smart girl, Emily, I know I have nothing to worry about.” His eyes twinkled at me, “Now, why don’t you go off to bed? I promise no one will see you.” He winked and I started walking for the door.
“Professor, if it isn’t too much, could I ask you what you see in the mirror?” I confidently asked from the door.
“Me? I am surrounded by hats. Although, this Christmas everyone just gives me books. No one can own too many hats.” Dumbledore said and his eyes looked honest,” now you should be going. I suspect Harry will be here tomorrow night.”
I left, thinking of how insane Dumbledore was, but how smart he could be at the same time. Dumbledore was probably not being truthful, but would I have been if asked the same question?
The next day, Harry didn’t seem like himself.
“Want to play chess, Harry?” Ron asked him while we sat in the common room.
“No.” Harry answered, sulking.
“Why don’t we go down and visit Hagrid?” I asked, trying to sound cheerful.
“No…you guys go…” Harry moved his hand as if he was brushing us away.
“I know what you’re thinking about, Harry, that mirror. Don’t go back tonight.” Ron said, in an orderly tone.
“Why not?” Harry asked sharply.
“It’s not a good idea, Harry. You might get caught by Snape or Filch!” I said.
“Even though you’re invisible, you can knock something over or they could walk into you.” Ron added and Harry looked at us, incredulous.
“You guys sound like Hermione.” Harry said as if he thought we were being ridiculous.
“I’m serious, Harry. Don’t go.” I pleaded.
Later that night, while sitting in my usual seat, I could hear the pitter patter of Harry’s feet and the creak of the door. Dumbledore would be getting another visitor tonight.