I Got a Thing for Band Members

Happy Ending

As William and Pete were happy, the others just looked at them in silence. Brendon broke the silence.

"Guys, why are you two so happy?" he asked.
"Should we tell them?" Pete asked William.
"Only if they promise to keep their mouth shut," William replied.
"Well, the story is that me and William made a wish upon a falling star last night that Sam and Mikey will have little Sam or Mikey soon. And today, Mikey tells William the they are trying. I mean, jackpot," Pete again screamed the last word.
"Why is that good? That mean it will be harder for me to get her," Brendon said.
"Or harder for me," Ryan chimed in.
"Or for me," Spencer and Jon said at the same time.

Gabe was just stitting on the sofa and he was thinking about things. After coming up with a sppech, he stood up and cleared his troaht.

"Firsto of all, what Pete said, that is great news. I just hope we will see the results soon. Secondly, Brendon, find yourself a girl who is your type. Sam is like too far away from your reach. Face it. Ryan, you have a thing for blondes and if you are color blind, then let me just tell you, Sam is a brunette. Spencer, you are a great drummer and girl love you, but Sam has never had a thing for drummers. So bang a drum, you ain't gonna bang her. As for you Jon, you are the most dangerous out of the four, but I think that Sam thinks and knows that Mikey is a better bassist than you are. Now, after saying everything, G-A-B-E is leaving the room for a day on the town with my band."

And Gabe walked out of the room, leaving everybody speechless. Brendon, Ryan, Spencer and Jon were changing looks.

"Brendon, a day on the town sound nice," Ryan started.
"Yeah it does. What's your plan?" Brendon asked him.
"How about us four go out on the town for tha day?" Ryan said.
"That does sound nice," Brendon said.
"And maybe ask Sam and Mikey to tag along," Ryan said it like it was noting.
"Yeah," Spencer and Jon said together and then looked at each other.
"Can you two stop talking at the same time?" Brendon said while looking.
"We can try," again, Spencer and Jon spoke at the same time.
"That is seatled then, I go ask Sam and Mikey," Ryan said while getting up, but was stopped by Jon.
"I'll go ask," Jon said and went out of the door.

William and Pete didn't know anything about this, because they were with their bands, but if they would have known, they'd know that Ryan had something planned and they would have stopped it.

Jon now was infront of the room where Sam and Mikey were staying at. He was knocking on the door.

I woke up to a knocking on the door and so did Mikey. He was looking very annoyed.

"I'll go and get rid of anyone who's there."

I got out of the bed, but Mikey grabbed my hand.

"Aren't you forgetting something?" he asked me with a smile.

I looked at him and saw him looking up and down and up again on me. I looked down on me and then smiled.

"Yeah I am. I need a robe."

I walked over to a chair that had a robe on it and put it on. The banging hadn't stopped by now and I was getting kinda mad at whoever was behind that door.

"I'm coming. Hold your horses."

When I opened the door, I saw Jon there smiling at me.

"What do you want?"
"Nice hair."
"Yeah, I know. So again, what do you want?"
"Me and the boys were thinking about going on the town for the day and we wondered if you wanna hang with us."
"Like me and Mikey?"
"Yeah, you and Mikey."
"I have to ask him."

But before I could, he was already behind me.

"Yeah, sure. We will see you guys down in five."

With that, Mikey closed the door.

"We are going?"
"Yeah Sam. It can be fun. And we can't do what we just did for like all day long. You my dear have to work tonight."
"Yeah, I should bring my camera with me. Get few pictures before we need them."
"So let's get dressed."

We got dressed in a minute. Well Mikey got dressed in a minute, I on the other hand wasn't. I couldn't find me black skinny jeans nowhere.

"Wear the red ones."
"I want the black ones."

As I looked all over the room, I was getting worried. They were my favourite pair of jeans and the had that sentimental value that old people talk about. I finally looked under the bed, but no luck. I got up and turned around just to see Mikey holding my fave pair of jeans in his hand while leaning on the wall with a saticfied face on him.

"Where were they?"
"In your bag."
"I love you."

He kissed me, I toke the jeans, put them on, toke my camera and so we went, hand in hand, to the elevator. And getting out of the elevator, still hand in hand. We walked up to the boys, who weren't so happy as they saw me holding hands with Mikey, but still they had smiles on their faces. They were planning something, my inside feeling told me, but I didn't want to listen to it. At least not now.