I Got a Thing for Band Members

Everything We Had

After walking for about I don't know how long, the boys stopped. I just looked at already I was affraid. They stopped infront of a big fairy wheel. As I'm affraid of heights, I didn't go. Mikey wanted to stay with me, but he also wanted to go up there. So I ended up staying on the ground with Spencer. He was affraid of heights, who could have guessed?

We sat down on a bench near by and waited for the others. As there was silence, we started talking. Yet another Panic! boy started questioning me.

"What's your favourite colour?"
"Baby blue."

"What's your favourite flower?"

"What's your favourite TV show?"

"Who is your favourite singer?"
"I don't have one."

"Who's voice do you love the best?"
"William's and Gerard's."

"Who is your favourite actor?"
"Johnny Depp."

"What's your favourite movie?"
"Shakespeare In Love."

"What's your favourite season?"

"What's your favourite car?"

"What's your favourite animal?"

"How did Mikey propose?"
"He toke me out for dinner and then we ended up in a hotel room and in the morning when I opened my eyes, there was a ring on my finger and the biggest grin on Mikey's face."

"What is your favourite book?"
"Hmm, "Da Vinci Code" by Dan Brown."

"Where do you want to travel for a perfect holiday?"
"Italy has always sound nice."

"What's your favourite food?"
"Chicken with rice."

"What's your favourite drink?"
"Cold orange juice."

"Have you ever done drugs?"

"How old were you when you first kissed?"
"I was seven."

"After who would you name your son?"
"After someone in TAI. Michael is the most likely one."

"After who would you name your daughter?"
"Don't know, Mikey is going to name the girls."

"What's your biggest fear?"
"I hate spiders."

"What music do you hate?"
"Club music."

"What's your favourite place in the world?"
"Any sandy beach next to the ocean."

"What movie do you hate?"
"Any movie that is a tear jerker."

Now, someone covered my eyes.

"Guess who?"
"I so want to say Frankie."

Mikey uncovered my eyes and stood infront of me. His eyes were full of suprise.

"You wanted that to be Frankie."
"Well yeah, you do know about my crush on the man, don't you?"
"Crush? What? No, you are married. To me. ME!"
"Babe come down. I was only kidding. Frankie would be too short for me."

I just smiled and Mikey just looked at me with shaking his head.

"You got me worried there for a second."
"Do you really think I would take Frankie over you?"

Frankie made a thinking face and I just laughed. He looked so cute when he faked faces.

"No. He is no competition to me."
"Now you get it. Toke you long enough."
"Well, I'm bit slow. You hsould know that."
"I keep on forgetting it."
"You shouldn't."
"But I do."
"I have to teach you not to forget things."
"Oh, that sounds kinky."
"You like it, don't you?"

Mikey just gave me the "wtf" look. When I'm hyper, I tend to speak randomly and that confuses people. It confuses even me.

"You confuse me."

Mikey loves reading my mind sometimes.

"Stop reading my mind."
"Why should I? Actually, I should. Don't really want your weird and naughty thoughts in my head."

I just smiled as we started walking again. I'm so in love. And so happy.