I Got a Thing for Band Members

Nothing Else Matters

At the same time on the balcony, Jon and Mikey were talking about the plan Mikey had.

"So did you get it all?"
"Every single thing and well, a little more."
"You're the best."
"Well, bassists have to stick together."
"Yeah. So everything is okay for tomorrow..."
"I thoughed so."
"You know, Sam has been looking at us all the time."
"She thinks something is going on."
"She actually knows that something is going on."
"Why you say that?"
"She asked me."
"Oh well. Let make the plans now then."

As I watched Jon and Mikey talking, Brendon sat next to me.

"Hey girl, you lied to me."
"You told me you were the only child, but Pete told me that you had a younger sister."
"Well yeah, but I never think of her as my sister."
"Why not?"
"I'm adopted and she's their kid."
"You're adopted?"
"Yeah. I actually wanted to know who my real parents were, because I know my dad knows, but he never said anything to me, so when I got 17, I went to live with Sisky and his family."
"So Sisky isn't your cousin?"
"No, what is sad. He is just great."

Little did I know that Pete was listening in on the conversation. He chimed in.

"Hey Sam, can I talk with you in private?"
"Yeah sure Pete. Later Brendon."

We walked to his room and he closed his room door. I just sat on his bed and looked at him. He was nervous, I could tell.

"I didn't want to tell you this so soon and I wanted my mom to tell you this, but I heard what you told Brendon and I can't really hide it."
"You wanted your mom to tell me what? Pete, you can tell me anything."
"I'm your big brother. I even have pabers if you don't believe me."

I just looked at him with a shocked face. Pete and my brother? This can't be true. I stood up, walked over to Pete and hugged him as tight as I could. After I let go, he just looked at me and I gave him a smile. He replied with his greatest smile ever.

"So you believe me?"
"You would never lie to me, would you?"
"I have a big brother."
"And I got myself a baby sister."
"Does anyone know?"
"Only Patrick."
"We should celebrate."
"We could, but that means to let the boys in on it."
"Wouldn't want it any other way."

We hugged again and walked out of the room. By this time Mikey and Jon had come joined us. I sat on Mikey's lap when I noticed Gabe looking at me funny.

"You are bigger."
"I mean your breasts look bigger."

Gabe stood up and walked up to me. He toke my breasts into his hands and looked at them, kinda like weighing them or something. I just looked at him like wtf are you doing. He walked back to his seat and looked at me.

"Are you having morning sickness?"
"Do you want to eat weird stuff?"
"Do you eat more than usual?"
"Well kinda."
"Do you want me to get you the test?"

I just looked at him and then at Mikey. I didn't know what to say. I couldn't be pregnant. I mean, then I have been pregnant for the past two months.

"Gabe, if anybody will go to go and buy the test, it will be me," William told Gabe.
"Why not me?" Gabe asked him.
"Actually, as I'm going to be the uncle, I'm gonna go," Pete said.
"Uncle?" William and Gabe asked.
"He is my brother and I'm his sister," I said still looking at Mikey.
"If anybody is going, it will be me, I'm th father," Mikey said.
"I noticed it, I'm going," Gabe said.
"The time you stop argueing, I could be back with the test," Brendon said.

The boys started argueing about who should go and buy the test, I just sat there, zooming out. I didn't know what to think. Yeah, me and Mikey want a kid, but this is just to fast. I sat up and walked over to my jacket and purse. I put the jacket on and toke my purse. I turned over and looked at the guys who even hadn't noticed that I had left them on the sofas.


I screamed to get their attention.


They all yelled back.

"I'm going and I'm gonna buy the test. Okay?"

The boys looked at each other and in second everybody stood infront of me. I just looked at them.

"What now?" I asked the five boys standing infront of me.
"We are coming with you," they all said at the same time.

And so went to buy me a test. This wasn't going to be easy, was it?