I Got a Thing for Band Members


As I was making eggs and bacon, my doorbell rang. I wondered who the hell it could be on Saturday morning. When I opened it, I saw William standing there with bags next to him. As soon as he saw me, he fell to his knees and put his hands on my hips.

"Sam, I need a night. One night and I'll be out of your way. Just this one time. I know your boyfriend, fiancee or husband is on tour and he will not find about this. I miss the old times with you. Just tonight."
"William Beckett, get up and get your ass in. My bacon is burning."

I ran to the kitchen and I heard William closing the door when he had put his bags inside. As I was putting my bacon on he plate, William walked into the kitchen sat down and toke a fork.

"William, put that fork down."
"But you made me breakfast."
"It's for me."
"But what about me?"
"You can do your own."
"I can't cook."
"Well, it's time you'd learn how to do it."
"You are so mean. Where are your cereals?"
"Infront of you."
"See? I don't even see where the cereals are."
"You know where you can get the bowl and the spoon and milk is in the frigde behind you."

I got up and walked to the living room. I put my glass of orange juice on the table and opened my lap to to check my mails. I had one from Daisy, a highschool friend. One from Gerard, complaing how Mikey is making everybody crazy. One from my boss, saying I have to go to Las Vegas soon. When I was reading this, I got an IM from Sisky.

sexysisky: is he there???
sammypammy: yeah
sexysisky: eating???
sammypammy: do you have cameras in my apartment??
sexysisky: well yeah
sammypammy: where??
sexysisky: bathroom one is my fave
sammypammy: when I get my hand on you...be sorry, be very sorry
sexysisky: not scared, nt scared at all
sexysisky: tell willie that tomorrow at six am
sammypammy: what is then??
sammyammy: and willie??wtf??
sexysisky: I can't tell you and don't ask
sammypammy: ADAM T SISKA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
sexysisky: never EVER do that again
sammypammy: sry
sexysisky: you don't even know how sry you are
sammypammy: yes I do
sexysisky: listen I have to run...anothe TAI TV show to do
sammypammy: break a leg
sexysisky: don't I always

I closed the laptop and turned my attention to the TV. When "But It's Better If You Do" by Panic! At The Disco came on, I started to laugh.

"What is so funny?"
"These guys. They are just so funn in that lame way."
"Those guys kick ass."
"Those guys are lame. I mean come on. Who names their band Panic! At The Disco? Lame people do. I bet they haven't even been to a disco, not to mention panicing at a disco."
"You even haven't met them."
"And you said that about Fall Out Boy too and Cobra Starship too before you met them."
"Well, FOB guys knos how to party and well Gabe is just cool."
"So are the Panic guys."
"I bet they panic alot."
"When you meet them, you'll talk another story."
"Yeah. Whatever."

After the video ended, they showed MCR's "Helena" what happens to be my favourite MCR song, so the volume went up and William had to stop eating so he could cover his ears.