I Got a Thing for Band Members

One Last Kiss

"Pete, how are you?" a young boy came up to him.
"Fine Ry. Listen, I wnat you to meet your tour photographer Sam Stevens," Pete said pointing at me.
"Pete, aren't you forgetting something?" I said.
"What could I forget?" Pete said while looking at me.
"Oh I don't know, maybe my last name."
"It's Stevens, I know that."
"Two months Pete. It was two months ago."
"Oh right. Sorry guys. Sam Way."

I smiled and looked up at Mikey who was still holding my hand tightly and he wasn't going to let me go soon.

"I thoughed Sam Stevens is a guy, but this suprise is only pleasure," I notice the lead singer saying.
"I get that alot," I said smiling and Mikey pulled me closer.
"Well, I love your work. I'm Brendon," he said while I shook his hand.
"And the guy who greeted Pete is Ryan, the cool guy is Jon and the guy behind the laptop is Spencer," Brendon said.
"Nice to meet ya all. Listen Pete, where is my room?" I asked Pete, not really paying any attention on Brendon who was checking me out.
"Well, didn't Mikey tell you?" Pete asked in suprised voice, what was so fake.
"No, he didn't," I said and turned around to face Mikey.
"Would you believe me if I'd say I'd forgot," Mikey said, looking straight into my eyes.
"No, not really," I said with a serious voice.

For my suprise he picked me up in bridal style and walked out of the room. He carried me to the elevator and then put me down.

"What do you have planned?"
"A nice room a floor down."
"You never stop to amaze me."
"I hope that I never stop that, cause if I don't amaze you, I might lose you."
"Why are you always so worried about losing me. Trust me, you ain't gonna get rid of me that easy."
"I'd like to think that."

We walked out of the elevator to the first door on the right. he opened it and before I could walk in, he picked me up again in bridal style and he walked into the room. Some how he managed to close the door with his foot. He walked some more and then he put me down in the middle of the room. I just looked around myself, not believeing how lucky I was.

"Michael James Way, I love you."
"Samantha Elizabeth Way, I love you too."
"When did you do this?"
"When I got myself on this tour."
"You are the best husband someone could ever have."
"You're the best wife anyone can have."
"But you are better by a mile."
"You do know that there is something missing, don't you?"
"Missing? Where?"
"In our life."
"Everything is perfect, isn't it?"
"It is and I love spending every second I can with you, but there is a person missing. Maybe even two persons."
"You want to have kids."
"Well yeah."
"You know, we would have to start making them then."
"I like the way your mind works."

I kissed him hard and passionatly on the lips. He kissed me back a second later. We started to undress each other and it toke us less than half a minute to get all our clothes off. I laid on the bed and he was on top of me. We were still into the kiss we shared for sometime now and a second later, his movement was taking me up to heaven. I've forgetton how well he moves and how he knows where to kiss me.

At the same time on the top floor, Brendon was having a intresting conversation with Pete.

"Hey Pete, tell me something about Sam."
"What you wanna know? She was the rebel in her family. Younger sister was always favoured over her. She moved out to New your when she was 18, met Mikey when she was doing her first photoshoot for Rolling Stone at the age of 19. And now she is 20 and happily married."
"How long have those two been married?"
"Two months. Brendon, do me a favour and don't get in the middle of things. Sam is happy and Mikey is making her happy."
"I won't do anything. But then again, I can't really promise you anything."
"Just know that she is best friends with TAI boys and Gabe loves her like she was his sister. You don't wanna mess with them."

Pete left Brendon and didn't see the grin growing on Brendon's face. A worring person as Pete was, he went to talk to Ryan, hoping that maybe he'd talk with Brendon. But to his suprise, Ryan was saying the same things as did Brendon. Jon and Spencer weren't better. Pete now was really worried and knew that his only chance was to talk with William.

"William, can we talk?"
"Sure. What's up?"
"The Panic! boys have gone crazy."
"Haven't they always been?"
"They all "love" Sam, according to them."
"Yeah, tell me about it."
"They can't, oh this so isn't good."
"What are we going to do?"
"Well, I'll talk with TAI boys and with Gabe. And then we have to keep Brendon, Ryan, Jon and Spencer far away from Sam. Mikey should be with her all the time. We have to tell Mikey."
"You know better than anyone how jealous Mikey can be."
"Sadly, if I think of that day, my chin still hurts."
"We are going to work things out. It's onlt three months."
"So, Sam looks so happy with Mikey."
"Yeah, they make such a cute couple. I hope they will have babies soon."
"No way, me too."
"Hey William, there was a shooting star. Let's make a wish."
"What are we wishing for?"
"That Sam will get pregnant soon."
"Good idea Pete."

And so they made that wish upon a falling star. Will it come true?