I Got a Thing for Band Members

My Doorbell

The next morning Pete woke up with a worried look on his face. A look that Patrick noticed the second he saw Pete.

"What's the matter?"
"Don't lie to me."
"Well. It's Sam."
"What about her?"
"The Panic! boys are in love with her and I'm affraid that she'll slip and she'll cheat on Mikey and mess up the best thing that has ever happened to her."
"Wow, that really is bad. We have to do something. Sam and Mikey are perfect."
"I know. I wish there is something I can do for my sister."
"Your sister? You don't have a sister."
"Oh, well it's a funny story actually."
"None of your storys are funny. What the fuck do you mean when you say sister?"
"My mom gave my sister up for adopting when she was born. Sam is my sister. I found it out when I showed mom the pictures of my birthday party that she couldn't come to. She gave me some info and I looked into it and...Samantha Elizabeth Way is my sister."
"Does she know?"
"No, but I'm planning to do it when the tour is in Chigago."
"So this is why you look after her so much?"
"This is great news."
"I know."
"She actually looks a little like you."
"You think?"
"No. Nobody is as ugly as you are."
"Thanks Patrick, I love you man."
"I thoughed you loved Ashlee."
"No babe, I love you."

And when Patrick was about to enter the room, Pete walked beside him and toke his hand. They stood infront of their room door looking at each other.

"Yes, my love?"
"Let go of my hand nice and easy and nobody will get hurt."
"But, I thoughed you loved me."
"You are the most beautiful person I know, happy?"
"Thanks Patrick, that's a nice thing to say."

Pete let go of Patricks hand and walked over to Andy and Joe who were eating breakfast. There was no sight of the others. Patrick made his way to the kitchen aswell.

At the same time a floor down, I had just woken up. I turned around and looked at Mikey who was up already.

"Morning princess."
"Morning sunshine."
"How are we today?"
"I'm amazing."
"Yes, that you are."
"And I'm kinda tired."
"Too many rounds last night?"
"I lost my count at the third round."
"I lost mine at the sixth."
"So what do think? Did we make the goal we were aiming for?"
"I think we did, atleast I hope. But if not, then I'm happy too."
"Cause I get more rounds."
"You'll get them always."
"I know."
"We should go upstairs to get something to eat."
"I don't wanna go. I know, let's call William, he could bring something down and we wouldn't need to get out of bed, well you have to get out of bed to get to food from William."
"Or we get dressed, go upstairs and make our own breakfast."
"I'm to tired to move."
"I'll make you pancakes."
"I'm ready in three."

I jumped out of bed and put my clothes on. I was ready in a minute. Mikey just sat on the bed and laughed as he was putting his jeans on.

"What is so funny?"
"You are. I say pancakes and you are ready in a blink."
"I just love your pancakes and I haven't had them so long."

Mikey rolled his eyes and then he put his T-shirt on. I dragged him to the elevator and when it opened again, I dragged him into the room and straight to the kitchen. Then I sat down behind the table and looked at him.

"Well, start."

Mikey just laughed and shook his head. Then he started doing pancakes. When I looked around, I noticed Fall Out Boy giving me weird looks.

"He promised to make pancakes for me."

I said in my defence in a serious voice and then a second later, the boys started to laugh. I tried to hold back my laughter. but I couldn't. A second later I was laughing with the boys. A great way to start a morning.