I Got a Thing for Band Members

Guilty Pleasure

After eating Mikey's best panckaes ever, we sat around the kitchen table and William had joined us. We were talking about what to do and as usual, we came up with nothing. Pete started talking about the tour and as I listen to him, I noticed William and Mikey walking to the balcony. I wanted to follow, but Joe toke my hand and didn't let me go. So I sat there, not really hearing what the boys were talking about. All I wanted to know was what William and Mikey were talking about.

"What the hell William?"
"We need to talk."
"Can't this wait?"
"Make it fast."
"Panic! boys want Sam."
"All of them?"
"Yeah, you got some tough competition."
"I have to get her out of here."
"But you can't, she needs to work."
"What the hell am I going to do?"
"Well, first of all, don't worry, we got it covered. Secondly, don't tell anything to Sam."
"Of course I wouldn't tell her anything."
"So how are things?"
"Everything alright in the bedroom section?"
"Things couldn't be better."
"Any good news maybe coming our way soon?"
"Well, me and Pete were talking and we came up with a reason why everything is so boring lately."
"Oh, what is that?"
"There are no babies."

Mikey just laughed at that. He looked at William who gave him a big smile and laughed a little too.

"You know what."
"We are trying."
"Started last night."
"I hope you have a result for us soon."
"So are we."
"Can't wait now."

Mikey and William ended up having a long conversation about kids and family life and marriage and that kinda stuff. About stuff that guys don't talk about.

At the same time, I was getting bored and so I went to watch some TV. Joe didn't leave my side for a second. I just gave him a look when he sat next to me and he gave me a look back.

"Alright, this is it."
"Joe, why are you acting like this?"
"You have great karma, I'm hoping it would rub of on me."
"That's why you follow me everywhere?"
"You are weird."
"I know."
"Ok then."

We started to watch some cartoons when the door went opened. Ryan, Brendon, Spencer and Jon walked in. Closely followed by Gabe. Gabe sat next to me, so I was sitting between Gabe and Joe and it wasn't the greatest feeling ever.

"I can't breathe."
"Cause you're on me."

At this point, Mikey walked in.

"Gabe, get yourself off of my wife."
"I'm just sitting here, relax man."

Mikey came stood infront of me, toke my hand, pulled me up from the sofa and then sat down on a chair and pulling me onto his lap as he sat down.

"See, this is much better."
"Yeah it is, you are very comfy."
"I know I am. Gee always uses me like this."
"He is your brother. Ewww, brother slash."
"What? No slash. Oh, get your mind straight girl."
"Sorry, last night still has it's effects on me."
"You know I have cure for that."
"And what is it dr. Way?"

Mikey started whispering things into my ear that made me giggle and my cheeks soon went red.

"I think we should use that first and third cure and leave the second one for another time."
"As you wish."
"So we are off guys. Bye."

And we literally ran to our room, leaving the others with weird looks on their face. William was the only one smiling all knowingly and Pete notice this.

"Why are you smiling?"
"Remember the little wish we made last night?"
"It might come true soon."

As Pete yelled that, verybody looked at Pete and William like they were crazy. Who says that they aren't?