Status: Hiatus due to the fact that I don't want it deleted for being "improperly written" even though we wrote it "Play Script Style"

What to Do When You Are Hyper...

We're A Bunch Of.....OH SHINEY!

Lisa: what are you doing?

Katie: Do you remember when we met in juvie?

Lisa: I've never been to Juvie....

Katie: I Always knew I'd end up in juvie

Steph: What is she on about?

Mikey: At lest Im not the only one with a criminal background

Ray: You didnt have to go to court for it

Mikey: yeah well, they let you off

*everyone but Katie Ray and Mikey O__O*

Katie: pshhh Juvie is funnnnn!!!!....I know people in juvie.....*shifty eyes* and that has nothing to do with the bodies in the back yard..................or the blood..........or why Im going into witness protection.......*hides in trench coat sunglasses and hat* my name is Doe, Jane Doe
Lisa: how much sleep have you gotten?

Katie: ummmmm nineish...OH SHINEY!!! *chases laser pointer*

Lisa: Oh no, Ray you wanna control her??


Ray:....ummm Bob Get her

Bob: *Laughs and moving Laser pointer across the walls* Oh, I have her

Frank: WHY IS CAPTIAN BACK!! found him

Gerard: yeah....under the table

Steph: TABLE SEX!!!!!

*every one but katie O_o*

Katie:*jumping at laser pointer thats in the corner of the ceiling* MUST *jump* GET *jump* SHIIIIIIIIINNNNNEEEEYYYYYY!!!!

Ray:....I dont know her?

Lisa: oh, but you just ingored her asianness for he-man

Ray:....but...but....ITS HE MAN

Gerard: some times I worry about you

Steph: says the man who randomly married Bert McCrackin

Gerard:...we shall never speak of that again its over....and if you more table

Steph: O_O

Mikey: *slowly backs away*

Alicia: today is a good day *smiles*

Katie: *still jumping* GET DOWN HER YOU EFFING SHINEY!!!

Bob: Paybacks a pain

Random: ummm please come back , that way I wont- OH NO! *looks at alicia* NOOO!!! I HAVE A WIFE AND 3 KID AT HOME!

Alicia: *Chases him*

Mikey: *Sighs* man I love her

Ray:....can I leave now?