Status: .....................................................................................................................................................................................

Just Breathe


“Katie, dude where are you? You told me you would be here at my house half an hour ago!” I yell at her through the phone. It was currently 8:30 and we still had to get ready and make it to Greg’s at 9:30 for some warm-up drinks.

“Chill, I’m pulling up now.” She says and it’s true because in less than a minute she appeared up in my room. She had her outfit picked out already and it was cute, but not the same look as me. I was wearing a tight white tank top with short denim short and paired it with a pair of black heels. Once, we got changed it was time for hair and makeup.

“You know with the way I’m doing your makeup and with your outfit, you kind of look like a ghetto slut.” Katie tells me.

“Why thank you. I take that comment to heart.” I tell her as she finishes applying my makeup. We switch positions so now I’m doing her makeup and she looks cute not conservative, but not trashy. We decided to just screw it and pull our hair up in ponytails since it will get messed up anyways.

Once, we got everything checked and done we were on our way to Greg’s house and surprisingly we made it on time. We rang the door bell and were greeted by Greg’s buddies Max and Dave.

“Looking good ladies.” Dave commented.

“Thank you.” We said in sync causing us to laugh.

“You’re just in time for the next round of shots.” Max says leading us into the kitchen where Greg and one other guy who I really didn’t recognize were. We stood next to Greg as he poured the next round of shots.

“To a kick ass party tonight!” He says and you could already tell he has had a few drinks already. We take a few rounds of shots to different things the three of us, Katie, Greg, and I did one for all the kids at camp, it was weird, but funny. Once, 10 o’clock came around we had alcohol in our systems and were all pumped for the party. We all decided to walk to the party because it was like only one street down and we knew by the end of the night we would be in no condition to drive anyways. The street was packed back with cars making it totally not obvious at all that there was a party, it’s not like you couldn’t hear the music from outside either, no why would you think that? We walked in and sure enough you could definitely smell the alcohol in the house. I knew I had work in the morning, but I really didn’t care so once Greg offered to get us all drinks I told him to get me something strong and the same for Katie, she looked like she could use a drink. Once, he came back we downed our drinks and were finally ready to dance. We both took one of Greg’s hands and dragged him to the middle of all the dancing.

“Yeah! Greg show us your dance moves!” Katie screamed over the loud music. People should know how Katie and I are already. It shouldn’t come to a shock when we started to grind up on each other, it was a typical. Apparently not to the dudes in the room because once they saw us all eyes were on us, but it’s not like we cared. Once, the song changed we saw Greg starting the fist pump. Being from Jersey we couldn’t help but join him in the great dance move. I had no idea really where Dave and Max were until they came over to us telling us they started the body shots, how could anyone pass up on some body shots? So, we all headed to the room they were doing them in. Greg did one of me and then I did one off of Katie. Still, there should be no shocker there. Now, you may start to get the wrong idea. Trust me, we are both happily straight, not Lesbos or bi we are completely straight. Once, we got that fun out of the way we were getting pretty damn wasted, but that still wasn’t enough so Greg led us to the backyard where the keg was at.

“You guys up for a keg stand?” Greg asked.

“I would, but not a big fan of beer, why don’t you show us your skills Greg?” Katie said and he of coursed agreed so were his lovely helpers for his keg stand which he went pretty long. Greg was pretty much being a little tour guide moving us place to place so we were doing everything and next on the list was beer pong. Max and Greg were on a team versus Katie and me.

“You know you are totally getting your ass kicked.” I told Greg and Max.

“Oh like you two girls can beat us.” Max said right back.

“Bring it on then!” Katie said I could tell by her voice she was more wasted then me. Just like I had said we kicked there ass. They just didn’t really know how great we were. We got them pretty wasted with that game. I went into kitchen with Katie to get some more drinks and now we were back to dancing, but this time we were piss drunk, probably the most drunk I have ever been just because I just kept getting handed drinks left and right. I was shocked I could hold it all in. Somehow, someway in the night I found myself in a three-way kiss with Katie and Greg it was a big mess. I couldn’t really what I was doing, but neither could they. I eventually separated from the kiss and left those two to go to town while I started grinding up with a random guy. But that was after I yelled, “GETTUM KATIE!” I turned around at some point and just took his hat off of him and placed it on my head and went back over to Katie.

“Where did you get the hat?” She asked.

“Some guy.” I said with a smirk and went back to dancing and when I turned around Katie had one on too. We really just danced the whole night away.

“Guys, it’s like three. We should head home so we can watch some fuckers tomorrow.” Greg yelled to us over the music.

We both didn’t want to go anywhere, but Greg dragged us out and well we realized that none of us could even balance on two feet. We all intertwined our arms and tried to walk together which really didn’t help that much, but we eventually all got to Greg’s where we all just dropped dead and dispersed our bodies out on the couch. We were supposed to go home, but neither of us expected to get this wasted so we just spent the night at Greg’s. Oh boy can you imagine telling Shaun and Connor?
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It's mega-short but then again it's five am so screw it and it sucks ass i know comment and tell me that.