Status: .....................................................................................................................................................................................

Just Breathe


I opened the door and quickly shut it saying, “I don’t want your girl scout cookies.”
“Lacey if you don’t open the door, I’ll have to go all the way to the boardwalk all by myself. All alone…..” Connor was guilt tripping me and boy you should have seen his face as I was looking through the peep hole. He put a little pout on and looked down crossing his arms. What a big baby that guy is. I opened the door a little, he looked up starting to smirk and laugh. I shut the door on his face, now who is the one laughing now. He started to act even more hurt by walking away. I opened the door, ran up to him, and jumped on his back.
“Hey who said you could do that?” He said acting mad now, but it sounded stupid because well he isn’t a good actor.
“I did. Any ways lets go to the boardwalk and by the way no matter what you say we are going on the Ferris wheel.” I jumped off his back as we approached his car. He opened the door for me and I hopped in.
“You’re hilarious Lacey Jane.”
“I know that.”
“There is no way in hell I’m going on a Ferris wheel.”
“Why not?”
“I have never been on a Ferris wheel. I ain’t planning on it anytime soon.”
“You ain’t? Nice grammar. So what you scarred of heights?”
“I know and no I am not.”
“So let’s go on tonight.”
“You are scarred of heights. Connor you are the biggest pussy I know.” I tell him laughing so much I can barely get the last sentence out of my mouth.
“What did you just call me? You’re going to pay for that later, when I’m not driving.” He says sarcastically. I know I’m hoping that pay back is sexual.
“Oh I know.” I tell him with a smirk. We talk about camp on the way to the boardwalk. Funny when we don’t work we talk about work. Then, when we are at work we barely do our job. We get to the boardwalk and even though I have my hoodie it’s still pretty cold so Connor puts his arm around me, which personally I don’t mind at all.
“So pussy what would you like to do first?” I ask Connor. Of course the pussy doesn’t respond. “Connor, are you going to answer me?”
“I refuse to answer to pussy.”
“Well you better get used to it buddy boy.” I tell him with a laugh. He puts his arms around me from behind and starts to tickle me. Oh boy I will have to shoot this guy. I am one of the most ticklish people ever.
“What are you going to do about it?”
“Stop Connor! Please I’m going to cry.” I said whining to get him to stop. I seriously hate being tickled, you don’t understand. “FINE YOU’RE NOT A PUSSY!” Oopsy, public place, yelling pussy, that isn’t a very good combo.
“I KNOW I AM NOT A CAT!” Nice cover up Connor, but my confession worked he stopped tickling me.
“Alright, now I want to make a bet with you. IF you can win me that teddy bear by the basketballs you’re not a pussy if you can’t get me that teddy bear, you’re a pussy. Deal?” I asked him smirking for some reason I don’t think he could do it.
“Of course. Don’t you know they call me 23 for a reason?”
“Well isn’t someone a little cocky. We will see.” I grabbed his hand as we walked to the basketball court thingy. He had to make 4/6 shots from the three point line. He paid the guy and started to dribble. Boy basketball is sexy bending down so I could see that fine ass. Wow I’m so weird. Now I am talking to myself in my head. Delusional too. First shot swooshes right in. Second shot bounces off the rim and doesn’t go in. Boy he was concentrating pretty hard. I moved my eyes off his ass to his face. He looked so cute when he was concentrating. He makes the third shot straight on. Fourth shot he gets it off the backboard into the hoop. Fifth he misses. He looks back to me and winks, but wrong decision getting off task because the last shot hits the rim and is deciding to go in, but the wind comes and knocks it right off the hoop. Connor was not happy and you could tell that. He liked to win and boy he was determined, without saying a word he paid the guy again and lost once again. He pays the guy once more and ends up winning this time going 6 for 6.
“Third time is a charm Mr. Jordan.” I joked with Connor.
“Yeah, yeah.” He said handing me the giant teddy bear and smiling at me. This boy is seriously going to make my knees go weak to the point I fall.
“Well thank you my kind sir for this lovely teddy bear named……Chase. He is my new lover.” I said hugging the big soft brown bear.
“Chase? Well he better step of my girl otherwise he will have to pay the consequences.” My heart literally went crazy when he called me his girl.
“You didn’t know? Me and Chase are getting hitched tonight. I fell in love with him when I went on a ferris wheel with him.” I said dead seriously while Connor was just shaking his head as we kept walking.
“You really want to go on the ferris wheel?” Connor asked me.
“Yes pwease!” I said acting like a little kid.
“Well too bad.” He said laughing at me.
“You’re a meanie head Connor.”
“A meanie head, Lacey?”
“Well I wouldn’t want to be known as a meanie head. So I guess we can go on the ferris wheel.” He said caving in. I jumped up and down like a little kid. I wonder why people even like me. I practically was skipping dragging Connor behind me to get in line for the ferris wheel. He looked scared as shit and I just started to laugh at him.
“What are you laughing at?” He asked me.
“You.” I replied simply.
“Me? Why?” Once again he pretended to look hurt. I’m starting to think he likes to do that.
“You look scared to go on.”
“I’m not. I am not scared of anything.”
“Alright pussy.” I said, he was about to reply, but I quickly kissed him to shut him up. We were at the front of the line now and about to get on. I looked at Connor’s face one more time. God. He looks so manly, but he is truly at little baby. We got on and he sat opposite of me.
“Connor you know I don’t have cooties.”
“I know.” After he said that I realized he sat there because he wanted to try to balance it out better. What a wimp!
“Connor live life a little!” I said getting up and sitting down next to him. “We aren’t going to die. And trust me when we get to the top the view is always amazing.”
“I bet its nothing compared to the one next to me.” He said trying to laugh.
“Connor your are so cheesy and you can’t even pull it off!” I said laughing at him.
We got to the top and I was right. It was night time and the lights from the rides where all on lighting up the sky and beach along with the moon and stars, it was beautiful. I took out my phone and told Connor it was picture time. I put my face right next to his to fit in the camera shoot and we took a picture of us smiling, then a funny one, then for the last one he was kissing my forehead while my arms where around his shoulders. They were all so cheesy with the typical things you see in the movies, but I seriously felt like this was all a big dream. The ferris wheel finished its rotation and we got off.
“Now, that wasn’t so bad was it?” I asked Connor.
“Well it would have been if I didn’t have a distraction. For another good hour we went on rides making me feel like a little kid again, we got ice cream; Connor insisted I got henna again with his name. So self absorbed, well he is pretty sexy so he has a reason to be. He also insisted it was a tramp stamp. As soon as my henna got done, we heard thunder and it started to pour.
“Great. Now I’m going to get wet.” I said mumbling to myself.
“Come on we won’t get that wet if we make a run for the car now.” Connor said so obviously he had heard me. Without saying a word Connor grabbed my hand and we made a run for it. The car was pretty far away so we ending up getting soaking wet.
“Oh yeah Connor we didn’t get wet!” I said sarcastically.
“No matter what, it would have happened.” He told me, we could finally see the car in view now. I slowed down when we got outside of the car and I grabbed Connor and kissed him.
“What was that for?” He asked puzzled.
“Nothing. I just always wanted to kiss someone in the rain.” I said laughing at myself. I got in the car and we started driving back. When we got back to my house I didn’t want him to leave just yet. “You know we got your car pretty wet, you want to come inside and we can get some towels and clean this mess up?” He just nodded and we walked into my empty house since my parents went on vacation. I threw off my sweatshirt on the kitchen counter leading the way.
“Are your parents going to get mad if they see me in here?” Connor asked looking around.
“Nope. No one is home, my parents are on vacation.” I told him heading to the laundry room for towels. Connor walking behind me grabbed my hand and spun me around. Then he connected his lips to mine with a fiery passion. I broke his kiss.
“What about your car?” I asked.
“Screw my car.” He said connecting our lips once again. I didn’t want to stop, but it was getting pretty heated so I wanted to move us somewhere more comfortable, so I grabbed his hand and lead him upstairs.I opened the door and not evening bothering to shut it since I knew no one would be home. Connor put his arms around my waist connecting out lips and pushing me down on the bed. He decided he wanted to be on top, but I quickly rolled out from under him to get on top. “A leading lady? Sexy.” Connor commented breaking our kiss. It didn’t take long for our lips to connect once more and for it to get pretty heated.. He was pressing his lips to mine with such intensity, that I had to pull away just to catch my breath. I had to just breathe. Connor decided that that was his time to starting kissing up and down my neck getting my ticklish spots. He was teasing me so much. He would trail kisses back up to my lips, but swiftly go down to my collarbone. Enough of the bull shit. I grabbed the back of his neck and forced him back into the make out. I started to let my hands wander down the sides of his body and eventually I got his shirt off.
“I don’t think it’s really fair you still have a shirt on.” He said in seductive voice causing me to giggle. I let him pull the tank top off and over my head.
“Is that better?” I asked him whispering in his ear. I could tell he got the chills from me being so close to his ear. Connor didn’t have the perfect wash board body, but boy he was still sexy in ways I couldn’t have imagined. Connor worked his lips to right below my rib cage and started to give me a hickey. Luckily it wasn’t on my neck, having to explain that people wouldn’t be so fun when I work at a kid’s camp. We were making out for a good time and it just kept getting hotter and hotter, just as about things were about to elevate to the next level I heard the doorbell ring and someone walk in. We immediately pulled apart and I could feel my face getting bright red. I quickly pulled on a shirt.
“Connor I have no idea who that is so stay here. I’ll be right back.” I said quickly leaving my room and making sure I shut my door.
“LACEY! Where the hell are you?” It was Katie, thank god. I jogged down the stairs and gave her the death look. “Oh there you are!” She said happily not realizing my facial expression. “WAIT!” She said realizing what she had just done. She just cockblocked Connor. “Oh my god! Lacey you whore!” She said jokingly.
“Well Katie I was kind of busy upstairs with someone and you interrupted and we only hooked up! So I am not a whore.” I said whisper yelling so Connor wouldn’t hear me.
“SORRY CONNOR!” Katie yelled up to him. “Lacey you just met the guy and on the second date your hooking up and by the way your hair looks it was pretty intense.”
“Shut up! Why the hell are you here anyway?”
“I wanted to see how your date went, but apparently you never finished so I will just be on my way, but I want details later!” She said getting ready to walk out the door.
“Good leave.” I said right before shooing her out of my house. I quickly went back up stairs to Connor.
“I’m so sorry about that. It was Katie if you couldn’t tell. She wanted to know about our date.”
Connor just chuckled and replied, “So what did you tell her?”
“Well I didn’t tell her anything yet, but if I had to I would tell her it was one of the best dates, especially when the rain started.”
“I couldn’t agree more.” He told me giving me a light kiss on the lips.
“You want to watch a movie?” I asked him still not wanting him to go.
“Anything with you.” He replied.
“Stop being so corny!” I told him hitting him in the arm playfully. I threw a random DVD in and laid down in my bed next to Connor slowly drifting to sleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay its been forever sorry. No excuses, but anyways! Lol yeah I'll probably update if people actually still read this story and so yeah what do you guys think of Connor after this date?
Katie is a cockblocker! Sorry if my grammar is bad I haven't wrote in forever as you all know.
Lacey's outfit Do you guys even look at the outfits? Give me some feedback!