Status: .....................................................................................................................................................................................

Just Breathe

Camp Day 3

“Happy birthday Taylor!” Katie and I say as soon as she shows up at camp. We hand her a gifts, well really just a bunch of candy we bought her and a singing card.

“You guys got me a gift?” She says in an excited voice.

“Haha, yeah if you consider it that.” I say back. She hugs us both and then we all go on the swings. Apparently she isn’t having a birthday party this year, but just a nice little family dinner instead.

“Guys look Connor’s here!” She says all happy, not a surprise.

“I bet he didn’t get you a gift.” Katie says to her.

“You dare me to go up to his car again?” She asks back.

“Yeah, and see if he even remembers your birthday.” I tell her, which sends her running off to his car. I realized she must be getting good exercise doing this. She taps on his window and he rolls it down for her. It’s so quite we can hear what they are saying.

“Guess what! Lacey and Katie got me a birthday gift.” She says looking over at us. “So, where is my gift from you?”

You can tell he is looking around his car for something to give her, but she runs away and as she is doing that, he shouts, “Happy birthday!”

“Psh, we told you he isn’t as cool as us.” Katie tells Taylor. He gets out of his car because Shaun showed up and got out of his too. They are standing on the ramp as more kids come.

Then all a sudden Taylor runs up to Connor. He tries to give her as we suspect a cartoon of yahoo chocolate milk, which she swats out of his hand, and a can of seltzer water. Yeah, that’s not as good as our birthday gift. She then gets his car keys out of his pocket along with something else. She then runs over to us flaunting the keys and a pack of 5 Gum. She hands Katie the gum and she gives me a piece, which I happily chew on.

“I dare you to go sit in his car again.” I tell her, which she immediately goes towards.

I look over at Connor who thinks she won’t actually do anything, but once she gets in the backseat you can hear him saying, “What are you doing?” with a chuckle as he walks to the car. He opens the back door and grabs a screaming and squirming Taylor out. She gets out of his arms after he took the car keys back. Taylor always seems to come running back to us to like relay the information.

Patty finally comes, so I head over to the door to put my bag inside, but right in my way is a very nice ass in red and black basketball shorts, Connor. He is leaning on the railing for the ramp, stretching I guess, sticking his ass out, so I have scoot my way past him. Hey, I can’t say I didn’t like it.

I set down my bags and head over to the closet to get out some more beads for the kids. The beads seem really boring to me, but hey it keeps the kids entertained at least. Apparently, it’s too hot and buggy out, according to Patty, so we all have to stay inside and find something to do.

Katie and I help the kids find the right color beads, while Shaun sits at the end of the table trying to build a house out of Popsicle sticks. Soon enough Connor takes out some color Popsicle sticks and starts his own house/tower thing. Apparently they are starting a competition of who can build the taller house, but it’s so not fair because Shaun had a fifteen minute head start. The trash talk starts to build up too, along with the kids standing around the tables; one around Connor’s the others around Shaun’s.

“Well, Shaun you’re going down.”

“And why is that Connor. Mine is already taller than yours.”

“Well, you had a head start, and I will win because I have Lacey on my team. Right?” Connor states and I just walk over to him and start picking up the stick and handing them to Connor after he puts the glue down.

“Well, I have Katie on my team.” Cue Katie walking over to Shaun to help him out, but they are just both trying to glue and stack, psh we got a better strategy.

“Well, Katie is clumsy and will knock yours down, Shaun. So it’s on.” I say right back.

“Whatever you say Lacey.” Lame comeback there Katie. Taylor is helping out our team because she obviously is like in love with Connor.

We are pretty close to catching up, but eventually we run out of our colored Popsicle sticks, so we send Taylor to get more. I look at Connor for a second when he starts to break out in a rap about Mac n Cheese. Mac n Cheese!

“What the heck are you doing Connor?” I ask giving him a crazy look.

“I heard someone say something about macaroni, so I started to rap about it.” He says like it should be obvious.

“Oh, well that totally isn’t weird at all Connor.” I say as Taylor hands us more Popsicle sticks for us to continue stacking up with precision.

“Come on guys let’s start cleaning up so we can play Minute to Win it.” Ugh, Patty, I hate you. Each year the last day of camp the kids put on a show and this year is Minute to Win it. Connor carefully picks up our tower and puts it on top of the fridge next to Shaun and Katie’s on the top of the cabinets. I hate these kids because they only cause chaos and messes, huge messes. So, I get on the ground and start picking up all the beads.

“You know we make a great team.” I hear from Connor who is right next to me picking up beads, I didn’t even notice him. I don’t understand how I didn’t because he smells like god, literally. His scent is so strong, but yet so good. I wish I could just sit next to him and take in his smell. Yeah, it sounds creepy, but you don’t understand, he smells so good.

“Yeah, we do, way better than the goofs.” I say referring to Shaun and Katie. I try to crawl out from under the table since I got all the beads in the area, but I bump my head on the table.

“Ow, shit!” Oopsy! I hope no kids heard that one.

“Lacey, watch your language.” Connor says in a sarcastic tone. “Are you okay? I nod my head yes, but mentally cursing myself for looking probably really stupid. “I think you’re the official goof now.” He says to me.

“Nah, I think they still are. I mean I didn’t even hear them say anything, but heard them randomly crack up.” I say back.

“True, you got me there.” He says as he grabs the bucket of beads and holds it out to me to put my beads in.

I head over to the next table and see Katie just standing there, “Yo dawg pick up those beads.” I tell her.

“Did you really just say, “Yo dawg pick up those beads?” She says back to me which causes Shaun to give us a weird look and I tell her yes, I did say that.

Eventually, we got them with Greg’s help, which is weird because I haven’t seen Greg around that much today. So we set up this gay game of Minute to Win it. We have like a bowl of pretzels and a wooden rod with a sticky gummy worm attached. Then, the kids have to see how many pretzels they can “catch” in a minute.

I grab a seat; it will be a long half an hour of watching kids doing this. Next, to me is Greg who is recording the scores, and on the other side is and empty seat. Shaun is the lucky consoler who gets to that the pretzels off the gummy worm while the kids are picking them up. Katie is setting up more chairs for the kids who don’t have seats and well I don’t know exactly Connor went. Well, that was until I got a sniff of a very familiar sexy scent. Connor just sat down in the seat next to me, now this half an hour won’t be able to go any faster, much to my dismay. Connor supposedly is timing them, but I can clearly see him texting someone on his Droid. So, I whisper to him stop, when he drifts off texting. So he won’t get caught texting by anyone else. This goes on practically the whole time.

We get to stop a few minutes early so Taylor can hand out cupcakes she brought in for her ninth birthday. As the kids line up, the consolers are all cleaning up any mess we see. The kids slowly empty out of the room and when they do Patty tells us we can all steal a cupcake. I quickly take the last chocolate icing and vanilla batter one because I honestly don’t know if the pink are strawberry or vanilla.

“Anybody know if the pink are strawberry or vanilla?” Connor asks.

Greg holds up a finger, “Hold on one second and I’ll let you know.” It’s like the whole room stops to watch him take a bite. You can see him debate for a second. “Vanilla.”

With that decision Connor goes and grabs a pink one and sits down at the table and practically devours his cupcake. Patty left for a minute and so it’s dead silent in the room. I start to giggle; I have to shove the cupcake in my mouth to shut myself up.

“You know what would make this better? Some ice-cream.” Patty says as she walks back in
the room.

“I would want a nice glass of milk.” I add.

“I could just take anything to drink.” Katie states.

“Well, I think we are done for the day, let’s head out.” Patty says as we all shuffle out the door. I’m a little sad I walked here. I won’t have another little chat with Connor like I did yesterday, but oh well today was great.

“Shaun, tomorrow me and Lacey will kick your ass with our tower.” Connor says walking away causing Shaun to just laugh him off.

“See you tomorrow guys!” I state as me and Katie walk back to my house to do a little daily discussion of our amazing day. I officially cannot wait to see Connor again for hopefully another perfect three hours.
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Woah! SUCKS! So comment and subscribe anyway and I'll get another chapter out tonight :)
Lacey's Outfit
Katie's Outfit