Status: Working on it

If Only You Knew...

Vitality Theory

‘DONG! DONG! DONG!’ That was the huge Liberty Bell without the crack in-between the flagpoles.

“Well, I guess its time for Spanish.” Brandon said.

“Ugh…what’s the point?” I asked, “Jorge can hardly speak English and he’s teaching us Spanish.”

“I know. Tim’s idea.” Brandon said, as we walked to the biggest gazebo.

Once we got there we sat on the ground with Jeremy, Kyne, and Drew. We talked about talent night while Brandon played with my hair. We decided we would move everything from the girls lounge to the chapel behind the screen.

Once Spanish was over we went to art, which was a little more exciting than Spanish. I didn’t even know what my project was gonna be and I had to have it done by Thursday.

Jen was late getting to art, so while Drew was laying down on the floor, Kyne laid his head on Drew’s stomach and Jeremy did the same thing to Kyne, while Brandon laid his head on Jeremy and I laid mine on Brandon’s, while getting Jordanne’s on mine.

Corey took a picture for us and we laid like that until Jen walked in. We all sat up while she went over some of the pain and stuff for us. Brandon found Jordanne’s brush and brushed my hair the entire time Jen talked.

Once she let us get back to work I still didn’t know what I was going to do and just sat there having a crayon fight with Jeremy.

The day went on slowly until the last canteen, when we were all sitting on the ground. They had made us all go to the canteen area then to the bleachers. We didn’t know what they were doing but we saw a fire truck there. Brandon and I were sitting there, me trying to stay warm and him trying to keep me warm. All of the sudden a fire work went off.

“FIRE WORKS!” Jeremy squealed, clapping his hands and going from 16 to 3 years old.

“Now I see why he doesn’t have a girl friend.” I said to Brandon.

“Haha!” Brandon laughed.

“It’s not funny.” Jeremy said, hitting us both.

We watched the fireworks for along time, poor Jeremy having to put up with us. When they were over Tim came to the front of the bleachers and told us to go to the chapel for talent night.

Everybody was flipping out. Talent night was kind of an open mike thing and so far we were the only band playing. We all were super excited and sat together in the very back. After all the acts were done (we were the last) Jeff announced us.

“The last act is the guys that call themselves Breaking Barriers”. Anyone who had been there last year knew us. We were known for being loud but good. No one had heard Drew sing so we were all psyched to have him this year. We jumped up and set up as quickly as possible, testing our amps to make sure they were up and the gain was all the way.

As soon as we were done, Drew looked at Jeremy, Kyne, Brandon, and I. Finally he looked at Jordanne. When we were all ready, we looked at Brandon who started us. The quick, high, distorted lead came through from Jeremy and Drew, then Kyne on bass, Brandon drumming, and me, playing rhythm.

“Found hope, beyond all reason.” Drew’s vocals came through, sounding like they belonged singing ‘With Arms Wide Open’, ‘Don’t Stop Dancing’, or any other Creed song.

We all got into it, jumping around with great stage presence.

When we were done we stashed all our stuff and went back to our seats.

“I think that was defiantly the loudest act again.” Jeff said.

“Hey, Kelli, look at this.” Brandon said, handing me something.

“The Crotch Watch?” I said, about to give it to Jeremy.

“Look at the time.” Brandon said, “Happy 12:06.”
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stupid : P the title is Rosaline's new album that realeases today!!!