Status: All Dones!



Dictionary Definition:
Stalk 1: to pursue by stalking 2: to walk stiffly or haughtily 3: to go through (an area) in search of prey or quarry 4: to pursue obsessively and to the point of harassment: stalk-er

My Definition: Justin-freakin-Bieber

Ok, so maybe he wasn’t as harsh as the dictionary says stalking is but he still stalks us.
So Victoria, Alex, and I are sitting at the neighborhood park where there is a gazebo. We are all sitting in the gazebo listening to the music on my iPod touch, and we are singing and everything and all of a sudden HE and his two guy friends, Ryan and Chaz, ride past on their bikes.

See now Alex is crushing on Chaz (barf) and Victoria and obsessing over Ryan (gag). Now you would expect me to be head over heels for Justin. NOT. Just because his last name is Bieber doesn’t mean he’s anything special! So what he’s the sexiest guy I’ve ever seen, he’s a really great singer, and he practically rules the school?

I hate all that stuff anyways…

So back to the story; Alex and Victoria start to giggle so I look up just in time to see them ride by. I roll my eyes and continue to sing.

“Why don’t you like Justin again, Reese?” Alex asks me, flicking her almost-black hair out of her face.

“Because he’s a self-centered, chick magnet, know-it-all, pop star jerk, who thinks he can get any girl he wants. Well sorry, bub, you ain’t getting’ this chica!” I said angrily.

“Well, I’d say that’s a good enough reason!” Victoria said simply.

I thought it was funny how we are the classic teenage three amigos.

Alex was the tough one when she, or her friends, got messed with. Otherwise, she’s the nicest person in the world. She’s got really dark hair, it’s almost black, with emerald green eyes, and fair skin.

Victoria was the total chick out of us three. She was sneaky and conniving and knew how to work the social ladder and rumors. She was also voted the hottest girl in the high school. She had bright natural red hair with added dark lowlights, she had the most piercing blue eyes you could ever look at, and she was tan, skinny, and totally hot to say the least (no lesbo).

And there was me. Simple little Reese.

I was the genius of us three (not that Alex and Victoria were stupid or anything). I saw nothing but reality and rarely was optimistic if I shouldn’t be. But, if you ever need a shoulder to cry on or some comforting, apparently I’m the best you could ask for.

My hair was caramel colored (think just a little lighter than Justin’s) with bright highlights, I have blue/green eyes, and tan skin.

Minutes past and I looked up again to find Justin, Ryan, and Chaz riding by, yet again, checking us out.

“Look, it’s your men again,” I said to Victoria and Alex.

“Where?!” they said in unison with their heads snapping up.
I locked eyes with Justin and he winked, I glared and looked back down at my iPod slumping down on the bench in the gazebo.

Victoria and Alex were so giddy. I couldn’t help but roll my eyes (again).

Soon though they were out of our sight again; but not for long enough.

A couple of minute’s later two hands reached in the gazebo and covered my eyes.

An all too familiar voice said, “Guess who.”

I heard Alex and Victoria laugh and I knew who it was.

“Get your grubby pop-star fingers, off my face, Bieber,” I spat.

“Oh, snappy this morning. Someone get up on the wrong side of the bed?” he retorted, a smirk forming on his lips as he took his hands away and began to walk around the gazebo to walk inside.

Once my vision was recovered I saw that Ryan and Chaz were already standing in front of me with Victoria and Alex.

Justin made his way and sat close to me wrapping an arm around my shoulders.

I shrugged him off and glared at him.

I felt like the chick in his Baby music video. Yeah, I looked it up on YouTube the other day, sue me.

Victoria and Alex had started their own conversations with Ryan and Chaz and so I decided to start my own conversation with pretty boy over here.

“Why do you insist on trying to disgust me?” I asked.

“I’m not trying to disgust you,” he started, “I just think you’re very interesting and I kinda like you.”

I could have blushed, but I didn’t because I didn’t trust him and didn’t believe he meant what he was saying.

“I don’t believe you,” I said to him.

He stared at me and pursed his lips, trying to think of a way to convince me I suppose.

“Would you believe me if I asked you on a date tonight?” he asked.

On the inside I was surprised.

“Maybe,” I said quietly.

“Well, then, would you like to go out to dinner with me tonight, Reese?” he asked sweetly.

Before I could think about it I blurted, “Sure.”

“Sweet, I’ll pick you up at your house at 7?” he said standing.

“How do you know where my house is?!” I asked.

“I have my ways!” he winked again.

I groaned, “Stalker,” I said to him crossing my arms.

Ryan and Chaz said goodbye to Victoria and Alex and they were grinning and giggly. God I never knew they could be such girly girls.

“He asked me out!” they squealed at the exact same time.

My eyes got wide and then I relaxed again.

That was a good thing. That meant we were probably gonna go on a triple date.

“Shocker,” I murmured, “That wasn’t hard to guess guys.”

They did nothing but grin.

“Maybe we’re gonna go on a double date!” Victoria said giddily.

I decided I wouldn’t say anything just to see the look on their faces when they saw me show up with Justin.

“Oh my god, we gotta go find something to wear! Sorry Reese but we gotta go! See ya later?” she asked.

“Yup” I smiled. They were gonna see me when they least expected it.

So they ran off to head home to get fancied up and I leisurely walked home to find something decent to wear. I wasn’t fond of this boy but hey, I still wanna look good for all the people I was gonna see out in public.

I walked in my house told my mom the plan and walked up to my room to find the cute outfit I was standing in now.

I had straightened my hair and then curled the ends and let my bangs flow over my forehead, I grabbed a 20 dollar bill just in case and smeared on some lip gloss and mascara as my only makeup.

I looked in my mirror at my final product of my work and thought that I looked pretty darn sexy.

I love my sundress and my shoes.

Now the only thing to do was to wait for Justin to show up. It was now 6:30 so I had a half an hour.


Justin had picked up Ryan and Chaz who looked snazzy in their outfits and they headed to pick up Victoria and Alex. The inside of the car was different. It had the seats in the back facing each other like in a limo but it wasn’t a limo.

The two were cheerful that they were going on a double date but they were wondering why Justin was in the car too.

“Um, Justin, why are you here exactly?” Alex decided to ask him.

“Oh, I thought you knew,” he started.

“Knew what?” Victoria asked.

“I asked out Reese and she said yes,” he stated.

Victoria and Alex went wide eyed and looked at each other.

Then the car slowly stopped and they were at Reese’s house.

Justin climbed out of the car and shut the door behind him.

Victoria and Alex then glued themselves to the window and watched as Justin walked up to the front door and rang the doorbell.

A few seconds later Reese answered; and boy did she look amazing!

Victoria and Alex gasped.

“Holy crap she looks awesome!” Alex said grinning at Victoria.

“More like sexy!” Victoria agreed.

“You two sound like lesbians,” Ryan chuckled behind them.

“Maybe that’s why Victoria decided to go on a date with you,” Alex snapped at him.

Chaz laughed at Ryan and Victoria smiled at Alex.

“Oh crap they are coming!” Victoria said, and the two jumped back into their spots next to their dates.

Victoria almost landed in Ryan’s lap.

The door then opened and Reese climbed in the car followed by Justin.


Justin had rung my doorbell and I answered and I saw Justin’s eyes get a little wide as they ran over my body. I wanted to smirk.

“Enjoying a little eye candy are we, Bieber?” I said, letting the smirk take over on my lips.

“Maybe,” he blushed, it was almost cute.

I shut the door behind me.

“Well, are you gonna lead me to the car or what?” I asked.

He smiled and held out his arm for me to take, “Yes ma’am.”

So we climbed into the car and the look on Victoria and Alex’s faces was almost like someone copied and pasted them.

They were full of excitement as they stared at me.

“Hey guys,” I smiled sitting down and strapping my seat belt on.

“Hey Reese,” Ryan and Chaz said.

“Heeeeeey,” Victoria and Alex said. It was kinda freaky.

I attempted a smile cause they were freaking me out and so I sat by the window and gazed out as the car began to move.

Justin scooted closer to me and I eyed him.

He just grinned at me and I shook my head looking back out at the passing scenery.

Then my phone buzzed in the pocket in my dress. That was another thing I loved about this dress. The pockets!

I took out my phone and read the new text message I had just gotten. There were actually two and they were from the girls sitting across from me.


u look sexy. & i thought u didnt lik him?!


u look stunning! but I thought you hated Justin?

I sighed and sent the same message to both of them.

Forwarded to Victoria and Alex:

i dont i just wanted 2 c wht hed do ya knw & and i didnt believe him whn he said he liked me lik tht

I hit sent and looked over to see Justin looking over at my texting.

“You eavesdropping?!” I asked him.

“Psh, no!” he looked away and then back at me and I glared at him, “Ok, maybe just a little.”

I huffed, “Ugh.”

“So you don’t believe I like you?” he asked.

Luckily Victoria, Alex, Ryan, and Chaz were over there having their own conversation and were not listening to us.

I felt my phone buzz in my hand but I had to answer Justin’s question first.

“No,” I said simply, quickly looking down at the reply texts I got.


why not?! its too obvious! ur so blind


rly Reese? i can’t believe you can’t c it

I glared at my phone and typed my replies to them.

Reply to Victoria:

i am not!

Reply to Alex:

>:P well i dont

“Why don’t you?” Justin asked me breaking me out of my thoughts for my replies.

“Because I don’t trust pop stars,” I said, shrugging.

He chuckled, “Really?”

“Yup, and because you seem really cocky when it comes to dating and I don’t trust, nor do I like cocky,” I explained.

My phone buzzed again and I looked down.


u so r! i mean look @ him hes practically foaming at the mouth whn he stares @ u!


don’t u see the way he looks at u?! its crazy!

I pondered for a moment and thought about what they were saying. I looked back at Justin who quickly looked away when I looked at him. Where they right?

Reply to Victoria:

1st of all thts weird… u make it sound like hes got rabies and 2nd rly?

Reply to Alex:

no i hav not noticed… how does it look frm ur pov?

I was trying to ignore what they were saying because if I believed them then I was a goner and I was gonna fall for it. I was going to become putty in his greedy little microphone holding hands.

No way was I going to let that happen.

Once again my phone vibrated.


yes rly ya ruh-tard


it looks adorable cause he’s totally in love with u.

Reply to Victoria:

hey i aint no ruh-tard! >:P

Reply to Alex:

love? Like L-O-V-E love?!




haha well ur actin like one cause ur sitting ovr there glaring at ur fone and justins just watchin u

I glared harder down at my phone not even caring that Justin was staring. Why wouldn’t he anyways? He needs to be I spent enough time to look this good for him.

Reply to Victoria:

oh like i care! he should stare @ me i look guuuuud!

Reply to Alex:

im worried… how can you rly tell hes in love with me?


the way he looks at u… u knw me i study love & as far as my knowledge goes his body language says it all.


wow u is finally thinkin lik i do! xD

Reply to Alex:

no no no no no! dont say tht… it may make me wanna fall back…

Reply to Victoria:

haha hey i learn from the master right?


heck yah ya do! haha well we better get back to our dates urs looks like hes gonna take ur fone and rip it to shreds cause its takin attention away from him… :D cya babe we shall tlk l8r


ur supposed 2 silly goose! well hav fun denying 2 urself hes determined.. ;D cya babycakes

I rolled my eyes.

Reply to Victoria:

ill rip his face off if he did tht to my baby haha cya

Reply to Alex:

oh geez yeah wish me luck byee

I closed my fone and put it back into my pocket and leaned my head against the window again, not even bothering to look at Justin. I sighed.

“Whatcha thinking about?” I heard him ask.

“You were reading all those texts over my shoulder, I’m surprised you don’t know,” I said to him.

He chuckled, “Very true.”

I almost smiled because I was right.

Then we pulled into the parking lot of Bone’s Restaurant.

We would be here. It’s famous because it’s one of the best rated restaurants in Atlanta and of course it’s a steak and seafood restaurant. The menu is also outrageously expensive.
Everyone began to climb out of the car and made their way inside.

I stood there outside of the car with my hands on my hips and all my weight put on my right foot. I probably looked like I was pouting but I was just looking at the restaurant and thinking to myself, ‘Wow, he’s such a pop-star.’

“What are you doing?” Justin asked me with a laugh in his voice.

“Thinking how much of a pop-star you are,” I said to him simply.

“Well, that’s because I am; now come on,” he grabbed my hand gently and I ignored the shiver that ran down my spine, “We have a reservation to get to.”

His eyes sparkled as he looked at me and held my hand, delicately pulling me towards the door where everyone already was.

We walked inside and Justin kept his grip on my hand.

“Welcome to Bone’s Restaurant, do you have a reservation?” the young receptionist asked us.

I like her hair. It was black and had a white strip flow down from her bangs which swept across her forehead.

I broke out of my thoughts when I felt Justin’s fingers lace into mine. My stomach erupted with butterflies as he replied to the girl.

“Yes it’s under Bieber,” he said to her, stuffing his other hand in his pocket and throwing his nice smile at her.

She looked down at her sheet, nodded, said, “Oh yes, reservation for 6, in a booth, somewhere in the back?”

Justin simply nodded as I stared down at our fingers.

“Follow me,” I heard her say and everyone began to follow her.

I didn’t let go of Justin’s hand, and I didn’t know why my body wouldn’t let me.

We got to our booth which was round and had the padded bench wrap around it. We were pretty much in a corner and the lighting was dim and we had a funky lamp hanging over the table.

We all slid into the booth and the girl with cool hair laid the menus in front of us and told us to enjoy our dinner, smiled, and left.

From left to right it went Ryan, Victoria, Justin, Me, Chaz, then Alex.

So Justin and I were visible to everyone.

His fingers were still laced with mine and I got the strength to take my hand away and put my menu up in front of my face so no one, not even Justin could see me.

I was looking over the menu and immediately decided what I wanted, then put it down when I felt my phone buzz in my pocket. I saw that Ryan and Victoria were in their own conversation and Chaz and Justin were talking but Alex was just staring at me like ‘read the message’. So I did.

New Message from Alex:

What r u doing?! it looked lik a piece of him died inside when u let go of his hand… and may i mention it wasnt a gentle release either… >:/

I looked up at her and gave her a look of ‘really?’ and she looked back at me like ‘you know I’m completely right’. And she was; it was kinda rude of me.

So I rolled my eyes and put on an innocent face and pretended to look at the ceiling as I made my fingers walk over to Justin’s who were laying on the booth next to him and quickly laced our fingers back up. I rested my chin on the palm of my hand as my elbow rested on the table. Justin looked back down at our fingers and gently squeezed my hand as he scooted closer to me.

I looked over at Alex and mouthed, ‘Happy?’ at her. She smiled and let her dimples show as she nodded vigorously.

So, then, Chaz went and started talking to Alex and they opened their menus as they began to talk about what they were gonna order. So Justin turned to me. Oh joy.

“So what are you gonna get?” he asked me, with that smile on his face.

I mentally sighed, glad he didn’t ask me about the whole holding hands thing.

“Well, shrimp cocktail first then the live Maine lobster and I’ll choose dessert later,” I said simply.

“Geez, you’re an expensive date!” he said to me.

I looked at him with a smile on my face, “You like me right?”

“Well, yeah,” he admitted.

“And you’re a pop-star, correct?” I asked.

“Yah,” he answered.

“Well then I think we’re fine!” I said to him putting a cute smile on my face.

He chuckled and scooted even closer to me so that our legs touched.

I eyed him again.

“What?” he asked with a simple smile on his face.

“You keep moving so close to me,” I said to him.

“Do you have a problem with that?” he asked.

I thought about that for a second, “Actually, no, I don’t care,” I propped my head up with my hand again and stared out at the other people in the restaurant.

I focused my hearing in on what Victoria and Ryan were saying. I immediately ignored them when I heard the words, “Ya know, you look really beautiful tonight,” and that giggle of Victoria’s.

So I chose to listen to Chaz and Alex. They were talking about food and then all of a sudden Chaz just changes the subject and they end up talking about their common interests. Boring.

Luckily Justin began to say something to me so my boredom was short lived.

“So,” he started, “On a scale of one to ten, ten being the most, how much do you like me?” he asked.

That was completely out of the blue.

“Um, six,” I answered. I know it was low but I really wasn’t fascinated by him.

“Really, because for me you’re a good 9 and half,” he said.

“Where did the half come from?” I asked him.

“Well,” he began, “You smell good, your eyes are beautiful, your lips look kissable, your smile is stunning, your hair is soft and beautiful, your nose is as cute as a button, you’re sarcasm is funny, your amazingly down to earth, and your pretty much a genius,” he had held up a finger for each reason he listed and it indeed did count up to nine.

“So what’s the half?” I asked.

“You hate me,” he smiled, “It’s a half because it is both attractive and annoying at the same time so it’s a half.”

“Hm,” I shrugged, “You pretty much summed that up didn’t ya?” I said, looking off in the distance.

“Yup!” he grinned.

I could feel his fingers play with mine as we sat there, then the waitress came.

“Hello, I’m Brandy, you’re server for the night,” she began with a pearly smile, “May I get you some beverages?”

Justin mouth changed into one of his breathtaking smiles and he began, “Oh, yes, I’ll have a Coke.”

“Sweet tea, no lemon,” I replied.

“Sprite!” Alex said, in her normal peppy tone.

“Same as her,” Chaz replied with a smile.

“Sweet tea please, with lemon,” Victoria said sweetly.

“Diet coke,” Ryan said.

“Ok, so I’ve got, a coke, two sprites, a diet coke, and two sweet teas, one with lemon one without?” Brandy asked checking to make sure she got it right.

“Yup,” we all replied in unison. Now that was pretty epic.

“Ok! I’ll be right back!” she grinned and skipped off.

“She was very peppy,” I said simply.

“I thought she was nice!” Alex replied. She would she was just as energetic as she was.
Victoria and I laughed.

Then we all went back to our individual conversations and so Justin blurted, “Wanna play nervous?”

“In a restaurant?” I asked looking at him. Was he really gonna do this?

“Why not? We’ve got nothing else to do,” he shrugged and took hand out of mine.

My hand tingled from where his used to be.

“Kay you start,” I said to him so he set his hand on my knee.

I laid my hand on the back of his neck.

He looked at me and his hand crawled up my leg a little farther.

I let my fingers graze from the back of his neck and they caressed his cheek.

He let his fingers slip under my dress line.

I glared at him and immediately moved my hand down to his hip line on his black skinnies.

His hand moved farther up my thigh and I was getting kind of nervous now.

But I let my fingers travel along his belt line toward his manhood.

“Ok! You win!” he moved away.

I smirked, “You had me going there for a second pop-star,” I said to him.

“Did I?” he turned his head to me smiling.

I nodded.

“Well, at least I was close,” he said to himself. Then Brandy came back with our drinks and asked us what we wanted.

We all ordered and soon my shrimp cocktail and Victoria’s salad was out to us.

“Oh yum,” I said dipping a shrimp in the cocktail sauce and eating it off its tail.

Justin quickly took one and dipped it into the sauce and ate it up.

I looked at him.

“What? I like this stuff too,” he said swallowing and looking at me with his brown eyes.

I was not going to deny the fact that they were amazingly deep and beautiful. If it wasn’t for me trying not to fall for him, I would be down the chute by now.

I chuckled and finished the rest of the shrimp with Justin taking two more.

Then we had to wait for our main course. We talked about nothing important and then we ate and then we all talked together as we waited for dessert, then we ate dessert. It was a very normal meal and nothing major had happened.

That is until the guys had one last surprise for us.

“Where are we going?” I whined. I was tired and getting sick of Justin trying to get to me. It was almost 9:30 now.

“You’ll see!” Justin told me.

I groaned and knocked my forehead against his shoulder.

“Ow, you’re skull hurts,” he said.

“That’s because it’s a bone,” I said, leaving my shoulder lean against his shoulder.

I felt him wrap an arm around me and I moved to look up at his face.

“Sorry,” he said moving his arm but I interjected.

“No,” I said quickly before his arm was off of me, “You don’t have to.”

He smiled and wrapped his arm around me pulling me closer to him.

My fighting instincts were leaving me. It was nighttime, I was really tired, and the stars came out.

No matter what I did I always got really relaxed and sweet when the stars came out. It was like they had a power over me.

I saw Victoria smile at me out of the corner of my eye. Alex probably did the same.

Justin smelled good; like really good. And the more that I thought about it, the more I believed he actually liked me. All the reasons were obvious and I knew that but I didn’t want to believe it. I mean someone as perfect as him?

With his big brown eyes, his soft perfect hair, his heart shaped lips that just made me wanna kiss him, his cute nose, his pearly smile that could knock the socks off anyone, and the way he was so gentle with me. I guess I didn’t want to believe it because I didn’t believe I was worthy of him.

Even though he may be an annoying, full-of-himself, pop-star; he’s one of the most perfect. And there was no way I could deny it.

Apparently I was thinking so much I fell asleep.


I don’t know why I liked her so much. I just did. And the only way I could show it was to be annoying apparently. I was so nervous I couldn’t do anything but be mean.

But, she’s so beautiful and so enticing I can’t help but want her.

Her caramel blonde hair that seemed to caress her face, her blue/green eyes that made my mind go blank, and her lips; I wanted them on mine so badly.

I couldn’t believe myself. I was falling so hard and so fast but I was not doing what would normally do. And she showed no interest in me.

I felt like banging my head against a wall because I was acting so stupid. Why couldn’t I just act normal and get her to love me with my charming attitude and smile? Never mind, that sounded really full of myself.

I felt two arms wrap around my waist and I squirmed a little because it tickled. I looked down and found out that it was Reese’s arms that had tickled me. I smiled as I looked at her face. Her eyes were closed and her mouth was in a small line. She was relaxed and that was the only time she was ever gonna wrap her arms around me.

But sadly enough it was time to wake her because we were here.


My shoulder shook me awake.

“Reesee-cup!” I heard his sweet voice say. Oh great, now I have a pet name!

“It’s time to wake up,” he told me.

I sat up and rubbed my eyes. I looked around to find that it was only me and Justin in the car now.

“Where is everyone?” I asked groggily.

“Outside already,” he told me.

“Well then, what are we waiting for?” I asked, climbing out of the car.

Justin followed me out and I fixed the bottom of my dress and then I looked up.

It was the most amazing thing I had ever seen in my entire life.

It was the dock on Piedmont Lake in the middle of Atlanta Botanical Gardens.

I always come here often I live not too far away.

But what made it really beautiful was the fact that it was covered by a laced roof of shining lights. They were rope lights that criss-crossed and made a roof of light.

I stood there in awe. I probably looked like I was unhappy because I wasn’t smiling and I was just staring at the lights.

“You ok?” I heard Justin ask me as he laced his fingers with mine.

My stomach erupted in butterflies. What was up with that? That never happened earlier when I held his hand.

I looked up at him and he smiled down at me; because I was shorter than he was.

My eyes may have grown wide and I looked forward at the dock. Ryan, Chaz, Victoria, and Alex were already out there; dancing to OMG by Usher.

I smiled then at how funny they we all dancing.

Ryan and Chaz then started jerkin as Victoria and Alex stood and watched. I had to admit they were pretty good at it.

I giggled and Justin glanced down at me.

He ran forward dragging me by the hand over to the dance floor, where Justin began to jerk with them.

Victoria, Alex, and I stood and giggled at them.

“You wanna learn?” Chaz asked us.

I looked at Victoria and Alex and we all said, “Yeah sure!”

So some more up-beat songs played (such as Baby) and by the end of about 5 songs we had all gotten the hand of jerkin.

“Whataya know!” Ryan started, “Our ladies know how to jerk and their naturals!”

We all laughed.

“I’m thirsty,” I said randomly.

“Come with me, we’ve got some drinks in the car,” Justin said taking my hand and walking over to the car with me.

“Do you always hold my hand everywhere?” I joked as we walked.

“Do you not want me to?” he asked.

How was I supposed to answer to that?

“Um,” I started, “Well, I kinda do want you to.”

I blushed. Oh my gawd. That just made it official to me. I was hooked.

“Good, cause I like it,” he said to me. I smiled at that.
So we got to the car and Justin handed me a cold bottle of water. I drank down some of it and Justin chugged his.

I watched as it slowly disappeared down his throat.

I looked at him like he was crazy, “What?” he asked.

I just laughed at him.

Then we heard the first notes of Justin’s song Up come through the hidden speakers. I had noticed that I could not see them anywhere.

Justin stood in front of me where I was sitting on the trunk.

“May I have this dance my lady?” he asked, offering his hand to me.

I looked at it and smiled. I gently placed my hand in his and we walked back to the dance floor where the others were also slow dancing now.

Justin placed his hands on my hips and my knees grew weak. I hadn’t had someone slow dance with me in forever.

I wrapped my arms around his neck.

He pulled me into him and placed our foreheads together.

I didn’t know what to do. Should say something? Should I just smile? Is he gonna kiss me?

Wait. Did I really just think that? Oh my god, what if he did kiss me?

We swayed together and I listened as Justin sang his song to me.

“Baby we can go nowhere but up, from here, my dear. Baby we can go nowhere but up, tell me what we’ve got to fear. We’ll take to the sky past the moon, through the galaxy, as long as you’re with me baby. Honestly, with the strength of our love, we can go nowhere but up,” he softly sang.

God this boy was getting to me. His voice was almost hypnotizing me. It probably didn’t help that this was my favorite song by him either.

I watched as his lips danced to the words, and I listened to the notes flow out of his mouth without a single mistake.

“Baby we were underground, we’re on the surface now, we gonna make it girl, I promise. If you believe in love, and you believe in us, we can go nowhere but up!” he sang.

And just as he ended the long note his lips were on mine; they were soft and tasted like mint.

Fireworks of butterflies exploded in the pit of my stomach and I swear my entire body was shaking and my heart was racing.

I felt his hand caress my face as our lips moved together. For my first kiss this was absolutely the best.

Then the song ended and so did our kiss. We pulled away and we smiled.

“So Up is your favorite song of mine?” he asked me.

“How did you find that out?” I asked him.

“I have my ways,” he whispered.

“Stalker,” I replied.

He chuckled.

“Only to you, baby,” he whispered again, sending shivers down my spine.

He then continued by placing his lips back on mine and licking my lip.

We kissed for a good while and I hadn’t even noticed that the music had stopped completely. As far as I knew Up was still playing, I could even still hear it.

“Aww!” I heard and Justin and I broke apart.

I looked over at Victoria and Alex.

Ryan had his arms around Victoria from behind and Alex had her arms wrapped around Chaz from the side and Chaz’s arms were around her.

They were grinning at us.

“How did we know they would end up making out?” Victoria said proudly.

I felt my face heat up.

“We were not making out,” I said shyly.

“Oh and sucking each other’s faces is so not making out,” Alex said sarcastically.
Justin and I laughed.

He looked at me, “We’ve been caught.”

“Apparently,” I said. I moved my arm to around his waist and hugged him closing my eyes.

He wrapped his arms around me and held me close.

“And I’m glad we were caught kissing,” I whispered.

“Me too,” he said to me.

We heard someone clear their throat.

“Well, uh, sorry to break your little moment but uh,” it was Ryan, “It’s almost midnight and the girls need to get home.”

I sighed, it was true. And I was just starting to enjoy this evening.

All of a sudden I was being picked up bridal style.

“Whoa!” I exclaimed.

Justin was smiling at me as he carried me over to the car.

“Justin! Put me down!” I yelled.

“Why?” he asked.

“Cause I hate it when people pick me up!” I said to him.

“Why?” he chuckled.

“Because it makes me feel fat!” I said. It was true, I didn’t like people carrying me in case they thought I was too heavy.

“You are not fat,” he said to me, “You feel like you weigh 60 pounds!”

I giggled, “Thanks.”

So he set me down when we reached the car and eventually it was just me and Justin in the car driving back to my house to drop me off.

We spent the time in the car with him holding me and me dosing off now and then. It was quiet but it was a good quiet. All I could hear was his breathing and his heartbeat and they were even better to listen to than his voice.

Soon though, we arrived at my house and Justin walked me up to the door.

“So,” he started, shoving his hand in his pockets.

“Listen,” I started, “I’m sorry for being mean earlier but I had a wonderful time.”

He grinned at me, “Good, that’s what I was hoping for. And I did too.”

We slowly inched closer and our lips met yet again, causing my body to act like it was high on something again. This boy never ceased to amaze me.

We separated but our faces stayed close.

Our noses touched and I whispered, “Goodnight, Justin.”

I turned and grabbed the door knob opening the front door.

“Wait!” I heard him.

I turned and looked at him, wondering what he was gonna say.

“So, you are my girlfriend now, right?” he asked scratching the back of his neck.

I chuckled and placed a hand on my hip, “No of course not, kissing you was gross that’s why I kissed back,” I said sarcastically.

“That hurt,” he said putting a fake frown on his face and a hand over his heart.

“Yes, I am Justin, now goodnight, boyfriend,” I said sweetly.

“Goodnight my love,” he said rushing up to me and giving me one last hug before turning and walking back down to the car. He walked backwards not taking his eyes off me and he waved and then ran into the car because he didn’t see it.

I laughed, and I could tell from where I was standing that he had blushed cause he scratched the back of his neck again, then he climbed into the car and it drove off down the street.

I closed the door smiling and shaking my head and I made my way upstairs and into my pajamas.

Then I checked my phone one last time as I climbed into bed and under my covers.

One New Message:

Unknown Number

Who is this? I wondered.

hello my love, i forgot 2 tell u

I Love You.


I grinned, saved his number into my phone, and typed a reply.

Reply to Justin<3:

I Love You too, my stalker. ;)
♠ ♠ ♠
So... this is very long... and I would say that I am very proud of it! And the layout too! I really like it haha.
Please please please comment!!!
I need comments to help me feel better and post more stories...
Thanks for reading. :)