Status: I have no clue

Hell of All Sorts

Unspoken Hell part one

I grew up despising religion and everything about it. I hated how it made you think a certain way and forced you to do certain things. I hated how it took away your independent thoughts, and that was everything to me.

Christianity believed in heaven and hell
Wicca believed in reincarnation
Atheism believed in nothing
Buddhism was focused on Buddha

Why did I want that? Why did I need that? To me hell is being in torture. And I hate to tell you but I lived in that.

People died every day in the world. And every few seconds people tried to take away individuality. We were all being lost in a see of stereotypical thinkers. To me this was just ridiculous.

How was I planning to get out of hell? Well you'll just have to wait and see, That much, is part of my plan for tomorrow.