The Blood Painted Cage

Chapter 19

I sat curled beside my silent creaking river. It was so cold the water had frozen solid, halting the flow of water that should be cascading down the miniature fall. In a way that saddened me. I liked hearing the roar of water. I found it quite soothing as I had something to focus on. However the woods were deadly silent apart from the chirping and crying of birds. The snow dampened sound and forced the creatures sleep. This haunting silent, bare, white world was like a corpse which didn’t brighten my mood in any way. If anything it caused it to become worse.

As the low sun slowly made its way across the sky I decided to move. Why Viorel had not come for me caused a stab of annoyance to tear at my heart which sickened me. I didn’t like feeling this. I hated the fact in my head I was going over and over what I didn’t want. I didn’t want to be a vampire. I didn’t want to have to drink blood to live. I didn’t want to be queen. It was just me. I didn’t think of how important I was to these immortal creatures and what I meant to them. I tried to but I just couldn’t. A darkness was gnawing at my heart, eating away at the good thoughts and replacing them with selfish ideas that refused to be silenced.

If I could cry any more about what I had worked out, I would. But the last of my tears were frozen on my face.

Shaking, I pushed myself out from the snow and stood, staring blearily into the darkness before I very hesitantly began to walk out into the woods. I plodded around aimlessly for a while and the temperature was getting lower and lower, so low even I began to feel it. But then again, I also hadn’t had any tea in a while. My body was probably unable to warm itself while it was weak.

I wrapped my arms around myself and vaguely watched the puffs of clouds that exploded from my mouth.

My maids had been giving me blood ever since I was found, weak and dying, forty-four years ago. They had told me I didn’t need it, that I was special. That I was not like every other vampire. Which is true I guess. I am the only member of the Sinclair clan, that in itself was special. I guessed they had told me this because of the way I reacted to their appearance the first time I had ever met a vampire.

Even curled up, shivering in the snow covered field, almost dead from being chased out of my shack after being too sick to work, I recognised the Elder and Dana as something inhuman. Something dangerous and nightmarish. I remember I had screamed when they took me away, screamed and cried, begging them not to kill me. They didn’t of course. Killing me was not their intention. They kept me in the Sinclair room’s within the Elder’s domain, leaving me scared and alone until slowly I calmed down and adjusted to Dana’s presence. And even after I had heard Dana’s words of vampirism over and over, I didn’t believe it. I think she realised that and spoke of it with Christof, coming to the conclusion that forcing this inhuman nature upon me was not the best idea. But they needed me alive and the only way that would happen was if I fed. They found the solution to that problem through my love of tea.

A shiver racked my body and my teeth suddenly began to chatter. I needed blood. I could feel a dull hunger in the pit of my stomach and the cold was getting worse but stubbornly I still battered that thought away.

Humanity was something I still wanted. I thought like human, had the soul of a human, which in turn, made me want to be human. I hated the fact I needed human blood to survive. But just because I hate it and didn’t want it, didn’t mean that I didn’t need it.

Heavily I collapsed onto the snow covered earth when my legs gave way. I scrabbled over to the nearest tree and leaned my back against it, resting my eyes as the cold began to numb my bones.

I sat there in silence and at first alone. Eventually I sensed someone else approaching me. They were in no hurry but neither did they seem to have an urge to be any slower. If I had the strength I could’ve reached out to feel who it was but I had to make do with the fact my sense were not alarmed. The unnamed stranger was familiar and an ally.

I waited patiently until a large figure was standing over me.

“You done?” Vincent asked me bluntly.

Hesitantly I nodded. My tears had run out and even my self-pity was beginning to run thin.

“Good, now get up. Your guards are worried and blaming themselves. It’s quite frankly irritating.” He said roughly.

I tried to move my legs but found them stuck. Everything was so very cold now.

“I can’t. It’s too cold.” I mumbled without looking up at him, knowing he was probably glaring.

He sighed sharply before his hands reached out and took my small hands. He hauled me onto my feet easily and dragged me close to him.

“Hold onto me for a moment.” He ordered as he took my shaking hands and helped them latch onto his shirt.

I had to lean against him heavily to stop me from falling over and I waited wordlessly as he shook his long coat from his broad shoulders and swiftly wrapped it around me. The coat swallowed me whole due to its enormous size but warmth tickled my cold body and a little bit of feeling returned. I barely had any time to prepare myself when Vincent suddenly bent down and easily lifted me into his arms. He didn’t say a word as he began to head off back to the house with me held close to his chest and almost hidden by his coat.

At first we were both silent, I was trying very hard to keep breathing and keep my face cool while he was probably mulling over his thoughts. Eventually he spoke.

“Tell me why you reacted like that.” He asked, not looking down at me.

I swallowed heavily. “I’m human.” I said simply.

“You’re a vampire, not human.” He corrected.

I shook my head. “I was raised as a human by a Russian couple who found me as a baby. I grew up thinking that supernatural things were myth and legend so being told I am one of those creatures never really sunk in. I think like a human and act like a human. I am not like a vampire at all.”

Vincent grunted. “We can fix that however I doubt you would want to. Just accept that you’re not human and it will make your life and everyone’s around you a hell of a lot easier.”


“No buts. All you need is a small amount of blood mixed in with tea to keep you alive with some strength which is far less than the average vampire. That is not a lot to ask of you seeing as you can still run around in the sun and not be harmed.” He said firmly.

My thoughts stumbled to a halt before I sighed heavily. Again Vincent’s logic shined a light in my mind and made me feel very stupid and childish. I had blown this knowledge of blood way out of proportion and thrown myself into a pit of despair for no real reason. I could still walk in the sun and I didn’t have to bite necks of humans. All I needed was a few drops in the drink I love. I could still see myself as a human if I wanted to, just as long as I fed enough to keep myself alive. That was hardly something to throw a paddy about.

I sighed again, this time one filled with depression which alerted Vincent.

“Don’t you agree with me?” He asked.

“I agree with you, Vince.” I mumbled reluctantly.

He stopped suddenly with his eyes fixated on my face so firmly my face grew warmer.

“Vince?” He echoed in an empty tone so I couldn’t tell whether he was amused or irritated.

I let my eyes flicker up to his face then looked away when his dark features were in a firm frown.

“Do you not want me to call you Vince?” I asked tentatively.

He shrugged and started to move once again, taking me out of the woods and began to head down the slopping fields towards the lights of my house.

“Call me what you like.” He muttered after a long pause.

I smiled up at him before I looked down at the back of my stupidly large manor.

“I should apologise to my maids and Viorel.” I mumbled to myself.

“Yes, you should.” Vincent agreed. “They didn’t follow as they felt they had no right to after deceiving you for so long. I didn’t bother to tell them otherwise. You needed time to yourself before someone came and battered some sense into you. Viorel was a little angry with me though after I stopped him.”

I nodded, knowing the a ‘little angry’ would’ve been an understatement. I looked back at Vincent with an inquisitive expression on my face.

“Why did you come get me? Why not let Viorel?” I asked.

“Viorel would’ve been much too kind to you.” He replied firmly. “Sometimes you need to be cuffed round the head to get your thoughts in order, not protected.”

I laughed loudly, letting myself smile uncontrollably. I couldn’t help it. What he said was true. I had always wanted someone to help me to do what was right in my duty. Dana was strong but she also protects me from myself, unlike this man. I knew then I had to keep Vincent close to me, to keep him by my side. Without him there to ridicule me, telling me bluntly when I was doing something wrong and not bothering to protect me from his thoughts or from my own fears and worries, I knew I was going to be a weak ruler.

I just hoped he realised that.

Vincent said nothing about my bubbling laughter which still rippled out of me as he gently placed me back on my feet after reaching the other side of my snow enveloped garden. He held me lightly at first to make sure my legs held me before he leaned forward and pushed the door open.

Instantly, heat rushed out and smothered my face pleasantly. Gently Vincent pushed me inside and followed, closing the door behind us. The sound of the door snapping shut was enough to alert Viorel who came skidding into the lounge, pale face and angry. However that anger melted away when he saw me standing just in front of Vincent who was towering over me, shivering slightly and almost invisible by the black coat I still had wrapped around me.

“Eva,” He cried and rushed forward to cup my face. “You’re cold.” He stated in a tone of relief.

I smiled and nodded before I frowned apologetically. “I am sorry for worrying needlessly but I am okay now. Vince’s logic put me back in my place.”

Viorel glanced up at Vincent who just grunted and wondered away, leaving me alone with my human ‘child’.

“Where are the maids?” I asked hesitantly.

“They are in the kitchen and very nervous.” He said, taking my hand and guiding me through the hall into the dining hall followed by the kitchen.

As he had said, my three loyal maids were seated around the table in the large sparkling kitchen. Dana was the first one to react. She instantly stood and came to stand before me with her head bowed.

“I am truly sorry Lady for deceiving you but we needed you alive. We could’ve force blood down your throat, but that would’ve only terrorised you. We had no option but to slip it in your tea.” She said thickly.

“I sort of worked that out by myself.” I said with a gentle smile.

Dana looked up, almost in synch with Sonia’s and Livia’s large eyes.

“You do not hold a grudge against us, Lady?” Livia asked.

“No, I don’t.” There was an audible sigh of relief. “I only wish that I was stronger. If you weren’t so scared that I would run away or do something stupid, you would’ve told me, I know. Although I am not ecstatic about the news, I have to cope with it. I have no choice. This is what I am, a vampire who is vaguely human.”

Dana tried to stop the smile spreading across her face but failed. “I am happy, Lady.”

I returned the smile with a grin. “Now can I have some tea please. I need to warm myself up.”

The three maids instantly leapt into life and I watched with a growing warmth as each woman chipped in to make the single cup of tea I had requested. I didn’t need to be physic to know they were filled with relief and joy. It humbled me that the idea of me holding a grudge against them caused them to become so depressed. They held me in such high thoughts that having me hate them was something close to devastating. I was lucky to have such loyal friends.

As I watched I noticed something strange happen. Sonia had lengthened one of her claws while Livia poured the hot brown liquid into a dainty cup and slid the sharp nail along her open palm. Without so much a batting an eye, Sonia held her hand over the cup and let a few droplets of blood splash into the liquid before scooping in one tea spoon of sugar.

“What are you doing Sonia?” I asked, confused.

Sonia looked up at me and blinked. “I am making your tea, Lady.” She replied matter of factly.

“I know but why are you adding your blood. Don’t I drink human blood?”

She shook her head once firmly and brought the steaming to me. “You’re a Silver, Lady. Silvers feed off of their own kind. You need vampire blood.”

My mouth formed an ‘o’ in both surprise and confusion. “Could you explain why?”

Sonia shrugged and looked back at Dana. “She knows more about it than myself.” She replied. “She did serve the last Sinclair two hundred years ago.”

I glanced back at Dana who was cleaning the cutlery at the other end of the kitchen. Dana had been looking for the line for two decades after her old master died. She was the one who found me in snow barren Russia and informed Christof of my discovery.


Her eyes flicked up to my face briefly before her attention slid back to her task. “Silver bloods are superior as you know but the fact they are above the average vampire and work differently means they need a type of blood and nutrients that will support them which is only found in their own lesser kind.” She explained.

I nodded my head silently not bothering to ask her to explain further as it sounded as if she was already telling me as simply as she could already.

“Now I advise you to sleep. You have had an...exciting day. It is best to rest and start anew in the morning.” She said gently yet firmly.

I smiled at her, agreeing heavily, and walked away with Viorel close behind me. As I slowly made my way back to my rooms, I sipped at the tea and surprised myself when I could easily keep it down even when I knew I was drinking my maid’s blood.

Viorel sat beside my bed once I had changed and had curled up underneath the sheets to the point only my white hair was showing. Vincent’s coat was placed at the edge of the bed and I watched it vaguely as I rested, waiting for sleep, knowing that I had finally accepted what I was.

I was a vampire. A rare vampire that had the limits of a human and needed the blood of of it's own kind to survive. I smiled weakly at the irony of it to myself and curled myself tighter under the blanket.

I guess I could live with that.