Lust For Her Master's Blood

Chapter 14

I walked in a brusque pace as I thought angrily to myself. I could feel the Master and Arnold watching me carefully, not saying a word as I paced back and forth in the master's study, showing the irritation and anger that they both felt. The Master had a call to arms spread across the Clan and any who were capable fighters were preparing to leave. The numbers were low, no more than ten to fifteen which was no surprise. The vampires living under this roof were young and weak, seeking shelter from the dangers such as mature werewolves. And I knew the numbers were not good enough. The messages we had been receiving from the bats that were sent out to track down Ella had all come back saying the same. Two hour drive and right into the belly of the beast to find her. And that meant an all out battle just to get inside. The werewolves would be prepared for a frontal assault or any kind of sneak attack. And there would be the whole pack there, not just a small handful.

I stopped abruptly when a sharp squeak came from the window and a bat fluttered in. It instantly swooped towards the Master and latched onto his broad shoulder. I watched with sharp and impatient eyes as the creature relayed its information to the vampire. The Master's face was impassive through out, and with him holding a thick wall between our bond, I could not read whether the news was good or bad.

Slowly the Master sighed heavily. “They know we are watching. The Alpha shouted his demands for the bats to hear so they would take the message to us. We have no more than three hours before they kill her.”

A cold chill shivered down my spine and fear began to nibble away. I couldn’t let that happen to Ella, I just couldn’t.

“And what do they want in return for Ella’s life?” I snapped then swore when Lucius gave me a dark look, realising the answer for myself. “The Mother.” I muttered.

“So what do we do?” Arnold asked calmly.

“We have to attack, we have no choice now. Trying for a sneak attack may work but it will turn out to be a bloody battle either way.” He turned his attention to me and gave me a long and very thoughtful look. “I will need you Susan.”

“I was intending to go whether or not you wanted my help.”

“No, I mean the mark, I shall temporarily release it and allow you to use your Matter.”

I blinked heavily, not quite believing what he had just said.

“You will release me?”

“Only for as long as we need your power. Once this is over and Ella is safe your will be under lock and key again.” He said firmly, squashing any thoughts of freedom from my mind.

But all the same, the temporary control of my Matter again excited me. I could briefly become what I was meant to be, a hunter of the dark creatures.

“What does the bat say about the werewolves positions?” I asked quickly, masking my joy from my face though I knew the Master could feel it from the smile that was playing at his lips.

There was a brief pause as the creature squeaked its reply.

“The lair is an old factory sight on the outskirts of the city. There are about fifteen who guard the entrances and the roof.”

“Then it is those we take out first.” Arnold said.

I looked at him with my eyebrows raised. “We?”

“Yes Susan, we. I will be going with you.” He said, smiling gently.

“But why? You would only be a burden for the team.” I said bluntly.

“He comes Susan. You will understand soon enough.” The Master said.

I gave him a questioning look but he ignored me.

“We will have to split into two groups and sweep the whole area. The bats know she is in there but cannot get close enough to find out exactly where without being shot. Susan,” He said, turning his dark eyes up at me. “You will lead one group and I the other. This way both groups will be in communication without the use of technology that will instantly alert any wolves that we are inside.”

The Master was about to speak to Arnold but was cut off. “I will go with Susan and make sure she does not get into any trouble.”

The Master smiled gently in what appeared to be silent thanks while I frowned at the old man’s comment.

“It’s not me who is going to get in trouble Arnold, it’s you.”

Arnold just smiled knowingly at me, almost as if he was laughing at me. I glared at him in reply which only made his eyes brighter with mirth.

The sudden crashing of the study doors opening alerted all of us. While I whirled around, preparing for an attack, Arnold and Lucius stood rapidly from their seats. When we saw it was Alphonse we all seemed to exhale in relief at once.

The young master was holding his side were Lucius had raked his claws on his stomach from his brief moment of insanity and the wounds on his cheek was healing slowly. The would probably leave scars. The only reason the wounds were not healing quickly, unlike other more serious wounds the young master had gained in his life time, was because the Master was blood related. Any vampire that attacks its own kin will most likely die from any wounds he gains from his opponent, all because they share the same blood. No one understood why but it seemed that kin and blood was everything in the vampire world and very controlling. I nearly turned to the Master when I felt a sharp stab of guilt and sadness dart through the wall but decided now was not the time to get all sentimental.

“I am coming too.” Alphonse said quickly.

“No.” Was the instant reply from the Master.

This time I turned to look at him and saw a stern and dark expression on his face.

“They took Ella because of me.” Alphonse cried. “I need to help her, I have to.”

The Master growled in reply, not liking the fact his nephew was arguing with his decision to keep him safe.

“You are still recovering from your wounds, young master.” Arnold said gently. “We can not guarantee that we will get you out alive with your current weakened state.”

“I don’t care.” Alphonse snapped. “Just... just let me come. I will kill the bastard who stole Ella from me and make him pay for what he has done to her. I don’t care whether or not I live if she is safe.” His eyes darted to his uncle. “You would do the same in my position.” He said meaningfully.

I frowned deeply at the comment while a snarl rippled from behind me. Silence flooded in quickly as the two vampires stared with hostility at each other, willing one another to back down. Slowly I sighed, giving in to the determination in the suicidal vampire's eyes and the obvious love he had for my charge.

“Let him come, Master.” I said with my eyes closed in defeat. “If he sticks with me I can make sure he lives.”

I felt anger swell from him and the feeling of being trapped and then, ever so slowly, he gave in.

“Fine,” He snapped and turned his attention to Arnold sharply. “Make sure they come back to me alive and unharmed Arnold. I will not be impressed if you lose them.”

The butler nodded and smiled. “I will not fail you, Master. I have not done so yet and I don’t intend to start just at the end of my years.”

“Then get yourselves organised.” He said, turning his attention to myself and his nephew. “I want to be leaving in the next five minutes. Time is running out.”

Once we nodded in agreement he turned and stormed from his study. Arnold did not hesitate and shuffled over to a small painting that was hanging beside the fireplace. I knew what he was doing as I watched him move the painting from the wall to reveal and strong looking safe. He twiddled with the lock and, after the satisfying click had echoed in the air, swung the door open and pulled out a thick box with an old sack on top from inside.

I was surprised that he could lift it without much effort and brought it over to the Master's oak desk and gently placed it on the unmarked surface. I came to stand beside Arnold while Alphonse hovered behind me, watching with interest at what the butler was doing. The sack was swiftly handed to me and my hands instantly delved into the contents. I smiled happily when the soft material of her mother’s hunting uniform met my fingers. It had been a long time since I had touched those clothes.

With keen eyes I watched as the box was opened and my heart leaped with joy at the sight of the old weapons. The two strange guns with purple and silver tinted iron glinted in welcome in the study light.

“Take them and get ready.” Arnold said quickly as I smiled happily at my family’s old weapons which had been locked away, far from my reach.

I nodded and waited for Arnold to usher Alphonse from the study before I stripped from my normal attire and slipped on the black body suit. I quickly buckled the belts, tied the boots and placed each weapon in their respected holder before I turned and left the study. I ignored the wary and shocked looks of the fellow servants and vampires as I strode to the front door and into the aging night. It did not take long for the others to appear. One by one they came, armed and ready for battle, even the young master was equipped with guns filled with silver bullets and standing beside me as if he was not weak from the horrific wounds on his body. Once all seventeen of us had gathered the Master appeared. After he gave me one long dark look, he turned and gave the order. Less than two minutes later we were driving in numerous cars into the city, edging our way to the opposite side where the factory stood, and hoping Ella was still alive and that we will live to see the morning.