Lust For Her Master's Blood

Chapter 22

I did not notice her at first, the woman who was watching me from the shadows. It was only when the strange sensation of eyes never straying from me that I looked up from scrubbing the floor and saw the half hidden figure.

She was standing behind the door frame, her pale face peeking round with her dark lank hair covering her face yet failing to dampen the sharpness of her blue eyes. For a moment neither of us spoke, we just observed each other in silence. Slowly, the woman pushed herself away from the frame and entered the hall I was cleaning.

She was small and with a slight figure that was engulfed by a single white dress, making her appear childish and frail. Her skin was pale, almost sickly and her arms remained limp by her side as she stepped over the wooden floor with silent and bare footed steps. However the eyes were what captivated me, with awe or fear I couldn’t tell. The sharp eyes that stared at me, assessing me, never wavered. The eyes of a predator. There was no doubt in my mind then that she was a vampire and my face instantly became blank. She was a vampire I did not recognise, which meant she was not from this house and a possible threat to the Clan.

She hunkered down next to me and wrapped her arms around her knees so she could rest her chin on them. Again we were silent in the contest of sizing each other up. Suddenly a smile spread across her face, a broad grin that softened the danger in her white face.

“Who are you?” She asked. Her voice was young and tired, as if she had just woken up.

“Susan Lowell, madam.” I replied smoothly.

“Hello Susan. You must be new as I have not met you. The last time I came here was no more than sixty years ago.” She informed me happily.

I nodded my head and turned hesitantly back to my task. I didn't like speaking with her. It sent a strange cold chill up my spine. “If you may excuse me, madam, but I have work I must get on with.”

“Oh no, no. You must talk with me. I shall speak with the Master about it if he scolds you.” She insisted.

I frowned, the first expression I allowed to pass onto my face. “What do you wish to speak to me about?”

“Anything and everything.” She said. “I have been gone an awful long time Susan and I want to know what I have missed.”

I put the brush in the bucket and wiped my hands on my frilly apron. “I shall try but I have only been here for eleven years. I won’t know as much as the older servants. You should try talking to Arnold, madam, he would be of more use to you.”

She shook her head. “I want you to tell me what you know. I won’t talk to that old geezer unless I must.” She replied firmly.

I smiled at her description of Arnold which would have instantly made me like her if it wasn’t for the aura of death and disaster that surrounded her.

“If you insist however I fear I will have to disappoint you. Nothing much has happened over the years I have been here.” I lied, forcing the chaotic memories of my life to the back of my mind. “The only incident is a Parasite infestation in the city five years ago.”

I kept my poker face firmly in position as she stared at me. It was hard, which was a first for me. Normally I could lie to anyone’s face without giving anything away, however the icy blue eyes that stared at me with such an emotionless gaze unnerved me. She still smiled but everything about her seemed so cruel now, as if there wasn’t an ounce of kind happiness behind that malevolent smile.

“Pity that.” She replied with a sigh and then froze and twitched her head to the side, as if she had heard something.

In one smooth motion she pushed herself onto her feet. She stood languidly on the spot as she watched the door at the other end of the hall. I was about to ask what the matter was, having heard nothing myself, however she looked down at me with the return of her twisted joyful smile.

“He comes this way.” She giggled.

I frowned in confusion however that was swatted away when the bond exploded. Rage and fear ripped through my mind, enveloping me completely. I grunted from shock and kept my head low, praying the woman did not notice the sudden crack in my poker face. I struggled with the urge to run to the Master’s side, to calm him and ask him what was wrong. However I had this stranger with me and she was someone I did not want roaming around the house freely.

Sounds began to erupt around the house. People calling and running, filled with fear and chaos and as the master approached the more emotions I could feel. They were becoming so strong I could almost taste it. I looked up sharply when chuckle came from the vampire in front of me. Her face was glowing with joy and her twisted smile had grown.

“I have missed this place.” She said with a contented sigh.

She looked up when angry footsteps approached the door. I did not need to see who it was to know. The masculine scent and powerful aura was enough for me to know it was the Master. And he was not happy.

He stood just beyond the doors threshold with his hands stuffed in his jean pockets, his dark eyes focused on the pale smiling woman. It was then that a horrible sense of realisation began to pool like ice in my mind.

“You did not call us Morrigan.” He accused.

The vampire called Morrigan smiled joyfully. “No I did not. I thought it would be entertaining to see how you would react, Lucius.” She replied.

“It caused chaos just as you suspected. Now come, Alphonse is just gathering blood for you.”

Morrigan walked lightly over to the master and stood before him, dwarfing herself unintentionally. She stood on her toes and gently cupped his strong face.

“You are much too good to me Lucius.” She whispered although I swear there was a hint of mockery held deep within the tone.

She turned briefly to me and waggled her fingers in farewell, smiling her horribly perfect smile at me.

“See you soon Susan.” She said cheerfully.

“Yes madam.” I replied with a stiff nod.

She gave the Master one smile before she twirled past him and skipped out of the room, singing as she went.

My eyes instantly claimed the Master's and silently demanded who the hell that woman was through a glare. He shook his head and placed a finger to his mouth and nudged gently at the bond, hinting gently that he could not speak out loud.

Grudgingly I let my mental wall down and he instantly flooded into my mind, forcing my face to become blank to try and keep the knowledge of how happy and content I was when the warmth of his mind touched mine. Not that keeping my face blank did any good. He was smiling at me which was irritatingly causing my stomach to knot itself.

'I must leave you Susan', he said with a sigh, 'but I will explain everything you need to know through the bond. She cannot hear us like this.'

'She?' I thought back looking at his now sombre face evenly.

'Yes. I shall leave now. Be very careful Susan and keep yourself safe please. Do not give her an opening in any way.' He said firmly.

He gave me one small smile before he turned and left after Morrigan, leaving me to continue with my work. The Master’s mind was still there, warm and comforting to whatever the hell was going on.

'Who was that woman Lucius?' I demanded as my patience wearing thin.

He laughed gently in my mind. 'I do like it when you’re angry Susan.'

My mind grinded to a halt at the unexpected comment. 'What? Why?'

'It is the only time you call me by my name.' He stated.

A warm blush grasped my face and I began to scrub the floor harder and glared furiously at the frothy mess. 'Stop dodging the question!' I yelled. 'Tell me who she was!'

Heavily he sighed in defeat. 'Alright, Susan. Calm yourself. That woman was Morrigan who you only know as the Mother.'

I froze again, although what the Master said wasn’t too much of shock. Throughout the conversation with Morrigan and watching her beautiful and cold features, I felt something not right, something vindictive behind her smile and gentle words.

'How did you not know she had woken?'

'She made sure we did not know, she mimicked her sleeping state in her mind giving both myself and Alphonse the impression she was still asleep. However she could only keep this up for a little while. I felt something conscious after she had been awake for an hour.' He paused. 'She did not harm you did she?'

'No. She just asked what had happened while she was asleep.' I then suddenly remembered something, what Morrigan had said which contradicted what Arnold had told me over a month ago. Without hesitating I stated my confusion. 'Arnold told me she had been asleep for over a century.'

'Yes.' The Master replied with a hint of suspicion.

'Morrigan told me she had been asleep for sixty years.'

'She lied, it is what she does.' He replied quickly, rather too quickly for my liking. And I did not like the fact he suddenly withdrew slightly.

I pushed my annoyance through the bond and my doubt of his answer to let himknow I did not believe him but dropped the subject. I could beat the answer out of him later.

'What do we do now the Mother is awake?' I asked, not bother to hide my irritated tone.

'We keep you safe that’s what. Remember to use that perfume Eva made for you and to keep your witch aura hidden. We must make sure she does not find out what you are.'

'And how long must we keep this act up?' I asked.

'She goes to sleep faster every time she wakes so probably no more than forty years.'

'Forty years?!' I bellowed and threw the brush in the bucket in a fit of anger, unintentionally getting my dress wet in the process. Not that I cared right then. 'How the hell are we going to keep this up for forty years?!'

'We will Susan, we have to.' He said firmly.

I snorted. 'You might as well kill me now Lucius and preserving my blood somewhere if you are worried about me turning rogue. It would save us from the hell that will happen with Morrigan.'

'I did not save you just to kill you now!' He roared. 'And I will not let you die, not by my hands or by the Mother’s!'

We fell silent as we battered each other with our rage and irritation at the situation we were now in. Slowly we calmed down enough to be civil and stopped mentally baring our fangs.

'You live Susan. We both live. I won’t have that changed just because that woman is awake.'

'Fine. But if things start going wrong kill me and preserve my blood so you can stay sane for a little longer. I don’t want to be used as a tool of chaos for Morrigan.' I replied sharply.

'It will not-'

'Promise me Lucius!' I snapped. 'Promise me that you kill me if it becomes the worst case scenario and that you will keep going for as long as you possibly can without my blood.'

The Master paused heavily for a long time. His rage boiled away and he snarled dangerously in my mind in resentment to my request. But eventually he gave in.

'If that is what you want. If it the worst case scenario becomes reality, we die.'

My chest tightened from fear and my irritation grated from the reaction. 'I never said anything about you dying.'

'We die together or we live together. I cannot exist if you are not by my side Susan and that is final.' He growled and slammed the bond shut so violently my head received a sharp pounding of pain and stars began to dance in my vision.

Cradling my head in my hands as I rode the pain out, I swore violently and loudly in anger. I didn’t want him to die if I had to. I really didn’t want him to. It scared me beyond belief. And I hated that. I hated what he did to me, hated that I felt such concern for him and joy when he smiled at me or gave me attention. It was ludicrous!

As I called the Master every name under the sun as loudly as possible, my mind reeled as I thought of ideas of how to detach his need of me. Gradually my anger and swearing receded and an idea came to me. If I could find a way to cure his addiction for my blood, the Master would not have to die when I did. And I had an idea of who could help me. Hope fluttered in my mind however it was hunkered down by one thought.

It meant I had to speak to Eva Sinclair. Suddenly I loathed this idea very much.